Sledog seems like he's too retarded to understand what you're saying, Mike.
Certainly he is struggling.
Just explain where all those jobs and housing are going to come from.
You have it backwards. The jobs have to exist first.
If there are no jobs, there will be no need for housing.
No job, no welfare state, no one wants to come here.
Simple and easy peasy. Make it a felony offense to employ an illegal with mandatory jail time. It used to be illegal to employ illegals.
There would be no illegals because the company/person employing them would make sure that have a guest worker permit.
This is the kind of intelligent immigration policy we could have but we aren't allowed to have nice things
Legal immigration for folks that bring something to the table
Guest worker program for Mike's lawn care and back home you go with cash that Mexico needs
Fix DACA and the kids who are now as old as I am
Path for the "good ones" that are here illegally but have done a good job on Mike's lawn
Kick the bad hombres out
All for one low cost of a wall. You'll get 81% agreement. The Ann Colulters and Sleds will hate it but that's their right to do so
I'll give you everything you want if you stop the bullshit we have happening now at the border
Good line.
Coulter just wants to Coulter, and I expect that if Trump did exactly as she wished she'd pivot to something else. Without that, she's not relevant. Nobody gets air tim to espouse how much they agree with anybody about anything.
My go-to line: who could be against legal immigration? Not me.
That's kind of the whole point.
LEGAL immigration. Nobody in their right mind is against legal.
Immigration is no longer necessary and it's become a net negative for this country rather than a net positive. No one cares how hard of a worker creepy coug is, for every hard working Mexican there is a harder working American who can fill the same job. The coug can work in is own country and make things better there. Here, he just takes up space, takes jobs from the natives and adds additional stress to the housing bubble.
OBK fagging out again because he wants protection for his kids to follow his footsteps in government work.