I don't miss Pete, I don't thank him, I don't think he was anything special.
He's dead to me.
Capitalism has made the coaches and players soft AF
They work for the state government FFS.
Dreams of NFL riches makes players sit out bowl games. Budweiser and pick up ads make it possible for Pete rake in 4.3 million, not WA tax payers.
Sure. We must not have had capitalism back in 1985.
And I'm as staunch as capitalist as any man, women, or trans person here. But the amount of TV revenue flowing into big time college athletics makes it possible for shitty to average coaches to make un godly seems of money. I'm not advocating any changes to the system, but it just pathetic to see Pete making 18 times what DJ did coming off an Orange Bowl win over Barry FUCKING Switzer. Hell, Babe Ruth, only made lik 1.2 million adjust for chinflation.
They get paid based on the market. I don’t know where Don James got paid compared to other coaches but it was probably high.
Coaches nowadays are definitely overpaid, but there is nothing we can do about it.
Nope. There's nothing we should do about it. Rather, it's just comical to me the difference in DJ's comp vs Pete's. @MikeDamone was right - the fancy boats and expensive coffee makes for shitty coaching.
I think the boats and coffee analysis is way off the mark, and a toilet salesman should know that better than anyone. The most fucking ruthless motherfuckers on the planet LOVE expensive boats, fancy coffee, flying private, fucking models on the French Riviera... all the finest things in life, and they'll do ANYTHING to attain them. Sales and sociopathy just aren't for everyone, not everyone is willing to suck teen boy dick by dancing at a photoshoot to get that 5* kid or fuck grandma out of her pension to get that 7 figure bonus. Not everyone is willing to cut their old buddy's throat in a second when they've shown they aren't the guy for the job.
The problem with Pete is he was content with fancy coffee and a boat ride to work, not that he partook of them. Jimmy has shown hints that he won't be happy until he's on top and he'll do what it takes to get there. And hopefully even then he'll want the next best thing.
I'm not sure if Pete was aware that recruiting the parents is a vital skill, he probably just likes the smell of his own farts too much, but he did it about as well as anyone ever has. Praise REAL GOD that he put that tool in Jimmy's toolbox and also that Jimmy likely sees it as exactly that; a tool, nothing more and nothing less.
It warmed my heart that Pete cared about the kids, and he was doing it the right way, but it turns out Pete and I had different ideas of what his job was. He thought it was ethics and morals first, football second; I think it's football first through fortieth, then start worrying about if they're saying their prayers. Turns out I'm right, youth pastors don't get paid $4mm per annum.
Of corse, the coffee and boat thing is more sarcasm. These things are not mutually exclusive with winning big time games. As you state quite well it’s giving Pete shit for not having the fire in his belly.
That seems too low. They should quit football. It’s big ripoff. They should just apply, get accepted, and pay for school like millions of other non athletes.
Why do you hate letting the invisible hand decide their stipend?
I do favor the invisible hand. That's exactly what I'm saying. That's why I posted what I did. If enough refuse to work for what they are getting, then it will be raised. As long as players line you to play for the current deal, then it won't and shouldn't change.