Listen deuchebaggies...the only difference between nike and adidas is the color purple. Maybe adidas will get it right. Nike hasnt in 20 years. As soon as Neuheisel went to lavender, we never got it back. If those big purple adidas shoes are any indication, they already got the p&g correct.
Listen deuchebaggies...the only difference between nike and adidas is the color purple. Maybe adidas will get it right. Nike hasnt in 20 years. As soon as Neuheisel went to lavender, we never got it back. If those big purple adidas shoes are any indication, they already got the p&g correct.
I just hope the new Adidas purple matches the paint job on my Prius. That would be so cool.
Listen deuchebaggies...the only difference between nike and adidas is the color purple. Maybe adidas will get it right. Nike hasnt in 20 years. As soon as Neuheisel went to lavender, we never got it back. If those big purple adidas shoes are any indication, they already got the p&g correct.
I just hope the new Adidas purple matches the paint job on my Prius. That would be so cool.
That means its the right one