Almost all the conservatives I know including myself were not for Trump. Trump became our choice after the primary. The only choice available. But as I've said before there people who hate Trump are who really made me good with that decision. If they all hated him he was who I wanted.
You didn't want Trump yet you stroke him off every day.
I simply kick haters teeth in. Big difference. Not happy with everything he's done but that's mostly appearance items.
Light years ahead of Obunghole.
Lol yet you repeat every ignorant conspiracy theory. And stroke Trump all day.
TurdbufferFS owes Yellow $300 for the last hour. Same time next week?
More "you need help" gaslighting attempts your unfunny fat wife wrote for you, CD?
Quite oblivious to your own pathologies, aren't you, CD?
Your psychiatric session with Dr. Yellow was very entertaining. The doctor does good work. I’m looking forward to next week’s session. Did he caution you about sharp objects?
TurdbufferFS owes Yellow $300 for the last hour. Same time next week?
More "you need help" gaslighting attempts your unfunny fat wife wrote for you, CD?
Quite oblivious to your own pathologies, aren't you, CD?
Your psychiatric session with Dr. Yellow was very entertaining. The doctor does good work. I’m looking forward to next week’s session. Did he caution you about sharp objects?
Dear God you suck at this CD. This is beyond pressing. You've got full-blown AIDS.
TurdbufferFS owes Yellow $300 for the last hour. Same time next week?
More "you need help" gaslighting attempts your unfunny fat wife wrote for you, CD?
Quite oblivious to your own pathologies, aren't you, CD?
Your psychiatric session with Dr. Yellow was very entertaining. The doctor does good work. I’m looking forward to next week’s session. Did he caution you about sharp objects?
Dear God you suck at this CD. This is beyond pressing. You've got full-blown AIDS.
Don’t cry TurdbufferFS. Yellow is doing great work.
TurdbufferFS owes Yellow $300 for the last hour. Same time next week?
More "you need help" gaslighting attempts your unfunny fat wife wrote for you, CD?
Quite oblivious to your own pathologies, aren't you, CD?
Your psychiatric session with Dr. Yellow was very entertaining. The doctor does good work. I’m looking forward to next week’s session. Did he caution you about sharp objects?
TurdbufferFS owes Yellow $300 for the last hour. Same time next week?
More "you need help" gaslighting attempts your unfunny fat wife wrote for you, CD?
Quite oblivious to your own pathologies, aren't you, CD?
Your psychiatric session with Dr. Yellow was very entertaining. The doctor does good work. I’m looking forward to next week’s session. Did he caution you about sharp objects?
Dear God you suck at this CD. This is beyond pressing. You've got full-blown AIDS.
Don’t cry TurdbufferFS. Yellow is doing great work.
I'm sure you kill at the women's salon, CD, but your desperate clutching for allies on these boreds is hilariously sad. How many quarts of Yellow have you swallowed so far? Rod Stewart quantities?
Go buy or steal some pride if you have to, but please stop being so pitiful. Please.
TurdbufferFS owes Yellow $300 for the last hour. Same time next week?
More "you need help" gaslighting attempts your unfunny fat wife wrote for you, CD?
Quite oblivious to your own pathologies, aren't you, CD?
Your psychiatric session with Dr. Yellow was very entertaining. The doctor does good work. I’m looking forward to next week’s session. Did he caution you about sharp objects?
The whole charade is about butthurt Hillary losers who can't accept the reality that they lost to a populist who rejected political correctness and obsessive self-criticism and loser-think in favor of a message that America is a Great and Generous Country if you get the fuck out of her way and let her do what she does best, without apologizing to the rest of the jealous world that surrounds her and wants to see her humbled. Trump gave a firm "Fuck You" to all of that and landed like a turd in the DC punch bowl and a grenade to DC elitism. That's why the liberal press, many republicans and every last democrat hate his guts and want him out, because he wrecked their rigged corrupt game. Talking about a possible investigation is now a High Crime or Misdemeanor? Fuck Off with that shit. He stepped outside the lines that the bureaucrats are used to and their biggest complaint is that his conduct is unusual compared to past presidents. Big. Fucking. Deal.
Agree with much of that, particularly the point that the movement really did need a guy like Trump. It was almost predicated on getting a guy like that ... the idea being that it would be someone who is not afraid to say "fuck off" w/o worrying about what favor it might cost him down the road.
Still, I'm left with a question about the movement, which your post elucidates: "getting out of [America's] way" means exactly what? No doubt it means cleaning up a lot of the shit on the floor from years of establishment politics. But, I ask in all sincerity, what is the economic long game? Are we playing with the nuclear codes? Is what ultimately makes America great not some romanticized idea about western "spirit" or the wisdom of a bunch of guys who have been dead for 220 years or the statue of liberty or anything else "patriotic", but rather our system of economy and the way we've paid fealty to capitalist principles for most of our country's history?
I'm on board with a lot of it. But I'm skeptical of protectionist policies and promises of recreating a big fat middle class on the back of a big manufacturing economy we may never see again.
Telling China to play fair or fuck off is not "protectionist." Only dupes like CD believe that. It's about keeping the playing field at least a little bit level and just without giving away the store to an existential enemy which is currently flooding the U.S. with Fentanyl that's killing over 50k U.S. citizens per year and turning our cities into third-world shitholes.
I didn't say it was. I am completely on board with China.
If this brand of populism stops there then fine. But what if China is brought in line and we still don't have a lower middle class workers paradise in the US? Where does the economic program go from there?
China today is like having a competitor in your industry who doesn't pay taxes. They get all the advantages and then some, and lie and steal on top of that. That has to end.
No, bringing China into line won't eliminate the economies of scale and neither will moving manufacturing from China to India. But moving some of that back to North America, such as in Mexico or Central America can solve a lot of expensive social problems the US has with countries in our region, ease disparities that cause overwhelming immigration problems, and better relations with our neighbors. As much as people used to complain about NAFTA, it actually did benefit Mexico quite a bit, which reduced net immigration from Mexico to almost zero. NTTAWW Messicans, but if home is better, more people will stay home and that can ease tensions and better living conditions in our region, which is very much in the self interest of the US for numerous different reasons.
Quite oblivious to your own pathologies, aren't you, CD?
Stay in the private sector, where you can still buy silence.
The crime is lying and covering up. The Throbber would be bragging about that shit - and pick up all sorts of players votes across all races.
Go buy or steal some pride if you have to, but please stop being so pitiful. Please.
Mods: put a man on a potential rogue malicious mayhem / shooter suspect in south king county tonight?