Trump Tower, Gasbag. Being shitty at collusion is still collusion.
What was the collusion? And why is the Trump Tower meeting such obvious collusion to you and Hillary paying a foreign national for Russian disinformation in order to impact the election wasn't collusion? Now dodge the fucking question like the Kunt you are Dazzler.
I never cited the Steele Dossier for any purpose, blob. Not the first time I’ve had to remind you.
You defended to the death and continue to defend the corrupt pieces of shit that used the dossier for a three year witch hunt and still claim collusion but you never cited it?
Fuck off
Plenty of evidence in plain sight for those who don’t suck orange cock.
But crack partisan prosecutors/attorneys/politicians couldn't find it in three years.
Real collusion. This is why leftist imbeciles such as @HHusky have to keep their mouth breathing base focused on one narrative at a tim.
Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
And the Dazzler has never said a word against Hillary and the DNC's actions.
The crimes RATs committed to engineer their hit jobs on Trump deserve decades in jail. They'd all be pardoned by the next Marxist to take up residence in the White House anyway but it would be great to see some justice in this criminally corrupt country.
Trump Tower, Gasbag. Being shitty at collusion is still collusion.
Embarrassing and pathetic
I’m old enough to remember when Charles Krauthammer was a conservative.
You’re ALSO old enough to remember when Krauthammer was a Democrat, “Mr. Conservative”.
Krauthammer was a speechwriter for VP Walter Mondale. He spent a lengthy period of his political career writing for the New Republic, Time magazine and the Washington Post, all bastions of conservatism.
Avoid substance and facts. Stick to what you do best: the one-line insults . . .
Was he a liberal when he wrote that the Trump Tower meeting was collusion?
Did he know that the meeting was a total set up and that they never discussed anything illegal? Mueller was indicting people for anything he could cook up but for some odd reason there were no indictments coming out of this meeting.
Poasted to help you with your memory, “Counselor”.
“In July 2017 following the release by Donald Trump Jr. of the email chain about the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Krauthammer opined that even bungled collusion is still collusion.“
Seems my memory was correct.
NOC what he said
Opinion is not fact. Three years of an anal probe and nothing
I’m gonna have to go with the reasonable, brilliant guy.
So you think opinion trumps a federal investigation
You really are that stupid
The federal investigation did not turn up sufficient evidence to prosecute for conspiracy. That’s it. Mueller made a point of saying this did not mean there was no evidence of a conspiracy.
So “exonerated“ for you gals amounts to a determination that conspiracy could not be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Congrats to you and Daddy.
Poasted to help you with your memory, “Counselor”.
“In July 2017 following the release by Donald Trump Jr. of the email chain about the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Krauthammer opined that even bungled collusion is still collusion.“
Seems my memory was correct.
NOC what he said
Opinion is not fact. Three years of an anal probe and nothing
I’m gonna have to go with the reasonable, brilliant guy.
So you think opinion trumps a federal investigation
You really are that stupid
The federal investigation did not turn up sufficient evidence to prosecute for conspiracy. That’s it. Mueller made a point of saying this did not mean there was no evidence of a conspiracy.
So “exonerated“ for you gals amounts to a determination that conspiracy could not be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Congrats to you and Daddy.
3 years illegal taps and they couldn't prove anything! Nothing. Give it up.
Trump Tower, Gasbag. Being shitty at collusion is still collusion.
Embarrassing and pathetic
I’m old enough to remember when Charles Krauthammer was a conservative.
You’re ALSO old enough to remember when Krauthammer was a Democrat, “Mr. Conservative”.
Krauthammer was a speechwriter for VP Walter Mondale. He spent a lengthy period of his political career writing for the New Republic, Time magazine and the Washington Post, all bastions of conservatism.
Avoid substance and facts. Stick to what you do best: the one-line insults . . .
Was he a liberal when he wrote that the Trump Tower meeting was collusion?
Did he know that the meeting was a total set up and that they never discussed anything illegal? Mueller was indicting people for anything he could cook up but for some odd reason there were no indictments coming out of this meeting.
How do you “set up” an unwilling conspirator? Anyway, we were talking about collusion. I’m gonna go with the McGill grad on this.
Poasted to help you with your memory, “Counselor”.
“In July 2017 following the release by Donald Trump Jr. of the email chain about the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Krauthammer opined that even bungled collusion is still collusion.“
Seems my memory was correct.
NOC what he said
Opinion is not fact. Three years of an anal probe and nothing
I’m gonna have to go with the reasonable, brilliant guy.
So you think opinion trumps a federal investigation
You really are that stupid
The federal investigation did not turn up sufficient evidence to prosecute for conspiracy. That’s it. Mueller made a point of saying this did not mean there was no evidence of a conspiracy.
So “exonerated“ for you gals amounts to a determination that conspiracy could not be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Congrats to you and Daddy.
Mueller also made a point of not mentioning that he knew at the time he was appointed that there was no evidence of Trump or the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians.
He also knew that Flynn hadn't done anything wrong and that the FBI agents who interviewed him didn't believe that he had lied to them. Mueller also knew that the dossier which was the entire basis for the FISA warrants against Carter Page was complete crap and yet he still said nothing. Mueller also knew at the time that the reports in the NYTimes who's cock never left your mouth, was publishing pure bullshit with their claims about Trump's campaign being in direct and repeated contact with Russian intelligence officials.
Mueller made a point of not saying a lot of things that he knew would exonerate Trump and he made a point of continuing an investigation that he knew was bogus in order to impact the mid-term elections.
Btw, Mueller who was appointed with the directive to look into Russian interference in the 2016 election never interviewed anyone from the Hillary campaign and never once looked into the origins of the dossier and whether it might have been Russian disinformation, which we know now it almost certainly was.
Suck Mueller's wizened cock harder you fucking hack.
Poasted to help you with your memory, “Counselor”.
“In July 2017 following the release by Donald Trump Jr. of the email chain about the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Krauthammer opined that even bungled collusion is still collusion.“
Seems my memory was correct.
NOC what he said
Opinion is not fact. Three years of an anal probe and nothing
I’m gonna have to go with the reasonable, brilliant guy.
So you think opinion trumps a federal investigation
You really are that stupid
The federal investigation did not turn up sufficient evidence to prosecute for conspiracy. That’s it. Mueller made a point of saying this did not mean there was no evidence of a conspiracy.
So “exonerated“ for you gals amounts to a determination that conspiracy could not be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Congrats to you and Daddy.
Mueller is a demented old man who, like Biden, barely knows his name. He was a usefull, diot tool of the deep state used to enrage the the fuctarded foot soldiers. Carry on comrade.
Poasted to help you with your memory, “Counselor”.
“In July 2017 following the release by Donald Trump Jr. of the email chain about the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Krauthammer opined that even bungled collusion is still collusion.“
Seems my memory was correct.
NOC what he said
Opinion is not fact. Three years of an anal probe and nothing
I’m gonna have to go with the reasonable, brilliant guy.
So you think opinion trumps a federal investigation
You really are that stupid
The federal investigation did not turn up sufficient evidence to prosecute for conspiracy. That’s it. Mueller made a point of saying this did not mean there was no evidence of a conspiracy.
So “exonerated“ for you gals amounts to a determination that conspiracy could not be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Congrats to you and Daddy.
3 years illegal taps and they couldn't prove anything! Nothing. Give it up.
You have to understand this stupid fuck argued in favor of the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” meme long after even a mentally challenged human would have thrown in the towel.
HH really gives a shit about collusion and treason. It's why he's all over Biden for Burisma and his CCP deals.
He won’t even acknowledge the Clinton campaign and the DNC paying for dirt on Trump from a British agent, and leaking that info to Michael Isikoff before the election. Or we? get the lie that the RNC paid for Steele to start the Dossier first, which is 100% Fake News yet The News and the liars on the Left still push that lie.
Matt Taibibibibibbbiiiibibibiiiii tried to warn his fellow liberals, and the country, about this.
Funny story about The Real Matt Taibbi and the old Dawgman unleashed board...
Only time I set up an alt account. Had a lot of fun with it with Darth and a few other of the previous iterations of HHusky...even made a Yahoo email account for it. After I had fun with it for a bit left it alone...about 6 months later came back and logged into the Yahoo email account. Had a bunch of emails from various news outlets asking for "Matt Taibbi's" comments on various news items, interview requests, and such. Even a couple of his relatives (I think it was an uncle or something) emailed general chit-chat stuff. Kinda frightened me afterwards on how easy it would be to spoof someone...never logged back into that account since.
So “exonerated“ for you gals amounts to a determination that conspiracy could not be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Congrats to you and Daddy.
He also knew that Flynn hadn't done anything wrong and that the FBI agents who interviewed him didn't believe that he had lied to them. Mueller also knew that the dossier which was the entire basis for the FISA warrants against Carter Page was complete crap and yet he still said nothing. Mueller also knew at the time that the reports in the NYTimes who's cock never left your mouth, was publishing pure bullshit with their claims about Trump's campaign being in direct and repeated contact with Russian intelligence officials.
Mueller made a point of not saying a lot of things that he knew would exonerate Trump and he made a point of continuing an investigation that he knew was bogus in order to impact the mid-term elections.
Suck Mueller's wizened cock harder you fucking hack.