You came here full of youthful vigor and innocence. Unsurprisingly, you made mistakes that rookies make, the most egregious of which was to align yourself with a first ballot HCH retard HOF'er and thereby found yourself on the wrong side of a war with heavyweights, like me. You haven't completely washed away all of the retard from that dalliance with
@Ballz, but you were on your way to a full recovery.
Then you doubled down by arguing ad nauseum that Ahmed was more elite than Gaskin, and from that hubris you have not recovered. You hammered the final nail by starting an all-out war with
@RaceBannon .
There is a part of me that is heart broken over your demise; but my dark side prevails, and in the final analysis I've enjoyed watching your corpse flop around in its final moments.
It is my hope that rehab will do its work and that you emerge a changed poaster. Remember, when Stalin lets you back in, offer the USC RESPECK TO YOUR ELDERS. Discern between retard and the genius, and hitch your star to the appropriate wagon.
Merry Christmas
Care to compare 7-11 parking lot body counts?
That's what I thought. You started drinking early today. Level off and pace yourself lest you go off the rails like BtP.
Also, I don’t drink because I’m better than you.
Women and children can be careless. Not men.
Clemson is a skid mark on the underpants of cfb compared to Miami. It would be easier to come up with a category in which Clemson > Miami than the other way around.