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The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change
https://skepticalscience.com/consensus-boston-u.htmlWhen do 97% of people agree on anything, even ice cream? In scientific circles, consensus is a rare trophy, held to famously exacting standards. When a scientific consensus is finally reached — e.g., the Earth orbits the sun; water freezes at 32°F, 0°C; blood is red — a new fact joins the foundations of human discovery.
Under normal circumstances, a 97% consensus of the world’s leading scientists on anything would establish it as fact and compel action if needed. But our circumstances are not normal. Only 12% of Americans realize that that the scientific consensus on climate change is greater than 90%. Even among people who are Alarmed or Concerned about climate change, the consensus is somewhat unknown. Of the Alarmed, 84% understand the scientific consensus on climate change (16% do not); and 73% of the Concerned (27%).
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I'm a logician and I believe in real science
Not half truths and phony stats
The climate changes. We all know that. Its your religion that we dont agree with and that has no consensus
Your very existence is dependent on grant-funding and corporate or gubmint support to put food on the table. You have no appreciable job skills or other means of making money than 'research'. Take any topic - climate, agriculture, drug research....who cares? Same concept.
It is not logical to assume benevolence and truthiness uber alles. You gots to eat. Are you going to bite the hand that feeds you? Or your family? Remember - you can't do shit other than sit in a lab or interpret data. You can't swing a hammer, you can't close a deal, you can't produce a product.....
That 3% that aren't in your 97% consensus....maybe THAT'S the group that says "Fuck all" and isn't beholden to the Money Grab and are pure scientists for the science of it.
But that's not in the interest of the Money Grabbers....so you're considered a heretic.
And the crazy part is - the Money Grabbers sit on both the left and the right. They just have a comfort in either direction on who they want to whore out their 'science'.
It gets really hot. It gets really cold. Same as it ever was.
These scientist not only rely on funding for research, but also for wages as well. The climate change hysteria has to continue or a lot of these scientist are out of a job.
Keep lying...
Those experts that disagreed with the globalists that it was all man made were shouted down, some lost their jobs. You had lib "scientists" even suggesting that those that disagree with MMGW should be thrown in jail FFS. Many on the left were condemning those that refused to confirm faulty data and research that was used to attempt to globalize our country while at the same time fraudulently wasting (while getting rich) billions in tax payer dollars on grant research. You and yours effectively made the process and ideal of science itself ineffectual, worthless. Science is the constant search, you libs stopped that search thus rendering all liberal conclusions suspect.