I have no ill will towards the guy. He was a punk-ass in college, but who wasn't? He's been kicked in the nuts enough times (yes, all his own doing); maybe he's finally figured his shit out.
He was a huge egotistical asshole. Wish we had him as a qb though. That said it seemed life has humbled him. He does good analysis though that is better than the warrior poet.
Bullshit comparison of the day: Keith Jackson was a coug as well.
Coug Girl from high school I knew said she loved leaf until he signed his nfl deal. Went to “the Coug” bar, got shitfaced and told everyone who would listen how much he hated the women, the winters and everything about Pullman. Was really fucking ignorant about it. Finally left and his buddies were so pissed they left him on the curb.
I am of course conflicted with this info. Pullman does suck. Can’t blame him for that opinion. But then again he chose to go there. So fuck him.
Bullshit comparison of the day: Keith Jackson was a coug as well.
Coug Girl from high school I knew said she loved leaf until he signed his nfl deal. Went to “the Coug” bar, got shitfaced and told everyone who would listen how much he hated the women, the winters and everything about Pullman. Was really fucking ignorant about it. Finally left and his buddies were so pissed they left him on the curb.
I am of course conflicted with this info. Pullman does suck. Can’t blame him for that opinion. But then again he chose to go there. So fuck him.
So, he was being an idiot at the bar and burning a lot of bridges?
Yogi is here to fluff up the conference. What's the problem with him? The SEC equivalent doesn't sound better and while their conference is superior he's talking up Miss St and Vandy and all these turd programs.
Yogi is here to fluff up the conference. What's the problem with him? The SEC equivalent doesn't sound better and while their conference is superior he's talking up Miss St and Vandy and all these turd programs.
Yogi is here to fluff up the conference. What's the problem with him? The SEC equivalent doesn't sound better and while their conference is superior he's talking up Miss St and Vandy and all these turd programs.
Yogi is here to fluff up the conference. What's the problem with him? The SEC equivalent doesn't sound better and while their conference is superior he's talking up Miss St and Vandy and all these turd programs.
He was a huge egotistical asshole. Wish we had him as a qb though. That said it seemed life has humbled him. He does good analysis though that is better than the warrior poet.
Yogi is here to fluff up the conference. What's the problem with him? The SEC equivalent doesn't sound better and while their conference is superior he's talking up Miss St and Vandy and all these turd programs.
He’s conquered some serious shit so kudos to him.
They can both DIAFF
America loves a comeback.
Coug Girl from high school I knew said she loved leaf until he signed his nfl deal. Went to “the Coug” bar, got shitfaced and told everyone who would listen how much he hated the women, the winters and everything about Pullman. Was really fucking ignorant about it. Finally left and his buddies were so pissed they left him on the curb.
I am of course conflicted with this info. Pullman does suck. Can’t blame him for that opinion. But then again he chose to go there. So fuck him.
She's an angel.