We know the death rate was very low. We know deaths were over counted in a big way. We put Corky 2 down in May of 2020 and he's a covid death
When covid broke I thought well maybe they know it's that bad because they know it's a weapon. Hence the fear and lockdowns
But it wasn't deadly. I mean if you know someone who died thoughts and prayers but people die all the time
So the logical issue is
If it is a weapon it sucks
Or did it leak before it was super-sized
Just something I've wondered. The great minds of covid are on this board so thought I would throw it out
The reaction was far more deadly than the virus
Brought us Cho Bai Den with the full support of the dazzler and his ilk. Destroy the US economy and the guy who recognized the chicoms as threat seems like maybe two out of three ain't bad.
We know the death rate was very low. We know deaths were over counted in a big way. We put Corky 2 down in May of 2020 and he's a covid death
When covid broke I thought well maybe they know it's that bad because they know it's a weapon. Hence the fear and lockdowns
But it wasn't deadly. I mean if you know someone who died thoughts and prayers but people die all the time
So the logical issue is
If it is a weapon it sucks
Or did it leak before it was super-sized
Just something I've wondered. The great minds of covid are on this board so thought I would throw it out
The reaction was far more deadly than the virus
Brought us Cho Bai Den with the full support of the dazzler and his ilk. Destroy the US economy and the guy who recognized the chicoms as threat seems like maybe two out of three ain't bad.
That is what happened. So maybe the fear was enough without actually killing everyone
Once Joe was in no more death count and the backtracks began
A few lie about their prior positions (Fow Chee). Fewer admit they are/were wrong (dementia patient). Most dems just are quiet and waiting for their next chance to impose restrictions on the public.
Absolutely no accountability and a great example of the MSM suck up to an absolute scientific moron. Constantly wrong, but constantly back on TV to be congratulated on how lucky they were to have him on their side.
At his Racket News site, Matt Taibbi has a new subscribers-only post on Dr. Peter Hotez, star of stage and screen during the Covid epidemic. Taibbi calls his post “Notes from the Memory Hole: The Great Double-Talking Vaccine Scientist.” The long post by Taibbi comments on a video mashup by Matt Orfalea of Hotez’s greatest hits. Taibbi introduces the video in his post:
Few health figures have been more visible during the pandemic than Dr. Peter Hotez. Interviews by the Director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development are a master class in modern day branding, as the good doctor seldom appears without an instantly recognizable ensemble of lab coat, specs, and bow tie. (If cable TV had a Halloween Party, Hotez-in-a-bag would surely have been one of the most popular get-ups from 2020 on.) Hotez advertises his marketing acumen, making sure every time he appears on air that the shot is crammed with posed copies of his books. He’s become a legit pop culture phenom, appearing with Trevor Noah, TMZ, CNBC, CNN, Fox and beyond.
Like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Hotez was among the most prominent members of the “Your child will die in shrieking agony if you don’t get the shot” school of pandemic messaging. As Matt Orfalea’s brutal new video shows, however, he accrued more contradictory dosage recommendations on this score than Imelda Marcos had shoes….
There are many accounts to be settled in the wake of the Covid disaster. Dr. Peter Hotez’s is probably not high on the list, but his case is illustrative and history has its claims. Taibbi aptly concludes his post: “Orf’s painstaking edits are a reminder that many of our current public figures are counting on the now-common media injunction to forget anything said yesterday, in favor of all being babbled today. If you don’t want to let them get away with it, please share these videos of Matt’s. Laughter in that sense might be good medicine after all.”
Things some of us knew in the spring of 2020. Things that Fow Chee, the MSM, the dem party, and the dazzler lied about. The important thing though was not to call it the China virus or Wuhan Flu. That would be bad form and a sign of poor character.
Covid's Patient Zero Was... One of the Chinese Lab Workers Playing With Covid, Say... Chinese Government Officials —Ace
So. Fauci and The Regime lied all along.
The Covid pandemic's patient zero may have been identified -- and he was not the unlucky consumer of a dodgy soup at a Wuhan wet market. Instead, according to new reports this week three separate Chinese government officials have all named scientist Ben Hu, who was in charge of gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as the first human to be infected with the new disease. The well sourced report confirmed earlier reporting that the Covid pandemic had its origins in a Chinese virology lab at Wuhan, a story that was first broken by The Daily Telegraph's Sharri Markson.
I saw various people doubting this, figuring -- reasonably -- that if the Chinese government is claiming this is Patient Zero, they must be hiding the real patient zero.
Who would be what? Maybe a member of the Chinese military overseeing the development of the weapon?
I don't know about that, but Chinese officials are now at least admitting: Yes, it came from the lab that everyone not named "Anthony Fauci" knew it came from.
Via David Strom, more from Michael Shellenberger.
According to multiple U.S. government officials interviewed as part of a lengthy investigation by Public and Racket, the first people infected by the virus, "patients zero," included Ben Hu, a researcher who led the WIV's "gain-of-function" research on SARS-like coronaviruses, which increases the infectiousness of viruses. ...
Public officials in the U.S. and other countries have repeatedly suggested that uncovering the pandemic's origin may not be possible. "We may never know," said Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who oversaw pandemic response for two administrations.
Now, answers increasingly look within reach. Sources within the US government say that three of the earliest people to become infected with SARS-CoV-2 were Ben Hu, Yu Ping, and Yan Zhu. All were members of the Wuhan lab suspected to have leaked the pandemic virus.
As such, not only do we know there were WIV scientists who had developed COVID-19-like illnesses in November 2019, but also that they were working with the closest relatives of SARS-CoV-2, and inserting gain-of-function features unique to it.
That's impossible -- Anthony Fauci told me it had been proven this virus evolved naturally, and that there was no sign of gain-of-function manipulation!
When a source was asked how certain they were that these were the identities of the three WIV scientists who developed symptoms consistent with COVID-19 in the fall of 2019, we were told, "100%"
Here's why Fauci is lying: DARPA rejected the grant to his buddy Peter Daszak to study the "furin cleavage sites" on the SARS virus at Wuhan. And after Obama ordered an end to funding gain-of-function, Fauci rewrote the rules and gave another grant, from the NIH, to Daszak to re-start gain-of-function research.
In March 2018, the WIV, the EcoHealth Alliance, and the University of North Carolina applied for a $14 million grant from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency DARPA to engineer "furin cleavage sites" into SARS-like coronaviruses to study how this affected their ability to grow and cause disease. Scientists say the key piece of the COVID-19 virus, which made it so transmissible compared to its closest relatives, was its unique furin cleavage site.
Hu co-authored multiple papers on coronavirus research, including a 2017 paper on chimeric bat coronaviruses with Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth Alliance, which was funded in part by the NIH and the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT Program. Data privately shared with the NIH revealed that these chimeric SARS-like viruses grew far more quickly and caused more severe disease in humanized mice in the lab.
Once Joe was in no more death count and the backtracks began
It worked and will work again. The deadly one will be released when the depopulation agenda goes active.
Seems Illuminatti Bot crawled up my ass and has taken over my thought processes...
You mean the cure was actually worse than the disease? Like Orange-Man-Bad warned us about a few hundred times?
At his Racket News site, Matt Taibbi has a new subscribers-only post on Dr. Peter Hotez, star of stage and screen during the Covid epidemic. Taibbi calls his post “Notes from the Memory Hole: The Great Double-Talking Vaccine Scientist.” The long post by Taibbi comments on a video mashup by Matt Orfalea of Hotez’s greatest hits. Taibbi introduces the video in his post:
Few health figures have been more visible during the pandemic than Dr. Peter Hotez. Interviews by the Director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development are a master class in modern day branding, as the good doctor seldom appears without an instantly recognizable ensemble of lab coat, specs, and bow tie. (If cable TV had a Halloween Party, Hotez-in-a-bag would surely have been one of the most popular get-ups from 2020 on.) Hotez advertises his marketing acumen, making sure every time he appears on air that the shot is crammed with posed copies of his books. He’s become a legit pop culture phenom, appearing with Trevor Noah, TMZ, CNBC, CNN, Fox and beyond.
Like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Hotez was among the most prominent members of the “Your child will die in shrieking agony if you don’t get the shot” school of pandemic messaging. As Matt Orfalea’s brutal new video shows, however, he accrued more contradictory dosage recommendations on this score than Imelda Marcos had shoes….
There are many accounts to be settled in the wake of the Covid disaster. Dr. Peter Hotez’s is probably not high on the list, but his case is illustrative and history has its claims. Taibbi aptly concludes his post: “Orf’s painstaking edits are a reminder that many of our current public figures are counting on the now-common media injunction to forget anything said yesterday, in favor of all being babbled today. If you don’t want to let them get away with it, please share these videos of Matt’s. Laughter in that sense might be good medicine after all.”
First and right.
I chose not to fuck around.
Deep state population control death jab.
My sister took it to travel...
Covid's Patient Zero Was... One of the Chinese Lab Workers Playing With Covid, Say... Chinese Government Officials
So. Fauci and The Regime lied all along.
The Covid pandemic's patient zero may have been identified -- and he was not the unlucky consumer of a dodgy soup at a Wuhan wet market. Instead, according to new reports this week three separate Chinese government officials have all named scientist Ben Hu, who was in charge of gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as the first human to be infected with the new disease.
The well sourced report confirmed earlier reporting that the Covid pandemic had its origins in a Chinese virology lab at Wuhan, a story that was first broken by The Daily Telegraph's Sharri Markson.
I saw various people doubting this, figuring -- reasonably -- that if the Chinese government is claiming this is Patient Zero, they must be hiding the real patient zero.
Who would be what? Maybe a member of the Chinese military overseeing the development of the weapon?
I don't know about that, but Chinese officials are now at least admitting: Yes, it came from the lab that everyone not named "Anthony Fauci" knew it came from.
Via David Strom, more from Michael Shellenberger.
According to multiple U.S. government officials interviewed as part of a lengthy investigation by Public and Racket, the first people infected by the virus, "patients zero," included Ben Hu, a researcher who led the WIV's "gain-of-function" research on SARS-like coronaviruses, which increases the infectiousness of viruses.
Public officials in the U.S. and other countries have repeatedly suggested that uncovering the pandemic's origin may not be possible. "We may never know," said Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who oversaw pandemic response for two administrations.
Now, answers increasingly look within reach. Sources within the US government say that three of the earliest people to become infected with SARS-CoV-2 were Ben Hu, Yu Ping, and Yan Zhu. All were members of the Wuhan lab suspected to have leaked the pandemic virus.
As such, not only do we know there were WIV scientists who had developed COVID-19-like illnesses in November 2019, but also that they were working with the closest relatives of SARS-CoV-2, and inserting gain-of-function features unique to it.
That's impossible -- Anthony Fauci told me it had been proven this virus evolved naturally, and that there was no sign of gain-of-function manipulation!
When a source was asked how certain they were that these were the identities of the three WIV scientists who developed symptoms consistent with COVID-19 in the fall of 2019, we were told, "100%"
Here's why Fauci is lying: DARPA rejected the grant to his buddy Peter Daszak to study the "furin cleavage sites" on the SARS virus at Wuhan. And after Obama ordered an end to funding gain-of-function, Fauci rewrote the rules and gave another grant, from the NIH, to Daszak to re-start gain-of-function research.
In March 2018, the WIV, the EcoHealth Alliance, and the University of North Carolina applied for a $14 million grant from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency DARPA to engineer "furin cleavage sites" into SARS-like coronaviruses to study how this affected their ability to grow and cause disease.
Scientists say the key piece of the COVID-19 virus, which made it so transmissible compared to its closest relatives, was its unique furin cleavage site.
Hu co-authored multiple papers on coronavirus research, including a 2017 paper on chimeric bat coronaviruses with Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth Alliance, which was funded in part by the NIH and the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT Program. Data privately shared with the NIH revealed that these chimeric SARS-like viruses grew far more quickly and caused more severe disease in humanized mice in the lab.