I'll say it again if its this bad it is a weaponized virus
I still don't think it is. I'm not running for office
Spanish Flu wasn’t a weaponized disease, allegedly. Not saying COVID is Spanish flue, don’t twist.
Was Spanish flu not the flu as well? Why is it the comp for Covid? Heard that a lot at the beginning.
Actually a serious question for grumble
Don’t remember whether SpanFlu was a coronavirus or uh the other kind. But 60-100mil speaks for itself. Anyhow, I think if COVID was that level, we’d know by now. And it’s not.
It ended at 60-100 million. Of course, to the extent we avoid that, that’s largely due to the “overreaction” Damone has complained about.
Spanish flu was 1918-20. It’s early in this one.
H is counting on a 4th quarter comeback. Tuiflu
Daddy is predicting 100 - 240 thousand deaths if everything goes well.
Your daddy is passing along what he is hearing you simple minded fuck
He’s hearing from the University of Washington.
So why are you conflating the UW model with the International Models that show the 100 to 240k numbers?
Cause you're a lying sack of shit? Or the more likely explanation that you're just an idiot?
Birx is hoping that New York and New Jersey turn out to be unusual. Some states, like Washington and California, have managed to avoid the spikes in coronavirus infections that overwhelmed New York City. If other states manage to duplicate that experience, it would change the model's assumptions about the epidemic's trajectory.
Have you never taken a science or statistics course in your life, RacistH? Is this stuff really that far over your head?
Amazing levels of stupidity you're displaying here. Amazing effort to soil yourself publicly. Again.
You seem very confused about which of us has turned out to be correct in his assessment of reality. Hint: it’s me.
I'll say it again if its this bad it is a weaponized virus
I still don't think it is. I'm not running for office
Spanish Flu wasn’t a weaponized disease, allegedly. Not saying COVID is Spanish flue, don’t twist.
Was Spanish flu not the flu as well? Why is it the comp for Covid? Heard that a lot at the beginning.
Actually a serious question for grumble
Don’t remember whether SpanFlu was a coronavirus or uh the other kind. But 60-100mil speaks for itself. Anyhow, I think if COVID was that level, we’d know by now. And it’s not.
It ended at 60-100 million. Of course, to the extent we avoid that, that’s largely due to the “overreaction” Damone has complained about.
Spanish flu was 1918-20. It’s early in this one.
H is counting on a 4th quarter comeback. Tuiflu
Daddy is predicting 100 - 240 thousand deaths if everything goes well.
Your daddy is passing along what he is hearing you simple minded fuck
He’s hearing from the University of Washington.
So why are you conflating the UW model with the International Models that show the 100 to 240k numbers?
Cause you're a lying sack of shit? Or the more likely explanation that you're just an idiot?
Birx is hoping that New York and New Jersey turn out to be unusual. Some states, like Washington and California, have managed to avoid the spikes in coronavirus infections that overwhelmed New York City. If other states manage to duplicate that experience, it would change the model's assumptions about the epidemic's trajectory.
Have you never taken a science or statistics course in your life, RacistH? Is this stuff really that far over your head?
Amazing levels of stupidity you're displaying here. Amazing effort to soil yourself publicly. Again.
You seem very confused about which of us has turned out to be correct in his assessment of reality. Hint: it’s me.
It's no surprise that you can't distinguish between a projection and reality.
It's you alright. Classic RacistH. There can be only one. No question.
The counselor sure seems invested in shilling for the chicoms and getting a high body count. Shilling for the Russians didn't work out so well, so he switched to the last great commie power and blaming Trump for the chicom flu. It's almost like he is getting paid. He couldn't try any harder.
The counselor sure seems invested in shilling for the chicoms and getting a high body count. Shilling for the Russians didn't work out so well, so he switched to the last great commie power and blaming Trump for the chicom flu. It's almost like he is getting paid. He couldn't try any harder.
Being better than you at math does not make me Chinese. That’s a stereotype.
I'll say it again if its this bad it is a weaponized virus
I still don't think it is. I'm not running for office
Spanish Flu wasn’t a weaponized disease, allegedly. Not saying COVID is Spanish flue, don’t twist.
Was Spanish flu not the flu as well? Why is it the comp for Covid? Heard that a lot at the beginning.
Actually a serious question for grumble
Don’t remember whether SpanFlu was a coronavirus or uh the other kind. But 60-100mil speaks for itself. Anyhow, I think if COVID was that level, we’d know by now. And it’s not.
It ended at 60-100 million. Of course, to the extent we avoid that, that’s largely due to the “overreaction” Damone has complained about.
Spanish flu was 1918-20. It’s early in this one.
H is counting on a 4th quarter comeback. Tuiflu
Daddy is predicting 100 - 240 thousand deaths if everything goes well.
Your daddy is passing along what he is hearing you simple minded fuck
It's you alright. Classic RacistH. There can be only one. No question.
I told the others that some of your stupidity is just an act.
Your panic is noted though. Which was my point.
Not the finest moment for the alma mater
You're still wrong and I'm still right