The comments are precious. The old ‘my kid is immune-compromised so your kid not getting vaxxed puts my kid at risk”
Which makes no sense if the vaccine actually worked.
I'll pretty much comply with any *reasonably* fearful request to distance, wear a mask, etc. Our gov't agencies have lied so much and to such a large extent, many honest people have no idea what's true and what isn't. Especially older folks.
But if you get in my face with moral judgment, you're going to get fucking torched.
Should have taken pictures of the covidiots at last night's Angels' game. 2 young morons sitting in a crowd of hundreds with their masks on. Probably married, hispanic, wife fat, husband skinny, wife barking demands and husband complying like the cuck he is, both take off their masks for 45 minutes as each of them shoves a full serving of nachos in a batting helmet into their respective RAT mouths.
The US Congress sure doesn't seem to be very interested in what is going on with chicom gain of function research, why we funded it and WTF is happening with the Ukraine bio labs we were/are funding. For that matter, even Tucker has been pretty quiet on this let alone the entire US MSM. The toss in the vaccine debacle and cover up.
Not only is it super-stupid, it also puts girls like @HHusky's panties in a bunch.
But if you get in my face with moral judgment, you're going to get fucking torched.
Don't blame Joey
The airlines all dropped masks, the feds ditched vaxx requirements for this inbound international flyers but one can’t go to an outdoor pool in NYC?!?