LOL. You never swing your arms for a decent bicep curl. Pinch your shoulder blades together. This guy knows nothing about lifting. Nice hire Oregon. #FILLShisANUS
He bench reps 400lbs. Good try though. People stopped doing that slow moving iso shit ages ago.
LOLOLOL. ISO shit is exactly what he is doing chode. Bicep curls, bicep isolation. He’s just doing it in a way that doesnt give him the max return for his awful “dynamic” effort. Anymore?
The fact this guy is obsessed with bicep curls speaks volumes.
Doing heavy Barbell Rows will #fillthesleeve just as effective and oh yea actually is a lift actually beneficial for football.
This guy is such a fucking tool. Can’t wait for the mighty bicep fags to get trucked by teams that squat.
Oregon squats just as much as any team now. They just had a lineman hit 675 twice.
Just because UW is a boring white guy program doesn't mean everyone else has to be. You're trying to be a half assed Wisconsin.
Your S & C Coach is a fucking gym bro faggot with a handle bar mustache who is doing a bicep curl challenge.
I’ll take “old boring white guy” over that dumpster fire any day.
UW would fucking pink sock Oregon overall in any lift that actually mattered. Who gives a shit if A lineman squatted 675 twice (although you are full of shit on this anyways). At least you guys will get some sick bicep pump action on #flexfriday !
Just because UW is a boring white guy program doesn't mean everyone else has to be. You're trying to be a half assed Wisconsin.
I’ll take “old boring white guy” over that dumpster fire any day.
UW would fucking pink sock Oregon overall in any lift that actually mattered. Who gives a shit if A lineman squatted 675 twice (although you are full of shit on this anyways). At least you guys will get some sick bicep pump action on #flexfriday !
This is next level Sark bullshit.
This is by far the most entertaining offseason I've experienced.
Also someone said it already but he does have a gut.
I couldn't watch more than 2 minutes of that shit. JFC