Sledog is too dumb to understand that it's not the action, it's the cover up. You can't really indict a sitting president. The play is to get Trump under oath and get him to lie. HTH but I know it won't.
Trump is a piece of shit who's too stupid to get away with things like the smart criminals do.
Mueller is going to take a huge shit on him and that fucker deserves it. The heads have just begun to roll, so this whole "if Mueller had something he'd already have done it" narrative is just wishful thinking by nut huggers. He's stacking those fuckheads up like cord wood, and the big fish are next.
If the Clintons get dragged into it and they wind up getting shit on, too, fine with me. Don't be a fucking criminal if you have an aversion to jail.
You know I'm right.
Sounds like mueller is a big dick investigator and we should get on board now. @dflea always wrong
Phallic extensions for insecure middle-aged guys with three chins, a goatee, close-cropped hair to hide the balding, and tactical sunglasses who think it's manly to take selfies in the driver's seat of their pickups
I HAS AN AR don't tread on me something something tyranny
Repeatedly straining to land that mental illness dud. Sad.
But this time the really got ‘em
Fuck off. Idiot.
But my friends tend to have very different skill sets than yours.
I HAS AN AR don't tread on me something something tyranny