Sounds like a perfect opportunity for some conference espionage. Export our player strike to SEC-cares cuntry and bring the whole thing down. It's basically the unprotected exhaust chute on the Death Star.
Coach O’s “Glad that USC thing never worked out” LSU Tigers
Almost voted for Mississippi State because of Leach + picking LSU after they (we?) just won the ship is a mite unbecoming, but I've always liked #mytigahs and would have voted even if they went a Sarkish 7-6 last year. Awesome stadium, fans, and food..and Coach O lol
You jerkoffs must not really care about football.
With @Doog_de_Jour on, uh, on board, #OurCocks are in good hands.
They're going to love him in Starkville, no doubt about it.
War Eagle, bitches.