Yes, I don't like the rollout. It has been atrocious. The pop-up stores within the stadium sell Champion clothing. That's right Champion. Did Champion pay 130 million to have their clothes in there? The clothing store person said they only sell the Adidas gear in the main store. Well, that main store has a ridiculous line to get in to and is stuffed with junk. You can hardly move around in there because of all the random stuff and all the Adidas junk is in the back. They make like three decent options while the rest is hot garbage.
Back to the pop-up tent clerk. They go on about Adidas keeping quantity low to make it exclusive apparel and UW has to place an order a year in advance. Okay, so your fans can wear all that old swoosh gear that has looked like crap for 5+ plus years? The fans can buy Champion stuff instead?
This ultra boost hot garbage is for middle school boys, and yes we all still want to be middle-schoolers....I get it..... How about you make enough of the shoe for most people that want throw money into a fire? Why not make apparel to replace the Nike swag? Why not make a nice fall/winter jacket? Since most of the season is in shitty weather. Why not make a really nice full zip PURPLE hoodie? IT'S GREY!!!!! GREY!!
Cohen is great because she handed out cheap shirts? The student section gets supposedly 50 shirts in the 4th quarter? This is the launch party????? A Wendy's barge? Disgusting!
I set aside some dough to update the Husky wardrobe, guess I will spend the extra money not on Husky tickets or clothing.
What total choke job. Why would you not want your fans sporting the new brand???? Oh, wait? I know. Look at this

Jr Bacon Cheeseburgers are legit.
1. My family and I have been season ticket holders since 1989. I own two pairs of Ultra Boosts for my running shoes. Love them. Why not offer season ticket holders a discount or advance purchase of these purple and gold shoes? I’ve signed up for every twitter mention and in-game jazz, adidas has all my info, and nada.
2. The Adidas apparel thus far is not good. Super limited options. Say what you will about Nike, but they updated their stuff every year, even producing a bunch of vintage gear, ie panting Dawg logo Ts.
3. I’ve been looking forward to the Launch Party when they announced it, telling myself to be patient with the roll-our since Cohen, who I think is great, said it was going to be “special.” Sadly, it was the exact opposite. A ridiculously long line for a gray hoody? That’s it? That’s what you’re promoting to 70,000 fans in an effort for a sell-out?
Just bummed, man. Husky fans are dying for an eager apparel partner to act like a partner and make cool shit for the fans to get them even more pumped. And it’s been way below average thus far.
At least the purple unis look great. That’s he only positive I got.
The Uni's do look solid on TV. How about a throwback game and do a clothing launch with it of old school stuff?
Though, give me these gold pants!
Damone, did you see Adidas pitch to get the biz? Nuff said.
Tech capital of the world. Don't you think you would offer free WiFi in the stadium and at least food ordering to your seat??? Nope.
LeBron is going to be an ambassador for us. Swoosh life bitches!
I love the Adidas uniform designs. They knocked that out of the park. A+.
Everything else they have completely botched, and I know now Adidas gives zero fucks about making UW *fans* happy.
I’ve made my peace with that now, and I encourage everyone to do the same.
It is a shame though, I had high hopes for this partnership.