"I believe they believe they are a legit news group. What I find ironic and pathetic is they claim to be authoritative as recruiting gurus but, in all reality, the research on that board is gleaned from Realdawg or 247. They mock these sights and Ruth, but then quote them. Truly ironic. Moving forward, I have removed them from my twitter feed. Thanks guys and Ruth for providing legitimate hardcore Husky fans and genuine discussion."
"I believe they believe they are a legit news group. What I find ironic and pathetic is they claim to be authoritative as recruiting gurus but, in all reality, the research on that board is gleaned from Realdawg or 247. They mock these sights and Ruth, but then quote them. Truly ironic. Moving forward, I have removed them from my twitter feed. Thanks guys and Ruth for providing legitimate hardcore Husky fans and genuine discussion."
FUCK THEY FIGURED IT OUT! Time to go find the aurora bridge!
"I believe they believe they are a legit news group. What I find ironic and pathetic is they claim to be authoritative as recruiting gurus but, in all reality, the research on that board is gleaned from Realdawg or 247. They mock these sights and Ruth, but then quote them. Truly ironic. Moving forward, I have removed them from my twitter feed. Thanks guys and Ruth for providing legitimate hardcore Husky fans and genuine discussion."
TSIO AND HARDCORE HUSKY message board admins are very knowledgeable. They are also follower hungry sycophants in search of validation. They all parrot one another. If you cross the established positions on that board you are completely cursed and insulted out. I am so very tired with the tweets of their leaders and admins. Whenever they tweet anything that’s it. Shout downs for dissenting opinions and good ol boy club for those looking up to them like they are god. One minute they love all the players the next they want broken legs and blown out knees. A bunch of bull crap. FOUL, DISGUSTING JERKS. Free advertising. Enjoy.
There. My opinion. Sorry if there are a few flat toes.
TSIO AND HARDCORE HUSKY message board admins are very knowledgeable. They are also follower hungry sycophants in search of validation.
One minute they love all the players the next they want broken legs and blown out knees. A bunch of bull crap. FOUL, DISGUSTING JERKS. FREE PUB!!! Enjoy.
There. My opinion. Sorry if there are a few flat toes.
"I believe they believe they are a legit news group. What I find ironic and pathetic is they claim to be authoritative as recruiting gurus but, in all reality, the research on that board is gleaned from Realdawg or 247. They mock these sights* and Ruth, but then quote them. Truly ironic. Moving forward, I have removed them from my twitter feed. Thanks guys and Ruth for providing legitimate hardcore Husky fans and genuine discussion."
(Shortened from the original use of websites)
Sounds like an attorney. Sad.
Finally, having followed recruiting on those sights a decade ago, they really add little except interviews.
TSIO AND HARDCORE HUSKY message board admins are very knowledgeable. They are also follower hungry sycophants in search of validation. They all parrot one another. If you cross the established positions on that board you are completely cursed and insulted out. I am so very tired with the tweets of their leaders and admins. Whenever they tweet anything that’s it. Shout downs for dissenting opinions and good ol boy club for those looking up to them like they are god. One minute they love all the players the next they want broken legs and blown out knees. A bunch of bull crap. FOUL, DISGUSTING JERKS. Free advertising. Enjoy.
There. My opinion. Sorry if there are a few flat toes.
Right click, save as
He might've made the trains run on time but he's no Stalin.
"I believe they believe they are a legit news group. What I find ironic and pathetic is they claim to be authoritative as recruiting gurus but, in all reality, the research on that board is gleaned from Realdawg or 247. They mock these sights and Ruth, but then quote them. Truly ironic. Moving forward, I have removed them from my twitter feed. Thanks guys and Ruth for providing legitimate hardcore Husky fans and genuine discussion."
(Shortened from the original use of websites)
Sounds like an attorney. Sad.
Finally, having followed recruiting on those sights a decade ago, they really add little except interviews.
That’s a BIG neg...