Probably. In that book, he essentially describes getting sick of the shit, much of which he'd eagerly joined in on.
Yeah he's an amazing writer who I sense is becoming more conservative over time. For most, it's a natural occurrence.
Eh, I don't think he's any kind of conservative. More that he's fully aware of the bullshit ruining REAL liberalism.
He's not conservative, but he seems so when directly compared with today's far left
So I guess I'd like to know what people think is conservative? I believe in freedoms of all kinds. I am very socially liberal on some issues but some would condemn me as a right winger for believing in God and advocating for small government and the privatization of most of it.
Limited government, but with an emphasis on traditional family values (typically in the vision of the nuclear family of the 50s-60s).
"Socially liberal" is all relative today, as the last ten years have brought a massive shift of that group's priorities into mainstream acceptance. Today's "social liberal" has moved well beyond weed and gay rights.
Its amazing to watch the shift as someone who has actually been a "leave everyone the fuck alone" centrist... Not a fake centrist.
I was more liberal on social issues (gay marriage, weed, citizen spying, international war, censorship, patriot act) than Obama, but because of the crazy shift in the past few years I am now called a alt-right nazi Russian troll.
The left isn't liberal... Its authoritarian
Classical liberals that typically voted democrat and constitutional conservatives that typically voted republican are essentially the same group now.
It's definitely a good encapsulation of the horshoe theory. Today's far left has gone well past freedom from government intervention as it relates to civil rights, and all the way back to attempting to use government as a tool to right perceived historical wrongs and press their worldview on any cultural institution they can influence. Healthy dissent is no longer a virtue.
As someone who is in fact socially liberal, I'm still sympathetic to their intentions. But the approach of "agree with us or get steamrolled" isn't a cliff I'm willing to jump off with them.
IDK... I think its been made pretty clear the intentions are collectivism not liberalism.
Thats not something I, or anyone who believes is social liberty/freedom, is sympathetic to.
Props to Ronnie for banging Jane Wyman and then bagging hot young Nancy (note pearl necklace).
Ronnie was a noted cocksman.
He always remained a B-movie actor but Reagan, it is said, made it into the beds of a string of A-list actresses, including Lana Turner, Ava Gardner, Doris Day, Betty Grable and even Marilyn Monroe.
Thats not something I, or anyone who believes is social liberty/freedom, is sympathetic to.
Props to Ronnie for banging Jane Wyman and then bagging hot young Nancy (note pearl necklace).
Ronnie was a noted cocksman.
He always remained a B-movie actor but Reagan, it is said, made it into the beds of a string of A-list actresses, including Lana Turner, Ava Gardner, Doris Day, Betty Grable and even Marilyn Monroe.
It's certain Ava didn't lack for male attention: