McDaniels would be the best player in program history...
Stewart will have a better career than Nate Rob
Carter’s easily an NBA player (with development I think he will get)
Green will be better than Conroy (might not be quite the leader that he is)
Nowell will play in the league.
Basically 4/5 guys on that team will play in the league. Green will be a very good college player.
Wait Dom "don't dribble" Green?!?
I thought the same thing.
He means Quade Green. Which calling him better than Conroy is dodging pretty hard at this point.
He’s more talented than Conroy.
But is he a JYD like Conroy? McDaniels is basically Marvin Williams on a much better high school team. Imagine Marvin Williams on that 05 team? The Marvin Williams, Terrence Jones type was the one type of player that always eluded Romar. Also technically Abdul Gaddy was more talented than Conroy.
McDaniels is/will be much better than Marvin Williams ever was
McDaniels would be the best player in program history...
Stewart will have a better career than Nate Rob
Carter’s easily an NBA player (with development I think he will get)
Green will be better than Conroy (might not be quite the leader that he is)
Nowell will play in the league.
Basically 4/5 guys on that team will play in the league. Green will be a very good college player.
Wait Dom "don't dribble" Green?!?
I thought the same thing.
He means Quade Green. Which calling him better than Conroy is dodging pretty hard at this point.
He’s more talented than Conroy.
But is he a JYD like Conroy? McDaniels is basically Marvin Williams on a much better high school team. Imagine Marvin Williams on that 05 team? The Marvin Williams, Terrence Jones type was the one type of player that always eluded Romar. Also technically Abdul Gaddy was more talented than Conroy.
McDaniels is/will be much better than Marvin Williams ever was
2nd overall pick, 12 year NBA career better? Hope McDaniels has the same ... after a year at UW. That 04 Rotary team had Marvin Williams, Heytvelt, CJ Giles, Marcus Williams, Terrence Williams, and Garrison Carr.
McDaniels would be the best player in program history...
Stewart will have a better career than Nate Rob
Carter’s easily an NBA player (with development I think he will get)
Green will be better than Conroy (might not be quite the leader that he is)
Nowell will play in the league.
Basically 4/5 guys on that team will play in the league. Green will be a very good college player.
Wait Dom "don't dribble" Green?!?
I thought the same thing.
He means Quade Green. Which calling him better than Conroy is dodging pretty hard at this point.
He’s more talented than Conroy.
But is he a JYD like Conroy? McDaniels is basically Marvin Williams on a much better high school team. Imagine Marvin Williams on that 05 team? The Marvin Williams, Terrence Jones type was the one type of player that always eluded Romar. Also technically Abdul Gaddy was more talented than Conroy.
McDaniels is/will be much better than Marvin Williams ever was
2nd overall pick, 12 year NBA career better? Hope McDaniels has the same ... after a year at UW. That 04 Rotary team had Marvin Williams, Heytvelt, CJ Giles, Marcus Williams, Terrence Williams, and Garrison Carr.
Marvin Williams was always very overrated. Solid player, but was never going to be great. Not big enough down low and can’t create. In the NBA, he did develop into a somewhat decent shooter.
McDaniels would be the best player in program history...
Stewart will have a better career than Nate Rob
Carter’s easily an NBA player (with development I think he will get)
Green will be better than Conroy (might not be quite the leader that he is)
Nowell will play in the league.
Basically 4/5 guys on that team will play in the league. Green will be a very good college player.
Wait Dom "don't dribble" Green?!?
I thought the same thing.
He means Quade Green. Which calling him better than Conroy is dodging pretty hard at this point.
He’s more talented than Conroy.
But is he a JYD like Conroy? McDaniels is basically Marvin Williams on a much better high school team. Imagine Marvin Williams on that 05 team? The Marvin Williams, Terrence Jones type was the one type of player that always eluded Romar. Also technically Abdul Gaddy was more talented than Conroy.
McDaniels is/will be much better than Marvin Williams ever was
2nd overall pick, 12 year NBA career better? Hope McDaniels has the same ... after a year at UW. That 04 Rotary team had Marvin Williams, Heytvelt, CJ Giles, Marcus Williams, Terrence Williams, and Garrison Carr.
McDaniels would be the best player in program history...
Stewart will have a better career than Nate Rob
Carter’s easily an NBA player (with development I think he will get)
Green will be better than Conroy (might not be quite the leader that he is)
Nowell will play in the league.
Basically 4/5 guys on that team will play in the league. Green will be a very good college player.
Wait Dom "don't dribble" Green?!?
I thought the same thing.
He means Quade Green. Which calling him better than Conroy is dodging pretty hard at this point.
He’s more talented than Conroy.
But is he a JYD like Conroy? McDaniels is basically Marvin Williams on a much better high school team. Imagine Marvin Williams on that 05 team? The Marvin Williams, Terrence Jones type was the one type of player that always eluded Romar. Also technically Abdul Gaddy was more talented than Conroy.
McDaniels is/will be much better than Marvin Williams ever was
Jesus Christ, you were four years old when all of these guys played. We’re really going to need you to stop speaking so authoritatively about how talented they were.
Also Foss was good when this was made. Or better known as the time when guys from Tacoma played in Tacoma and not at Federal Way or Garfield.
That pull up three at 2:00 off the full sprint downcourt is just ridiculous.