So when evangelicals voted for Hitler the war criminal who lied us into two wars that was cool?
The left has been butthurt since Reagan and the Moral Majority. Like in most things the left is 30-40 years out of date
If it is racist to point out that many Blacks do better under GOP legislation then its religious bigotry to tell religious folks how they should vote
You are free to run atheist socialists who would ruin the country. We are free to vote for Trump again
That's America
Stop whining and try winning
I think you took my pointing out your rank hypocrisy too personally.
Wouldn't you have to establish that they have voted their religion in the past before they would qualify as hypocrites? If I'm a "WEP" and I oppose abortion, due to my religious beliefs, how am I a hypocrite because I support Trump?
So when evangelicals voted for Hitler the war criminal who lied us into two wars that was cool?
The left has been butthurt since Reagan and the Moral Majority. Like in most things the left is 30-40 years out of date
If it is racist to point out that many Blacks do better under GOP legislation then its religious bigotry to tell religious folks how they should vote
You are free to run atheist socialists who would ruin the country. We are free to vote for Trump again
That's America
Stop whining and try winning
Yeah I know right!!! Providing better access to health Care to people not only would ruin the country. It's definitely something Jesus would tell the Democrats to stop doing.
So when evangelicals voted for Hitler the war criminal who lied us into two wars that was cool?
The left has been butthurt since Reagan and the Moral Majority. Like in most things the left is 30-40 years out of date
If it is racist to point out that many Blacks do better under GOP legislation then its religious bigotry to tell religious folks how they should vote
You are free to run atheist socialists who would ruin the country. We are free to vote for Trump again
That's America
Stop whining and try winning
Yeah I know right!!! Providing better access to health Care to people not only would ruin the country. It's definitely something Jesus would tell the Democrats to stop doing.
Trump is literally in favor of what youre taking about...
So when evangelicals voted for Hitler the war criminal who lied us into two wars that was cool?
The left has been butthurt since Reagan and the Moral Majority. Like in most things the left is 30-40 years out of date
If it is racist to point out that many Blacks do better under GOP legislation then its religious bigotry to tell religious folks how they should vote
You are free to run atheist socialists who would ruin the country. We are free to vote for Trump again
That's America
Stop whining and try winning
Yeah I know right!!! Providing better access to health Care to people not only would ruin the country. It's definitely something Jesus would tell the Democrats to stop doing.
So when evangelicals voted for Hitler the war criminal who lied us into two wars that was cool?
The left has been butthurt since Reagan and the Moral Majority. Like in most things the left is 30-40 years out of date
If it is racist to point out that many Blacks do better under GOP legislation then its religious bigotry to tell religious folks how they should vote
You are free to run atheist socialists who would ruin the country. We are free to vote for Trump again
That's America
Stop whining and try winning
Yeah I know right!!! Providing better access to health Care to people not only would ruin the country. It's definitely something Jesus would tell the Democrats to stop doing.
Trump is literally in favor of what youre taking about...
Oh really. What has Trump done to increase access to health Care?
So when evangelicals voted for Hitler the war criminal who lied us into two wars that was cool?
The left has been butthurt since Reagan and the Moral Majority. Like in most things the left is 30-40 years out of date
If it is racist to point out that many Blacks do better under GOP legislation then its religious bigotry to tell religious folks how they should vote
You are free to run atheist socialists who would ruin the country. We are free to vote for Trump again
That's America
Stop whining and try winning
Yeah I know right!!! Providing better access to health Care to people not only would ruin the country. It's definitely something Jesus would tell the Democrats to stop doing.
Is health care the only item? Are they going to fix it like Obama did?
So when evangelicals voted for Hitler the war criminal who lied us into two wars that was cool?
The left has been butthurt since Reagan and the Moral Majority. Like in most things the left is 30-40 years out of date
If it is racist to point out that many Blacks do better under GOP legislation then its religious bigotry to tell religious folks how they should vote
You are free to run atheist socialists who would ruin the country. We are free to vote for Trump again
That's America
Stop whining and try winning
Yeah I know right!!! Providing better access to health Care to people not only would ruin the country. It's definitely something Jesus would tell the Democrats to stop doing.
Trump is literally in favor of what youre taking about...
Oh really. What has Trump done to increase access to health Care?
For starters he has taken pharmaceutical companies and insurers to task over obscenely inflated drug costs. That right there is more than 8 years of Obama.
So when evangelicals voted for Hitler the war criminal who lied us into two wars that was cool?
The left has been butthurt since Reagan and the Moral Majority. Like in most things the left is 30-40 years out of date
If it is racist to point out that many Blacks do better under GOP legislation then its religious bigotry to tell religious folks how they should vote
You are free to run atheist socialists who would ruin the country. We are free to vote for Trump again
That's America
Stop whining and try winning
Yeah I know right!!! Providing better access to health Care to people not only would ruin the country. It's definitely something Jesus would tell the Democrats to stop doing.
Is health care the only item? Are they going to fix it like Obama did?
How many times can I save 2500 dollars?
Race completely goes off the rails. Take a break old man.
So when evangelicals voted for Hitler the war criminal who lied us into two wars that was cool?
The left has been butthurt since Reagan and the Moral Majority. Like in most things the left is 30-40 years out of date
If it is racist to point out that many Blacks do better under GOP legislation then its religious bigotry to tell religious folks how they should vote
You are free to run atheist socialists who would ruin the country. We are free to vote for Trump again
That's America
Stop whining and try winning
Yeah I know right!!! Providing better access to health Care to people not only would ruin the country. It's definitely something Jesus would tell the Democrats to stop doing.
Is health care the only item? Are they going to fix it like Obama did?
How many times can I save 2500 dollars?
Race completely goes off the rails. Take a break old man.
We don't live in a theocracy and as a decades old christian I've voted for plenty of moral reprobates like Bill Clinton. So the fuck what?
Trump is better than any alternative out there today. And its not close
Again, work on finding someone worth voting for. Attacking Trump voters is a stupid strategy even for you
Clinton was a skirt chaser. Daddy is corrupt. Different things.
Yeah Clinton wasn't corrupt at all. His foundation didn't take in millions of dollars in bribes from countries like Saudi Arabia. That his lowly insect of a wife is actually considering running again is telling to just how far the rule of law has been violated in this country. Her, Schmoe Biden and many others would be in prison right now if the justice system were functioning properly.
This is the biggest loser post I've seen in awhile.
"If we lose it's because religious whites will vote for Trump no matter what"!!!!
Yeah I'm sure Shane, Freeme, and the rest of the LGBQT community will really consider keeping their options open at the voting booth.
It's the old Rat playbook where they try and accuse religious whites of being hypocrites because they aren't letting their religion dictate their voting. Meanwhile because Rats have no moral standards, you can never accuse them of being hypocrites.
Lefties would be well served to watch Colin Quinn's current Netflix special "Red State Blue State"
Start at the 28 minute mark.
"The left's strategy for the last 50 years: Hey, you superstitious idiots, are you going to vote for us?"
So when evangelicals voted for Hitler the war criminal who lied us into two wars that was cool?
The left has been butthurt since Reagan and the Moral Majority. Like in most things the left is 30-40 years out of date
If it is racist to point out that many Blacks do better under GOP legislation then its religious bigotry to tell religious folks how they should vote
You are free to run atheist socialists who would ruin the country. We are free to vote for Trump again
That's America
Stop whining and try winning
Yeah I know right!!! Providing better access to health Care to people not only would ruin the country. It's definitely something Jesus would tell the Democrats to stop doing.
Better access to healthcare was provided? When was that?
The left has been butthurt since Reagan and the Moral Majority. Like in most things the left is 30-40 years out of date
If it is racist to point out that many Blacks do better under GOP legislation then its religious bigotry to tell religious folks how they should vote
You are free to run atheist socialists who would ruin the country. We are free to vote for Trump again
That's America
Stop whining and try winning
I think you took a beating in this thread
How many times can I save 2500 dollars?
Start at the 28 minute mark.
"The left's strategy for the last 50 years: Hey, you superstitious idiots, are you going to vote for us?"
That's inviting to the religious right.
I ask it again because no one answered.