instead of complaining about Willingham, it was a failed civil duty to try to lure Mora in a very creepy stalking way. Perhaps it backfired and we? we were all saved in the end anyway.
Woody passed on Mike Leach and Pat Hill for Sark. Hill was a meh coach but he went way up in my eyes --exactly the TUFF dedicated coach we need--when he told Fleenor he'd crawl naked through glass to get the job.
Woody passed on Mike Leach and Pat Hill for Sark. Hill was a meh coach but he went way up in my eyes --exactly the TUFF dedicated coach we need--when he told Fleenor he'd crawl naked through glass to get the job.
Good thread idea. What would UW's record have been 2009-2013 if Leach had been hired instead
Woody passed on Mike Leach and Pat Hill for Sark. Hill was a meh coach but he went way up in my eyes --exactly the TUFF dedicated coach we need--when he told Fleenor he'd crawl naked through glass to get the job.
Good thread idea. What would UW's record have been 2009-2013 if Leach had been hired instead
9-10 wins and buttfucked by Stanford and Chip anyways.
Can someone re-tell the story for us younger doogs?
I'm not going to get into the whole thing, but will just point out that the shitty end of the Willingham regime and coach search lead directly to many of the oft-posted phrases on this site. Examples would include people pointing out that Mora, a favorite for next coach by many, couldn't possibly become coach because HE HAS A CONTRACT. The chance of Mora becoming coach is also responsible for the Eklund 81% wrong thing, and the aftermath of hiring Sark with whom many were underwhelmed lead to "Free pub!" since he was coaching at USC through their bowl game and UW would be mentioned several tims. I believe that was the last straw that got Damone banned from DM too? (Hmm, was "funny the first 23 times" in there too, or did that pre-date the coach search? I can't remember.)
My own meager contribution would include being among the louder ones ranting about the clear superiority of pie vs cake when making a homemade dessert to take to a certain former UW player on a certain island in hopes that your undying love and support would convince him to abandon the Seahawks and come to save his alma mater. Cheers--
@Mooser42 could tell it best, but a group of HH posters got together to go sing happy birthday to Jim Mora at his house around Medina. He obviously never took the job (maybe wasn't offered), so the joke was that they should have brought pie instead of cake. Pretty sure @CokeGreaterThanPepsi was there too.
In 2007 iDawg and I started the bowl ineligible let's get rid of Ty podcast after a losing season was assured rather easily
You may have heard of the Millen Stats. He showed how coaches who sucked but not as bad as Ty sucked never even got back to Lambo level after three bad years like Ty had here.
We thought if the DAWGS lost to Hawaii Ty would be fired. The DAWGS lost and for a few days the rumors flew but Ty stayed. Insert NAACP and Sean Alexander vitriol here but the fucking moron Emmert made the call.
At this point Jim Mora did not have a contract or a job having been "let go" by the Falcons. We wanted him to restore the Husky PRIDE and brand and yes visions of Pete Carroll danced through our head. Failed in the NFL but not that bad. Mora got credit for Vick and the Falcons being the first road team to win at Lambeu even though he was DC and Reeves was still head coach. Ty won several Rose Bowls. Shit happens noses get broken and stuff.
At any rate as we suffered through Owen 12 the Hawks made Mora head coach in waiting so he did in fact have a CONTRACT for 09, but not for 08. The Hawks agreed with iDAWG and me that Mora was a good choice. Then fired him after one year. We got Sark. Mora got UCLA. Everyone got fucked except the HAWKS who got Pete.
Mora ran Tiger Mountain and cake was there. I did not attend.
The only take away after all this time is that Ty should have been fired after 07. The rest is speculation
@Mooser42 could tell it best, but a group of HH posters got together to go sing happy birthday to Jim Mora at his house around Medina. He obviously never took the job (maybe wasn't offered), so the joke was that they should have brought pie instead of cake. Pretty sure @CokeGreaterThanPepsi was there too.
There was a glorious website ( that was created as sort of a joke, then Softy and Kim latched on and used me as a pawn to drive subscriptions and listeners. Being young and stupid, I agreed to help their subscription drive with the promise of fame and fortune (lol).
One day before Mora's birthday, I got a PM on DM.c from Softy asking if I could round up some fucktards to meet at the entrance to Mora's neighborhood (there was only one way in or out). I put out the fucktarded call on DM.c and HHB and several fucktards showed up at the gas station just outside his neighborhood. King of the wannabe fucktards Softy showed up with a cake from QFC. After 2 hours in the cold, there was no mora, but some red headed bag of dicks from KOMO radio showed up to interview us. Softy paniced cause he thinks hes famous and hid with his cake and the rest of us left that red headed asshole standing there with his microphone in the dark. After we left, Softy left that stupid QFC cake on Mora's doorstep and then Mora told UW to fuckoff. I got a nice email from Mora thanking me for my service and asking me to support Skidark. Now I am known as the asshole who baked a cake instead of a pie even though Softy brought the cake from QFC and wrote HBD JIM on it with some canned frosting.
Woody passed on Mike Leach and Pat Hill for Sark. Hill was a meh coach but he went way up in my eyes --exactly the TUFF dedicated coach we need--when he told Fleenor he'd crawl naked through glass to get the job.
Best part about Ol’ Pat Hill is when he gave that weird press interview stating he was “no longer interested” in the Washington job even though everyone knew how full of shit he was and he desperately wanted it. Has one losing season before that saga then has one more in 2011 and they can his ass. Probably in retaliation for even pretending he was a legit candidate and wanting out
Examples would include people pointing out that Mora, a favorite for next coach by many, couldn't possibly become coach because HE HAS A CONTRACT.
The chance of Mora becoming coach is also responsible for the Eklund 81% wrong thing, and the aftermath of hiring Sark with whom many were underwhelmed lead to "Free pub!" since he was coaching at USC through their bowl game and UW would be mentioned several tims.
I believe that was the last straw that got Damone banned from DM too? (Hmm, was "funny the first 23 times" in there too, or did that pre-date the coach search? I can't remember.)
My own meager contribution would include being among the louder ones ranting about the clear superiority of pie vs cake when making a homemade dessert to take to a certain former UW player on a certain island in hopes that your undying love and support would convince him to abandon the Seahawks and come to save his alma mater.
You may have heard of the Millen Stats. He showed how coaches who sucked but not as bad as Ty sucked never even got back to Lambo level after three bad years like Ty had here.
We thought if the DAWGS lost to Hawaii Ty would be fired. The DAWGS lost and for a few days the rumors flew but Ty stayed. Insert NAACP and Sean Alexander vitriol here but the fucking moron Emmert made the call.
At this point Jim Mora did not have a contract or a job having been "let go" by the Falcons. We wanted him to restore the Husky PRIDE and brand and yes visions of Pete Carroll danced through our head. Failed in the NFL but not that bad. Mora got credit for Vick and the Falcons being the first road team to win at Lambeu even though he was DC and Reeves was still head coach. Ty won several Rose Bowls. Shit happens noses get broken and stuff.
At any rate as we suffered through Owen 12 the Hawks made Mora head coach in waiting so he did in fact have a CONTRACT for 09, but not for 08. The Hawks agreed with iDAWG and me that Mora was a good choice. Then fired him after one year. We got Sark. Mora got UCLA. Everyone got fucked except the HAWKS who got Pete.
Mora ran Tiger Mountain and cake was there. I did not attend.
The only take away after all this time is that Ty should have been fired after 07. The rest is speculation
Now ask yourself why
There was a glorious website ( that was created as sort of a joke, then Softy and Kim latched on and used me as a pawn to drive subscriptions and listeners. Being young and stupid, I agreed to help their subscription drive with the promise of fame and fortune (lol).
One day before Mora's birthday, I got a PM on DM.c from Softy asking if I could round up some fucktards to meet at the entrance to Mora's neighborhood (there was only one way in or out). I put out the fucktarded call on DM.c and HHB and several fucktards showed up at the gas station just outside his neighborhood. King of the wannabe fucktards Softy showed up with a cake from QFC. After 2 hours in the cold, there was no mora, but some red headed bag of dicks from KOMO radio showed up to interview us. Softy paniced cause he thinks hes famous and hid with his cake and the rest of us left that red headed asshole standing there with his microphone in the dark. After we left, Softy left that stupid QFC cake on Mora's doorstep and then Mora told UW to fuckoff. I got a nice email from Mora thanking me for my service and asking me to support Skidark. Now I am known as the asshole who baked a cake instead of a pie even though Softy brought the cake from QFC and wrote HBD JIM on it with some canned frosting.
Interesting timing?