You lying fuck Fudgy. You didnt play sports. You played sports at home by yourself, with an imaginary team and an imaginary "coach", ie den leader and scout master. Sodomy hurts, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We here at hh are here for you. Not me, but your fellow den masters who suffered the same unfortunate poopsickles you did. Talk amongst yourselves, puppy gonna slip out the backdoor for a beer. Sorry about the reference .
And Fudgy, you didnt play hockey either. Tough kids play hockey. A 7 year old hockey player could kick your ass. Thomas and ex are already in the hospital.
Quit plagarizing his shit, fucko!
Puppy shit is best shit to plagiarism, fucko.
Fuck Bazey, i barely remembered that rant. Like what you did inserting Fudgy. Perfect case of proper plagiasrism. Good find
You lying fuck Fudgy. You didnt play sports. You played sports at home by yourself, with an imaginary team and an imaginary "coach", ie den leader and scout master. Sodomy hurts, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We here at hh are here for you. Not me, but your fellow den masters who suffered the same unfortunate poopsickles you did. Talk amongst yourselves, puppy gonna slip out the backdoor for a beer. Sorry about the reference .
And Fudgy, you didnt play hockey either. Tough kids play hockey. A 7 year old hockey player could kick your ass. Thomas and ex are already in the hospital.
Quit plagarizing his shit, fucko!
Puppy shit is best shit to plagiarism, fucko.
Fuck Bazey, i barely remembered that rant. Like what you did inserting Fudgy. Perfect case of proper plagiasrism. Good find
For the record, I didn't insert anything into Fudgy.
BTW, a question for you... have you ever banged black chicks?
I have high hopes for the cotton bowl. After the Cotton Bowl team looks back at how great we were and how well we travleled to their heart of Dallas bowl 2 years ago, their is no stopping us. I beat they loved the dozens of fans that traveled to that game.
You lying fuck Fudgy. You didnt play sports. You played sports at home by yourself, with an imaginary team and an imaginary "coach", ie den leader and scout master. Sodomy hurts, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We here at hh are here for you. Not me, but your fellow den masters who suffered the same unfortunate poopsickles you did. Talk amongst yourselves, puppy gonna slip out the backdoor for a beer. Sorry about the reference .
And Fudgy, you didnt play hockey either. Tough kids play hockey. A 7 year old hockey player could kick your ass. Thomas and ex are already in the hospital.
Quit plagarizing his shit, fucko!
Puppy shit is best shit to plagiarism, fucko.
Fuck Bazey, i barely remembered that rant. Like what you did inserting Fudgy. Perfect case of proper plagiasrism. Good find
For the record, I didn't insert anything into Fudgy.
BTW, a question for you... have you ever banged black chicks?
Axin' for a fren.
big YEP. Already stated it. Best fuckins pup ever had, several times. White chicks are meh afterward . They are fucking amazing. Never leaves your mind as a whitey. Black dudes think same about white chicks though...go figure
Pup only could hope he'd keep it competitive till the 4th quarter. Thats tuff. Nuts want to bust on the opening kickoff.
You lying fuck Fudgy. You didnt play sports. You played sports at home by yourself, with an imaginary team and an imaginary "coach", ie den leader and scout master. Sodomy hurts, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We here at hh are here for you. Not me, but your fellow den masters who suffered the same unfortunate poopsickles you did. Talk amongst yourselves, puppy gonna slip out the backdoor for a beer. Sorry about the reference .
And Fudgy, you didnt play hockey either. Tough kids play hockey. A 7 year old hockey player could kick your ass. Thomas and ex are already in the hospital.
Quit plagarizing his shit, fucko!
Puppy shit is best shit to plagiarism, fucko.
Fuck Bazey, i barely remembered that rant. Like what you did inserting Fudgy. Perfect case of proper plagiasrism. Good find
For the record, I didn't insert anything into Fudgy.
BTW, a question for you... have you ever banged black chicks?
You lying fuck Fudgy. You didnt play sports. You played sports at home by yourself, with an imaginary team and an imaginary "coach", ie den leader and scout master. Sodomy hurts, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We here at hh are here for you. Not me, but your fellow den masters who suffered the same unfortunate poopsickles you did. Talk amongst yourselves, puppy gonna slip out the backdoor for a beer. Sorry about the reference .
And Fudgy, you didnt play hockey either. Tough kids play hockey. A 7 year old hockey player could kick your ass. Thomas and ex are already in the hospital.
Quit plagarizing his shit, fucko!
Puppy shit is best shit to plagiarism, fucko.
Fuck Bazey, i barely remembered that rant. Like what you did inserting Fudgy. Perfect case of proper plagiasrism. Good find
For the record, I didn't insert anything into Fudgy.
BTW, a question for you... have you ever banged black chicks?
You lying fuck Fudgy. You didnt play sports. You played sports at home by yourself, with an imaginary team and an imaginary "coach", ie den leader and scout master. Sodomy hurts, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We here at hh are here for you. Not me, but your fellow den masters who suffered the same unfortunate poopsickles you did. Talk amongst yourselves, puppy gonna slip out the backdoor for a beer. Sorry about the reference .
And Fudgy, you didnt play hockey either. Tough kids play hockey. A 7 year old hockey player could kick your ass. Thomas and ex are already in the hospital.
Quit plagarizing his shit, fucko!
Puppy shit is best shit to plagiarism, fucko.
Fuck Bazey, i barely remembered that rant. Like what you did inserting Fudgy. Perfect case of proper plagiasrism. Good find
For the record, I didn't insert anything into Fudgy.
BTW, a question for you... have you ever banged black chicks?
You lying fuck Fudgy. You didnt play sports. You played sports at home by yourself, with an imaginary team and an imaginary "coach", ie den leader and scout master. Sodomy hurts, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We here at hh are here for you. Not me, but your fellow den masters who suffered the same unfortunate poopsickles you did. Talk amongst yourselves, puppy gonna slip out the backdoor for a beer. Sorry about the reference .
And Fudgy, you didnt play hockey either. Tough kids play hockey. A 7 year old hockey player could kick your ass. Thomas and ex are already in the hospital.
Quit plagarizing his shit, fucko!
Puppy shit is best shit to plagiarism, fucko.
Fuck Bazey, i barely remembered that rant. Like what you did inserting Fudgy. Perfect case of proper plagiasrism. Good find
For the record, I didn't insert anything into Fudgy.
BTW, a question for you... have you ever banged black chicks?
You lying fuck Fudgy. You didnt play sports. You played sports at home by yourself, with an imaginary team and an imaginary "coach", ie den leader and scout master. Sodomy hurts, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We here at hh are here for you. Not me, but your fellow den masters who suffered the same unfortunate poopsickles you did. Talk amongst yourselves, puppy gonna slip out the backdoor for a beer. Sorry about the reference .
And Fudgy, you didnt play hockey either. Tough kids play hockey. A 7 year old hockey player could kick your ass. Thomas and ex are already in the hospital.
Quit plagarizing his shit, fucko!
Puppy shit is best shit to plagiarism, fucko.
Fuck Bazey, i barely remembered that rant. Like what you did inserting Fudgy. Perfect case of proper plagiasrism. Good find
For the record, I didn't insert anything into Fudgy.
BTW, a question for you... have you ever banged black chicks?
You lying fuck Fudgy. You didnt play sports. You played sports at home by yourself, with an imaginary team and an imaginary "coach", ie den leader and scout master. Sodomy hurts, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We here at hh are here for you. Not me, but your fellow den masters who suffered the same unfortunate poopsickles you did. Talk amongst yourselves, puppy gonna slip out the backdoor for a beer. Sorry about the reference .
And Fudgy, you didnt play hockey either. Tough kids play hockey. A 7 year old hockey player could kick your ass. Thomas and ex are already in the hospital.
Quit plagarizing his shit, fucko!
Puppy shit is best shit to plagiarism, fucko.
Fuck Bazey, i barely remembered that rant. Like what you did inserting Fudgy. Perfect case of proper plagiasrism. Good find
For the record, I didn't insert anything into Fudgy.
BTW, a question for you... have you ever banged black chicks?
Axin' for a fren.
big YEP
Well, I was hoping for some details.
Pup dont kiss and tell. I will say really is bright pink but unlike white chicks there's no need to bleach the stink. Blends right in. And all that bullshit about smelly beav's...untrue. just depends if your blackass wipes from the north...and cleans the damn thing. Ive smelt way worse cunts on white chicks...
EDIT...ok, Ive kissed and told..but it was warranted
BTW, a question for you... have you ever banged black chicks?
Axin' for a fren.
Pup only could hope he'd keep it competitive till the 4th quarter. Thats tuff. Nuts want to bust on the opening kickoff.
Just go out tonight and find one.
EDIT...ok, Ive kissed and told..but it was warranted