TF clutching his feckless pusillanimous pearls. Were you all worked up when Oboner targeted an American citizen and his son and killed them in a drone strike?
Yes. Just like I was worked up when ICE detained an American citizen for over a week just for being brown and having a Mexican name.
Just like I’m pissed that the current president just got Americans killed. And this is just the start. You got your war. Congrats.
LMFAO. War?! Go cut yourself you emo teen girl. This is allowing Iran to look tough without taking any big hits. Iran does not want a war. Dictators like to stay in charge, not get wiped out.
No US casualties. Iran didn't point those missiles at our troops. They know better. Your hate for Trump is blinding you from forming a rational thought or argument. I think you actually wish this would start a war just so you can be right. Pathetic.
Fuck you. I have family on the fucking wall protecting this country.
You can go kill yourself.
So at least somebody in your family has balls, unlike yourself. Nice of you to pimp them out and steal their valor for points. Go fuck yourself, appropriator.
Caring about the well being of my family isn’t stealing their valor.
Maybe if you cared about your family you’d understand. Instead you’re moving them to what, Kent? Federal Way? Too rich? Pasco?
Best of luck the rest of the way.
Bullshit you desperate phony. You want their respect cause you can't earn your own. Fuck Off. And LEAVE. For Good this time.
I want their safety. And I get annoyed when losers like you cheerlead another stupid fucking war.
Let me save your next post: “It’s not a war!!!”
Hopefully. But it’s definitely closer to a war than it’s been in a long time.
Tommy really melted down last night. Looks like it was spectacular
TF clutching his feckless pusillanimous pearls. Were you all worked up when Oboner targeted an American citizen and his son and killed them in a drone strike?
Yes. Just like I was worked up when ICE detained an American citizen for over a week just for being brown and having a Mexican name.
Just like I’m pissed that the current president just got Americans killed. And this is just the start. You got your war. Congrats.
LMFAO. War?! Go cut yourself you emo teen girl. This is allowing Iran to look tough without taking any big hits. Iran does not want a war. Dictators like to stay in charge, not get wiped out.
No US casualties. Iran didn't point those missiles at our troops. They know better. Your hate for Trump is blinding you from forming a rational thought or argument. I think you actually wish this would start a war just so you can be right. Pathetic.
Fuck you. I have family on the fucking wall protecting this country.
You can go kill yourself.
So at least somebody in your family has balls, unlike yourself. Nice of you to pimp them out and steal their valor for points. Go fuck yourself, appropriator.
Caring about the well being of my family isn’t stealing their valor.
Maybe if you cared about your family you’d understand. Instead you’re moving them to what, Kent? Federal Way? Too rich? Pasco?
Best of luck the rest of the way.
Bullshit you desperate phony. You want their respect cause you can't earn your own. Fuck Off. And LEAVE. For Good this time.
I want their safety. And I get annoyed when losers like you cheerlead another stupid fucking war.
Let me save your next post: “It’s not a war!!!”
Hopefully. But it’s definitely closer to a war than it’s been in a long time.
Tommy really melted down last night. Looks like it was spectacular
This shit is so much fun. Trump is the greatest gift a conservative could ever get. Watching their collective meltdown makes up for Hollywood's demise.
Trump has taken out Soleimani, avoided war, sent a message, and kept his promise to protect American interests while avoiding another quagmire in the Middle East.
Trump has taken out Soleimani, avoided war, sent a message, and kept his promise to protect American interests while avoiding another quagmire in the Middle East.
Big win.
Brilliantly executed. Seriously. Bad orange man showed some chops the last few days, while AOC and her idiot minions cried rivers of anguish for nothing.
TF clutching his feckless pusillanimous pearls. Were you all worked up when Oboner targeted an American citizen and his son and killed them in a drone strike?
Yes. Just like I was worked up when ICE detained an American citizen for over a week just for being brown and having a Mexican name.
Just like I’m pissed that the current president just got Americans killed. And this is just the start. You got your war. Congrats.
LMFAO. War?! Go cut yourself you emo teen girl. This is allowing Iran to look tough without taking any big hits. Iran does not want a war. Dictators like to stay in charge, not get wiped out.
No US casualties. Iran didn't point those missiles at our troops. They know better. Your hate for Trump is blinding you from forming a rational thought or argument. I think you actually wish this would start a war just so you can be right. Pathetic.
Fuck you. I have family on the fucking wall protecting this country.
You can go kill yourself.
They must be so proud right now of your Chicken Little act.
Trump has taken out Soleimani, avoided war, sent a message, and kept his promise to protect American interests while avoiding another quagmire in the Middle East.
Big win.
Brilliantly executed. Seriously. Bad orange man showed some chops the last few days, while APAG cried rivers of anguish for nothing.
It’s all just an exercise to own the libs. Fuck the people who are gonna have to fight it.
Spoke with my college roommate yesterday. He recently retired from the Army as a Colonel. He said his guys have been sending him gifs and memes all day, like this one.
Sure looks like the guys who are gonna have to fight it are taking it a bit better than you are.
TF clutching his feckless pusillanimous pearls. Were you all worked up when Oboner targeted an American citizen and his son and killed them in a drone strike?
Yes. Just like I was worked up when ICE detained an American citizen for over a week just for being brown and having a Mexican name.
Just like I’m pissed that the current president just got Americans killed. And this is just the start. You got your war. Congrats.
LMFAO. War?! Go cut yourself you emo teen girl. This is allowing Iran to look tough without taking any big hits. Iran does not want a war. Dictators like to stay in charge, not get wiped out.
No US casualties. Iran didn't point those missiles at our troops. They know better. Your hate for Trump is blinding you from forming a rational thought or argument. I think you actually wish this would start a war just so you can be right. Pathetic.
Fuck you. I have family on the fucking wall protecting this country.
You can go kill yourself.
So at least somebody in your family has balls, unlike yourself. Nice of you to pimp them out and steal their valor for points. Go fuck yourself, appropriator.
Caring about the well being of my family isn’t stealing their valor.
Maybe if you cared about your family you’d understand. Instead you’re moving them to what, Kent? Federal Way? Too rich? Pasco?
Best of luck the rest of the way.
Bullshit you desperate phony. You want their respect cause you can't earn your own. Fuck Off. And LEAVE. For Good this time.
I want their safety. And I get annoyed when losers like you cheerlead another stupid fucking war.
Let me save your next post: “It’s not a war!!!”
Hopefully. But it’s definitely closer to a war than it’s been in a long time.
TF clutching his feckless pusillanimous pearls. Were you all worked up when Oboner targeted an American citizen and his son and killed them in a drone strike?
Yes. Just like I was worked up when ICE detained an American citizen for over a week just for being brown and having a Mexican name.
Just like I’m pissed that the current president just got Americans killed. And this is just the start. You got your war. Congrats.
LMFAO. War?! Go cut yourself you emo teen girl. This is allowing Iran to look tough without taking any big hits. Iran does not want a war. Dictators like to stay in charge, not get wiped out.
No US casualties. Iran didn't point those missiles at our troops. They know better. Your hate for Trump is blinding you from forming a rational thought or argument. I think you actually wish this would start a war just so you can be right. Pathetic.
Fuck you. I have family on the fucking wall protecting this country.
You can go kill yourself.
So at least somebody in your family has balls, unlike yourself. Nice of you to pimp them out and steal their valor for points. Go fuck yourself, appropriator.
Caring about the well being of my family isn’t stealing their valor.
Maybe if you cared about your family you’d understand. Instead you’re moving them to what, Kent? Federal Way? Too rich? Pasco?
Best of luck the rest of the way.
Bullshit you desperate phony. You want their respect cause you can't earn your own. Fuck Off. And LEAVE. For Good this time.
I want their safety. And I get annoyed when losers like you cheerlead another stupid fucking war.
Let me save your next post: “It’s not a war!!!”
Hopefully. But it’s definitely closer to a war than it’s been in a long time.
TF clutching his feckless pusillanimous pearls. Were you all worked up when Oboner targeted an American citizen and his son and killed them in a drone strike?
Yes. Just like I was worked up when ICE detained an American citizen for over a week just for being brown and having a Mexican name.
Just like I’m pissed that the current president just got Americans killed. And this is just the start. You got your war. Congrats.
LMFAO. War?! Go cut yourself you emo teen girl. This is allowing Iran to look tough without taking any big hits. Iran does not want a war. Dictators like to stay in charge, not get wiped out.
No US casualties. Iran didn't point those missiles at our troops. They know better. Your hate for Trump is blinding you from forming a rational thought or argument. I think you actually wish this would start a war just so you can be right. Pathetic.
Fuck you. I have family on the fucking wall protecting this country.
You can go kill yourself.
So at least somebody in your family has balls, unlike yourself. Nice of you to pimp them out and steal their valor for points. Go fuck yourself, appropriator.
Caring about the well being of my family isn’t stealing their valor.
Maybe if you cared about your family you’d understand. Instead you’re moving them to what, Kent? Federal Way? Too rich? Pasco?
Best of luck the rest of the way.
Bullshit you desperate phony. You want their respect cause you can't earn your own. Fuck Off. And LEAVE. For Good this time.
I want their safety. And I get annoyed when losers like you cheerlead another stupid fucking war.
Let me save your next post: “It’s not a war!!!”
Hopefully. But it’s definitely closer to a war than it’s been in a long time.
Tommy really melted down last night.
Like Rand Paul.
Paul has a very consistent view on the use of force and the need for Congressional authorization for that use. Held the same view under Obama and now under Trump. The opposition by the left to Trump's use of force isn't coming from the same principled position. It's purely political.
Big win.
Not sure how they will twist what he said to make it sound like WW3 is still on - but they will.
Spoke with my college roommate yesterday. He recently retired from the Army as a Colonel. He said his guys have been sending him gifs and memes all day, like this one.
Sure looks like the guys who are gonna have to fight it are taking it a bit better than you are.
I think we are still in LIPO territory.