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Trump's Presidency Rests on the Immigration Issue



  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    pawz said:

    The premise of the OP is FS.

    It's the economy, stupid.


    Trump should focus on the economy. He's actually winning on that issue.
  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680

    Betray his base on this one and he's door ass out in 2020.

    These 4 items are non negotiable:

    --End chain migration.
    --End the visa lottery program.
    --Install a very strict merit based system: Only 5 star recruits need apply
    --Build a wall

    As long as these 4 concessions are won, his base will be perfectly happy to allow some, most or even all 800K of the 'dreamers' (illegals) to remain in the US.

    disagree. at this point, his base will, at worst, consider him the much lesser of two evils. no way with where the cuntry is now that his base deserts him. He'd have to go full-fledged lib for that.

    Nuh uh. Nope. The only way he's door-ass-out is if more non-Trumps turn out. It is quite literally going to be a "which party gets more of its huge number of lazy asses off the couch to vote" election. You can see it on social media: the country is sharply cut in half, everyone has lost their minds and has entrenched themselves to a point where I barely ever hear or see anyone have a rational, much less intellectually honest, debate anymore. People are voting identity politics for the foreseeable future.

    Both parties and everyone is to blame for that, but there you have it.

    Trump would have to TRY to lose his base at this point. He's need to go full Roy Moore for that to happen, and even then, he'd only lose one layer. The rest will stick by him because (1) nobody in this climate is admitting they were wrong, and (2) what else are they going to do?
    This guy gets it.
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072

    Why does his base want billions of dollars wasted on a wall?

    For the Swimming pools, Hotels, Bars, Shopping, Golf, etc. a lot of new ideas have hit resort construction since Mar-a-lago in 1995. Trumps imagination is spectacular. Let’s see it.

  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,946
    edited January 2018

    The wall is important, but less important than the other 4 demands that his base expect to be met. Ending chain migration is probably the most important. Stop allowing immigrants to bring their uncles, aunts, cousins, grandmothers and every other fucker in their extended families over here with them. End the retarded lottery system that lets people from the third world, often from countries with cultures that are hostile to our own, come here for no other reason than 'just because.'

    I hate to throw this in, especially since you poasted that great pic, but I think you're giving his base way more credit as being intellectually aware than you should. People like you and Bannon are intellectual ideologues. You have a view, you pay attention and you have practice arguing your point. Go to one of the websites from which my wife's aunts and uncles get a lot of their "information". You'll see some looney shit. Those people, and there are a lot of them, are not going to be in a position to be critical of Donnie unless a credible source-incredible to them-comes out and tells them to Be. And those credible sources are not going to turn their backs on Donnie so that a liberal Democrat can be elected to the White House. No fucking way. Look at what just happened to Bannon. The genius behind all that has become Trump has been completely de-balled for daring to go out on his own.

    Honestly man. I just don't see it. If he doesn't get a wall built, there will be plenty of scapegoats for him that will easily satiate the dummy crowd. Same with any other more subtle backtrack on immigration… They either won't see it, or can't comprehend it, or there will be a liberal scapegoat to blame.
  • dfleadflea Member Posts: 7,228
    There's always a liberal or conservative scapegoat - for anything. It's the only way to keep retards in your pocket.
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