Remember when Chest dropped everything including this place to interview Jude? Yikes
It wasn’t just for Jude. Chest had a moron that goes by HowlingHusky in his ear and that guy set up the interviews, got the HFP on the radio in Friday Harbor, etc.
Having Jude on wasn’t that bad. It was a boring interview and Jude was a windbox who went on and on without saying anything.
It’s still pretty cool to me that I interviewed Jimmy Lake. It was a good interview too where he was asked about Marcus Peters and Lake clammed up a bit. I think Lake was the coach Peters choked, but I’m not completely sure.
Having the dumbasses from doogpound and obscure recruiting analysts was pointless and was not interesting at all.
I met him. Giant moron and a douche.
Howling Doog? He acts like a damn hall monitor on twitter (no running, NO RUNNING!!!!) and like he is so much above all other fans. Positivity is one thing, but his condescending attitude makes him a douche. His DJ Documentary better not suck.