With a net worth of $8 mil, maybe he can learn the difference between affect & effect.
When your that rich you don’t have to be concerned with such plebeian things like grammar.
Spell check killed spelling
And in a random thought - after a few years away from an office using a cell phone I found myself incapable of using a land line. From one touch dial to having to dial it out under intense pressure because if you take too long it hangs up. First world problems
With a net worth of $8 mil, maybe he can learn the difference between affect & effect.
When your that rich you don’t have to be concerned with such plebeian things like grammar.
Spell check killed spelling
And in a random thought - after a few years away from an office using a cell phone I found myself incapable of using a land line. From one touch dial to having to dial it out under intense pressure because if you take too long it hangs up. First world problems
With a net worth of $8 mil, maybe he can learn the difference between affect & effect.
When your that rich you don’t have to be concerned with such plebeian things like grammar.
Spell check killed spelling
And in a random thought - after a few years away from an office using a cell phone I found myself incapable of using a land line. From one touch dial to having to dial it out under intense pressure because if you take too long it hangs up. First world problems
With a net worth of $8 mil, maybe he can learn the difference between affect & effect.
When your that rich you don’t have to be concerned with such plebeian things like grammar.
Spell check killed spelling
And in a random thought - after a few years away from an office using a cell phone I found myself incapable of using a land line. From one touch dial to having to dial it out under intense pressure because if you take too long it hangs up. First world problems
When Sports Washington came out - ended with Lambo
When Rick got hired - ended with Gilby
When Petersen got hired - ended with 8 and 5
I'm out again
I follow it because I’m here. I know I shouldn’t tho. I didn’t for years and have always thought it’s dumb. Wake me up when we sign 5 star guys. Until then, we need a great coach to take our top 10-20 class to the natty.