Are you still playing this card? Comparing current politicians/administrations to their past counterparts is a valid method of discernment. Ridiculing that process rings of desperation on your part. Deep down you know there are double standards in play.
Um, not exactly. It's rhetoric, either way.
I grew very impatient with the Obama administration's thinly-veiled references to the "mess they inherited" from Bush.
It's bullshit. You're in the game now. Winners win. At least that's what they tell me in the Tug.
The point I’m making isnt about the rhetoric coming from the politicians but the rhetoric that comes from the people who provide cover for those politicians. Pointing out their hypocrisy is the quickest way to invalidate/weaken their argument. Hondo can’t justify the hypocrisy on his side so he ridicules any mention of Obama or Hillary as if that’s somehow a reach.
So, Hondo is a clockwork shill. Got it. I think I knew that though. Btw, see any more of those around here? Or is it just the lefties that grab your attention?
And, frankly, Hillary is a reach. She never held the office. When you criticize a company, you criticize the president and ceo, not the SVP of HR.
This portion of this conversation was specifically aimed at Hondo; if you thought I was inferring it was something greater than that then that’s a communication issue. Do you need to hear me say both sides do it? Yes, both sides have their share of hypocrites and party shills.
As to Hillary, you’ll find very few posts about her from me. I’m resigned to the fact that Hillary will get away with the server and email scandal but I’d still like to see her held accountable for Benghazi. I tend to avoid those discussions as it’s simply tilting at windmills at this point. Nevertheless, when someone else talks about her, I can guarantee Hondo will be there with his ‘...but, but...Hillary. el oh el’ shtick.
I can respect that. But didn't Gowdy investigate the mother loving shit out of her and it for what seemed like a decade? Everybody thinks he's so great ... what did he come away with? I honestly stopped watching it because I had the sense that I'd personally never want to be second-guessed for how I handled shit in that part of the word, where shit does and will happen. 83 Beirut, USS Cole, Iran Hostages ... there is always some notion that somebody could have known or done something different. Maybe somebody went down for all those things and more. What's your take on that? Is there a sincere belief among non-hacks that she JDNGAF? Or was over head? What's the theory of liability there?
He came away with her use of an illegal private email server to conduct her official business. He came away with obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence and perjury and her transmitting classified materials using an unsecured server. He also came away with the corruption at both the FBI and the DOJ and the intentional changing of the language of the what Hillary had engaged in order to protect her from prosecution. The corruption and sleaze that surrounds that entire investigation, from the immunity given to Hillary's closest aides for no fucking reason, to the destruction of subpoenaed materials should have led to people doing serious jail time. You compare how aggressively they pursued Gen. Flynn with the way Hillary and her cabal were treated and you know that the fix was in.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
There isn't a person on the right including the President who encouraged and or made excuses for that behavior. You can't say the same for the left and Antifa.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
There isn't a person on the right including the President who encouraged and or made excuses for that behavior. You can't say the same for the left and Antifa.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
Fuck those guys too. If you'd step off your equivalence stage for just a moment, you might realize there's something other than shilling for the Blue Team.
It's called doing the right thing. Sending pipe bombs -wrong thing. Standing outside someone's home and acting like idiots - wrong thing. There's lots of wrong things that just need to be called out as bullshit behavior.
But I hope you made a quality $0.06 for the party line post.
This country is FUCKED when everything comes down to blue/red squads. And sadly, we? are FUCKED right now.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
There isn't a person on the right including the President who encouraged and or made excuses for that behavior. You can't say the same for the left and Antifa.
Been through this before Hondo. On CNN, Don Lemmon excused the behavior when these animals harassed Cruz and his wife and Cuomo excused the behavior of antifa and put their violence on some kind of higher moral plane because they were fighting fascism.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
Fuck those guys too. If you'd step off your equivalence stage for just a moment, you might realize there's something other than shilling for the Blue Team.
It's called doing the right thing. Sending pipe bombs -wrong thing. Standing outside someone's home and acting like idiots - wrong thing. There's lots of wrong things that just need to be called out as bullshit behavior.
But I hope you made a quality $0.06 for the party line post.
This country is FUCKED when everything comes down to blue/red squads. And sadly, we? are FUCKED right now.
Yes no shit. Both are wrong. Just people like Race throw a fit about the mob and ignore the pipe bombs.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
There isn't a person on the right including the President who encouraged and or made excuses for that behavior. You can't say the same for the left and Antifa.
Been through this before Hondo. On CNN, Don Lemmon excused the behavior when these animals harassed Cruz and his wife and Cuomo excused the behavior of antifa and put their violence on some kind of higher moral plane because they were fighting fascism.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
Fuck those guys too. If you'd step off your equivalence stage for just a moment, you might realize there's something other than shilling for the Blue Team.
It's called doing the right thing. Sending pipe bombs -wrong thing. Standing outside someone's home and acting like idiots - wrong thing. There's lots of wrong things that just need to be called out as bullshit behavior.
But I hope you made a quality $0.06 for the party line post.
This country is FUCKED when everything comes down to blue/red squads. And sadly, we? are FUCKED right now.
Yes no shit. Both are wrong. Just people like Race throw a fit about the mob and ignore the pipe bombs.
Legal to shoot people breaking into your home in any decent state. Deserved it. This is the tolerant left. but their only rough when they have a 4 to 1 numbers advantage. kind of like certain gangs. Pussies.
Well, at least we have a president dedicated to national unity by driving home messages that resonate with all sides.
Yep. Its Trump's fault
Regardless as to whether or not you believe trump contributes to this kind of thing, it is the job of the president to be a calming influence and to offer a unifying least I thought that was part of leadership.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
Fuck those guys too. If you'd step off your equivalence stage for just a moment, you might realize there's something other than shilling for the Blue Team.
It's called doing the right thing. Sending pipe bombs -wrong thing. Standing outside someone's home and acting like idiots - wrong thing. There's lots of wrong things that just need to be called out as bullshit behavior.
But I hope you made a quality $0.06 for the party line post.
This country is FUCKED when everything comes down to blue/red squads. And sadly, we? are FUCKED right now.
Yes no shit. Both are wrong. Just people like Race throw a fit about the mob and ignore the pipe bombs.
There were pipe bombs last night?
I don't recall Race ignoring the pipe bombs, got a link? I do recall the press and many liberal Kunts here blaming Trump for the pipe bombs.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
They won't stop on their own, because bullying is intoxicating, and so apparently is Leftist hypocrisy.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
There isn't a person on the right including the President who encouraged and or made excuses for that behavior. You can't say the same for the left and Antifa.
Been through this before Hondo. On CNN, Don Lemmon excused the behavior when these animals harassed Cruz and his wife and Cuomo excused the behavior of antifa and put their violence on some kind of higher moral plane because they were fighting fascism.
Hondo denied those facts until shown the videos, and as I recall, when confronted with proof, promptly moved the goalposts. It's his signature move.
Are you still playing this card? Comparing current politicians/administrations to their past counterparts is a valid method of discernment. Ridiculing that process rings of desperation on your part. Deep down you know there are double standards in play.
Um, not exactly. It's rhetoric, either way.
I grew very impatient with the Obama administration's thinly-veiled references to the "mess they inherited" from Bush.
It's bullshit. You're in the game now. Winners win. At least that's what they tell me in the Tug.
The point I’m making isnt about the rhetoric coming from the politicians but the rhetoric that comes from the people who provide cover for those politicians. Pointing out their hypocrisy is the quickest way to invalidate/weaken their argument. Hondo can’t justify the hypocrisy on his side so he ridicules any mention of Obama or Hillary as if that’s somehow a reach.
So, Hondo is a clockwork shill. Got it. I think I knew that though. Btw, see any more of those around here? Or is it just the lefties that grab your attention?
And, frankly, Hillary is a reach. She never held the office. When you criticize a company, you criticize the president and ceo, not the SVP of HR.
This portion of this conversation was specifically aimed at Hondo; if you thought I was inferring it was something greater than that then that’s a communication issue. Do you need to hear me say both sides do it? Yes, both sides have their share of hypocrites and party shills.
As to Hillary, you’ll find very few posts about her from me. I’m resigned to the fact that Hillary will get away with the server and email scandal but I’d still like to see her held accountable for Benghazi. I tend to avoid those discussions as it’s simply tilting at windmills at this point. Nevertheless, when someone else talks about her, I can guarantee Hondo will be there with his ‘...but, but...Hillary. el oh el’ shtick.
I can respect that. But didn't Gowdy investigate the mother loving shit out of her and it for what seemed like a decade? Everybody thinks he's so great ... what did he come away with? I honestly stopped watching it because I had the sense that I'd personally never want to be second-guessed for how I handled shit in that part of the word, where shit does and will happen. 83 Beirut, USS Cole, Iran Hostages ... there is always some notion that somebody could have known or done something different. Maybe somebody went down for all those things and more. What's your take on that? Is there a sincere belief among non-hacks that she JDNGAF? Or was over head? What's the theory of liability there?
He came away with her use of an illegal private email server to conduct her official business. He came away with obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence and perjury and her transmitting classified materials using an unsecured server. He also came away with the corruption at both the FBI and the DOJ and the intentional changing of the language of the what Hillary had engaged in order to protect her from prosecution. The corruption and sleaze that surrounds that entire investigation, from the immunity given to Hillary's closest aides for no fucking reason, to the destruction of subpoenaed materials should have led to people doing serious jail time. You compare how aggressively they pursued Gen. Flynn with the way Hillary and her cabal were treated and you know that the fix was in.
Feel free to point out anything I said that you quoted Beav that was incorrect.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
There isn't a person on the right including the President who encouraged and or made excuses for that behavior. You can't say the same for the left and Antifa.
Been through this before Hondo. On CNN, Don Lemmon excused the behavior when these animals harassed Cruz and his wife and Cuomo excused the behavior of antifa and put their violence on some kind of higher moral plane because they were fighting fascism.
Hondo denied those facts until shown the videos, and as I recall, when confronted with proof, promptly moved the goalposts. It's his signature move.
Because Cuomo put in the disclaimer that he condemns all violence at the beginning of his statement Hondo claimed that he never excused their violence even though Cuomo immediately launches into a defense of their violence after he says that he condemns all violence.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
There isn't a person on the right including the President who encouraged and or made excuses for that behavior. You can't say the same for the left and Antifa.
Been through this before Hondo. On CNN, Don Lemmon excused the behavior when these animals harassed Cruz and his wife and Cuomo excused the behavior of antifa and put their violence on some kind of higher moral plane because they were fighting fascism.
Hondo denied those facts until shown the videos, and as I recall, when confronted with proof, promptly moved the goalposts. It's his signature move.
Because Cuomo put in the disclaimer that he condemns all violence at the beginning of his statement Hondo claimed that he never excused their violence even though Cuomo immediately launches into a defense of their violence after he says that he condemns all violence.
No. It's clear your listening skills are as good as your reading skills.
Are you still playing this card? Comparing current politicians/administrations to their past counterparts is a valid method of discernment. Ridiculing that process rings of desperation on your part. Deep down you know there are double standards in play.
Um, not exactly. It's rhetoric, either way.
I grew very impatient with the Obama administration's thinly-veiled references to the "mess they inherited" from Bush.
It's bullshit. You're in the game now. Winners win. At least that's what they tell me in the Tug.
The point I’m making isnt about the rhetoric coming from the politicians but the rhetoric that comes from the people who provide cover for those politicians. Pointing out their hypocrisy is the quickest way to invalidate/weaken their argument. Hondo can’t justify the hypocrisy on his side so he ridicules any mention of Obama or Hillary as if that’s somehow a reach.
So, Hondo is a clockwork shill. Got it. I think I knew that though. Btw, see any more of those around here? Or is it just the lefties that grab your attention?
And, frankly, Hillary is a reach. She never held the office. When you criticize a company, you criticize the president and ceo, not the SVP of HR.
This portion of this conversation was specifically aimed at Hondo; if you thought I was inferring it was something greater than that then that’s a communication issue. Do you need to hear me say both sides do it? Yes, both sides have their share of hypocrites and party shills.
As to Hillary, you’ll find very few posts about her from me. I’m resigned to the fact that Hillary will get away with the server and email scandal but I’d still like to see her held accountable for Benghazi. I tend to avoid those discussions as it’s simply tilting at windmills at this point. Nevertheless, when someone else talks about her, I can guarantee Hondo will be there with his ‘...but, but...Hillary. el oh el’ shtick.
I can respect that. But didn't Gowdy investigate the mother loving shit out of her and it for what seemed like a decade? Everybody thinks he's so great ... what did he come away with? I honestly stopped watching it because I had the sense that I'd personally never want to be second-guessed for how I handled shit in that part of the word, where shit does and will happen. 83 Beirut, USS Cole, Iran Hostages ... there is always some notion that somebody could have known or done something different. Maybe somebody went down for all those things and more. What's your take on that? Is there a sincere belief among non-hacks that she JDNGAF? Or was over head? What's the theory of liability there?
He came away with her use of an illegal private email server to conduct her official business. He came away with obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence and perjury and her transmitting classified materials using an unsecured server. He also came away with the corruption at both the FBI and the DOJ and the intentional changing of the language of the what Hillary had engaged in order to protect her from prosecution. The corruption and sleaze that surrounds that entire investigation, from the immunity given to Hillary's closest aides for no fucking reason, to the destruction of subpoenaed materials should have led to people doing serious jail time. You compare how aggressively they pursued Gen. Flynn with the way Hillary and her cabal were treated and you know that the fix was in.
Feel free to point out anything I said that you quoted Beav that was incorrect.
Looney Tunes had it right. Fight like hell during the day. Punch the clock at 5.
This mob shit harassing people at their homes, in restaurants, walking down the street. Fucking bullshit. To argue otherwise is the highest level of fucktardery in a civilized society.
There's already enough fucking nutcase motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle. No sane person would enter into public service if having pitchforks and torches on the sidewalk becomes the norm. Just stop.
Right. They aren't reduced to sending pipe bombs to people in the media.
There isn't a person on the right including the President who encouraged and or made excuses for that behavior. You can't say the same for the left and Antifa.
Been through this before Hondo. On CNN, Don Lemmon excused the behavior when these animals harassed Cruz and his wife and Cuomo excused the behavior of antifa and put their violence on some kind of higher moral plane because they were fighting fascism.
Hondo denied those facts until shown the videos, and as I recall, when confronted with proof, promptly moved the goalposts. It's his signature move.
Because Cuomo put in the disclaimer that he condemns all violence at the beginning of his statement Hondo claimed that he never excused their violence even though Cuomo immediately launches into a defense of their violence after he says that he condemns all violence.
No. It's clear your listening skills are as good as your reading skills.
“Civil rights activists, were they the same morally as the bigots, as the racists with whom they exchanged blows? Are people who go to war against an evil regime on the same moral ground with those they seek to stop from oppressing the weak? When you punch me in the nose for being Italian and say I’m less than, am I in the same morally wrong place when I punch you back for saying that? It’s not about it being right in the eyes of the law. You also have to have a right and wrong in a moral and a good and evil sense. That’s why people who show up to fight against bigots are not to be judged the same as the bigots. Even if they do resort to the same petty violence."
I listen just fine Hondo. You either lying or you're a moron, take your pick.
It's called doing the right thing. Sending pipe bombs -wrong thing. Standing outside someone's home and acting like idiots - wrong thing. There's lots of wrong things that just need to be called out as bullshit behavior.
But I hope you made a quality $0.06 for the party line post.
This country is FUCKED when everything comes down to blue/red squads. And sadly, we? are FUCKED right now.
Instead, they will have to be stopped. And they will be. With my help and support. And Mike.
I listen just fine Hondo. You either lying or you're a moron, take your pick.