Her getting fired isn't that crazy, she knew it was coming after she made that decision and Trump is going to get his guys in there anyway. The statement released by the White House is unreal though.
Did a sixth-grader write this?
How old were you as a sixth grader? Jesus! For the last time, it's "are you 15?"
Were you 15 in 6th grade? Oh shit. I'm sorry.
Oh, it's this guy again. You seem like You're a fag.
Her getting fired isn't that crazy, she knew it was coming after she made that decision and Trump is going to get his guys in there anyway. The statement released by the White House is unreal though.
Did a sixth-grader write this?
How old were you as a sixth grader? Jesus! For the last time, it's "are you 15?"
Were you 15 in 6th grade? Oh shit. I'm sorry.
Oh, it's this guy again. You seem like You're a fag.
Bans on immigration aren't new or exciting. But the incompetency with which the Trump administration orchestrated this maneuver was legendary. This was a Jed York firing Harbaugh level of stupid. Yet at the same time, it was also extremely predictable.
The nut job Left is classic. They spend the weekend freaking out and then polls come out supporting the policy almost 2-1. They spent the first week screaming their lungs out about every little move Trump does, and from that they finally have a legitimate bitch about how the policy was actually rolled out and it gets drown out by all of the other hysteria they are trying to generate.
“American voters support 48 – 42 percent suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions,” states a press release from Quinnipiac University, which questioned 899 people by calling their landline and cell phones in early January.
And your poll is Rasmussen (the only poll showing over 50% approval) and the last calls were January 26. Don't you think the last 3 days of vetting the order changes things?
Do you ever feel like you've been duped by your news source?
The nut job Left is classic. They spend the weekend freaking out and then polls come out supporting the policy almost 2-1. They spent the first week screaming their lungs out about every little move Trump does, and from that they finally have a legitimate bitch about how the policy was actually rolled out and it gets drown out by all of the other hysteria they are trying to generate.
“American voters support 48 – 42 percent suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions,” states a press release from Quinnipiac University, which questioned 899 people by calling their landline and cell phones in early January.
And your poll is Rasmussen (the only poll showing over 50% approval) and the last calls were January 26. Don't you think the last 3 days of vetting the order changes things?
Do you ever feel like you've been duped by your news source?
Newsweek ran the Madam President cover, right?
Take responsibility for the fact that you read and regurgitate Pravda: America Edition.
Bans on immigration aren't new or exciting. But the incompetency with which the Trump administration orchestrated this maneuver was legendary. This was a Jed York firing Harbaugh level of stupid. Yet at the same time, it was also extremely predictable.
yes. the bans would have gotten outrage either way. but had the original ban not included green card holders it would have been a hell of a lot more defensible.
The nut job Left is classic. They spend the weekend freaking out and then polls come out supporting the policy almost 2-1. They spent the first week screaming their lungs out about every little move Trump does, and from that they finally have a legitimate bitch about how the policy was actually rolled out and it gets drown out by all of the other hysteria they are trying to generate.
“American voters support 48 – 42 percent suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions,” states a press release from Quinnipiac University, which questioned 899 people by calling their landline and cell phones in early January.
And your poll is Rasmussen (the only poll showing over 50% approval) and the last calls were January 26. Don't you think the last 3 days of vetting the order changes things?
Do you ever feel like you've been duped by your news source?
The nut job Left is classic. They spend the weekend freaking out and then polls come out supporting the policy almost 2-1. They spent the first week screaming their lungs out about every little move Trump does, and from that they finally have a legitimate bitch about how the policy was actually rolled out and it gets drown out by all of the other hysteria they are trying to generate.
“American voters support 48 – 42 percent suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions,” states a press release from Quinnipiac University, which questioned 899 people by calling their landline and cell phones in early January.
And your poll is Rasmussen (the only poll showing over 50% approval) and the last calls were January 26. Don't you think the last 3 days of vetting the order changes things?
Do you ever feel like you've been duped by your news source?
Your response is to cite a different poll that agrees with me in direction if not the almost 2-1 ratio and think that proves your point? God you are a fucking moron.
Add to that a poll that doesn't publish (that I could find) it's underlying assumptions and was notorious about being pro-Hillary (go look at their final polls for states like Penn, Mich, etc)...if it makes you feel better I'm sure the WP will come out with some push polls to try and swing opinion like they did with Obama's final "approval", but only a few as dumb enough as you will believe them. And yes, you are a big enough moron to think inconveniencing average travelers at the airport and screaming on CNN and MSNBC who have a couple million people in total watching, 99% of which have already made up their mind is suddenly going to change millions of minds about a temporary ban on people coming in from 7 war-torn countries, 5 of which Obama was actively bombing.
The nut job Left is classic. They spend the weekend freaking out and then polls come out supporting the policy almost 2-1. They spent the first week screaming their lungs out about every little move Trump does, and from that they finally have a legitimate bitch about how the policy was actually rolled out and it gets drown out by all of the other hysteria they are trying to generate.
“American voters support 48 – 42 percent suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions,” states a press release from Quinnipiac University, which questioned 899 people by calling their landline and cell phones in early January.
And your poll is Rasmussen (the only poll showing over 50% approval) and the last calls were January 26. Don't you think the last 3 days of vetting the order changes things?
Do you ever feel like you've been duped by your news source?
The nut job Left is classic. They spend the weekend freaking out and then polls come out supporting the policy almost 2-1. They spent the first week screaming their lungs out about every little move Trump does, and from that they finally have a legitimate bitch about how the policy was actually rolled out and it gets drown out by all of the other hysteria they are trying to generate.
“American voters support 48 – 42 percent suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions,” states a press release from Quinnipiac University, which questioned 899 people by calling their landline and cell phones in early January.
And your poll is Rasmussen (the only poll showing over 50% approval) and the last calls were January 26. Don't you think the last 3 days of vetting the order changes things?
Do you ever feel like you've been duped by your news source?
Your response is to cite a different poll that agrees with me in direction if not the almost 2-1 ratio and think that proves your point? God you are a fucking moron.
Add to that a poll that doesn't publish (that I could find) it's underlying assumptions and was notorious about being pro-Hillary (go look at their final polls for states like Penn, Mich, etc)...if it makes you feel better I'm sure the WP will come out with some push polls to try and swing opinion like they did with Obama's final "approval", but only a few as dumb enough as you will believe them. And yes, you are a big enough moron to think inconveniencing average travelers at the airport and screaming on CNN and MSNBC who have a couple million people in total watching, 99% of which have already made up their mind is suddenly going to change millions of minds about a temporary ban on people coming in from 7 war-torn countries, 5 of which Obama was actively bombing then you really are the moron I think you are.
again, that poll was taken on the 5th through the 9th. Before it's enactment.
The execution was about 5 times worse than the policy itself
Although I disagree with the EO, I hate the political grandstanding of Sally Yates. You don't want to defend an EO for which a reasonable legal argument could be made (i.e. your job [hint: "not convinced of its legality" still means you could make a reasonable legal argument for it...])? Resign. This was clearly a political ploy. What's worse are the people calling her a hero for pulling a political stunt to set her up for political or private opportunities, especially when she was probably not going to have a job in about 24-48 hours anyways. Hero my ass.
The nut job Left is classic. They spend the weekend freaking out and then polls come out supporting the policy almost 2-1. They spent the first week screaming their lungs out about every little move Trump does, and from that they finally have a legitimate bitch about how the policy was actually rolled out and it gets drown out by all of the other hysteria they are trying to generate.
“American voters support 48 – 42 percent suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions,” states a press release from Quinnipiac University, which questioned 899 people by calling their landline and cell phones in early January.
And your poll is Rasmussen (the only poll showing over 50% approval) and the last calls were January 26. Don't you think the last 3 days of vetting the order changes things?
Do you ever feel like you've been duped by your news source?
The nut job Left is classic. They spend the weekend freaking out and then polls come out supporting the policy almost 2-1. They spent the first week screaming their lungs out about every little move Trump does, and from that they finally have a legitimate bitch about how the policy was actually rolled out and it gets drown out by all of the other hysteria they are trying to generate.
“American voters support 48 – 42 percent suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions,” states a press release from Quinnipiac University, which questioned 899 people by calling their landline and cell phones in early January.
And your poll is Rasmussen (the only poll showing over 50% approval) and the last calls were January 26. Don't you think the last 3 days of vetting the order changes things?
Do you ever feel like you've been duped by your news source?
Your response is to cite a different poll that agrees with me in direction if not the almost 2-1 ratio and think that proves your point? God you are a fucking moron.
Add to that a poll that doesn't publish (that I could find) it's underlying assumptions and was notorious about being pro-Hillary (go look at their final polls for states like Penn, Mich, etc)...if it makes you feel better I'm sure the WP will come out with some push polls to try and swing opinion like they did with Obama's final "approval", but only a few as dumb enough as you will believe them. And yes, you are a big enough moron to think inconveniencing average travelers at the airport and screaming on CNN and MSNBC who have a couple million people in total watching, 99% of which have already made up their mind is suddenly going to change millions of minds about a temporary ban on people coming in from 7 war-torn countries, 5 of which Obama was actively bombing then you really are the moron I think you are.
again, that poll was taken on the 5th through the 9th. Before it's enactment.
The execution was about 5 times worse than the policy itself
Thank you for proving my point. You can bitch about how Trump went about rolling it out...little forewarning, miscommunication on how to handle green card holders, doing it before he had his AG in place, etc. and they would be valid. Instead (this thread being a good example) it turned into Hitler's/Nixon comparisons, BLM street chants for assassinations, Chuck Schumer rolling out fake tears on a policy he talked about pushing in 2015, Hollywood-types talking about how many more refugees we should be taking in (as long as the aren't settled near them) and it turns into a shitshow of nutjobs for the Left that in comparison will probably be even to a net positive for Trump.
One of the biggest problems of the Left is that they have too many HondoFS types that pipe up at every opportunity, and in doing so hurt their cause more than help.
Although I disagree with the EO, I hate the political grandstanding of Sally Yates. You don't want to defend an EO for which a reasonable legal argument could be made (i.e. your job [hint: "not convinced of its legality" still means you could make a reasonable legal argument for it...])? Resign. This was clearly a political ploy. What's worse are the people calling her a hero for pulling a political stunt to set her up for political or private opportunities, especially when she was probably not going to have a job in about 24-48 hours anyways. Hero my ass.
Disagree. We can't have the two parties playing by different rules. The obstructionist tactics employed by the Republicans over the last eight years should come back to bite them and I'm glad they are. Good for Sally Yates - about time the Dems stopped being pussies. Fuck Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court as well; that may never happen.
Although I disagree with the EO, I hate the political grandstanding of Sally Yates. You don't want to defend an EO for which a reasonable legal argument could be made (i.e. your job [hint: "not convinced of its legality" still means you could make a reasonable legal argument for it...])? Resign. This was clearly a political ploy. What's worse are the people calling her a hero for pulling a political stunt to set her up for political or private opportunities, especially when she was probably not going to have a job in about 24-48 hours anyways. Hero my ass.
Disagree. We can't have the two parties playing by different rules. The obstructionist tactics employed by the Republicans over the last eight years should come back to bite them and I'm glad they are. Good for Sally Yates - about time the Dems stopped being pussies. Fuck Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court as well; that may never happen.
So your solution is to make politics more partisan, justifying Republican obstructionism? You do realize the Republicans can employ the nuclear option, get rid of filibusters on Supreme Court candidates, and force through any nomination they want? Do you really want that for the next 2-3 supreme court justices? What a lot of people on the left forget is that many people who voted for Clinton voted down ballot Republican. Even though Clinton won the presidential popular vote, The GOP for both the senate and house won the popular vote over Democrats.
The nut job Left is classic. They spend the weekend freaking out and then polls come out supporting the policy almost 2-1. They spent the first week screaming their lungs out about every little move Trump does, and from that they finally have a legitimate bitch about how the policy was actually rolled out and it gets drown out by all of the other hysteria they are trying to generate.
“American voters support 48 – 42 percent suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions,” states a press release from Quinnipiac University, which questioned 899 people by calling their landline and cell phones in early January.
And your poll is Rasmussen (the only poll showing over 50% approval) and the last calls were January 26. Don't you think the last 3 days of vetting the order changes things?
Do you ever feel like you've been duped by your news source?
The nut job Left is classic. They spend the weekend freaking out and then polls come out supporting the policy almost 2-1. They spent the first week screaming their lungs out about every little move Trump does, and from that they finally have a legitimate bitch about how the policy was actually rolled out and it gets drown out by all of the other hysteria they are trying to generate.
“American voters support 48 – 42 percent suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions,” states a press release from Quinnipiac University, which questioned 899 people by calling their landline and cell phones in early January.
And your poll is Rasmussen (the only poll showing over 50% approval) and the last calls were January 26. Don't you think the last 3 days of vetting the order changes things?
Do you ever feel like you've been duped by your news source?
Your response is to cite a different poll that agrees with me in direction if not the almost 2-1 ratio and think that proves your point? God you are a fucking moron.
Add to that a poll that doesn't publish (that I could find) it's underlying assumptions and was notorious about being pro-Hillary (go look at their final polls for states like Penn, Mich, etc)...if it makes you feel better I'm sure the WP will come out with some push polls to try and swing opinion like they did with Obama's final "approval", but only a few as dumb enough as you will believe them. And yes, you are a big enough moron to think inconveniencing average travelers at the airport and screaming on CNN and MSNBC who have a couple million people in total watching, 99% of which have already made up their mind is suddenly going to change millions of minds about a temporary ban on people coming in from 7 war-torn countries, 5 of which Obama was actively bombing then you really are the moron I think you are.
again, that poll was taken on the 5th through the 9th. Before it's enactment.
The execution was about 5 times worse than the policy itself
Thank you for proving my point. You can bitch about how Trump went about rolling it out...little forewarning, miscommunication on how to handle green card holders, doing it before he had his AG in place, etc. and they would be valid. Instead (this thread being a good example) it turned into Hitler's/Nixon comparisons, BLM street chants for assassinations, Chuck Schumer rolling out fake tears on a policy he talked about pushing in 2015, Hollywood-types talking about how many more refugees we should be taking in (as long as the aren't settled near them) and it turns into a shitshow of nutjobs for the Left that in comparison will probably be even to a net positive for Trump.
One of the biggest problems of the Left is that they have too many HondoFS types that pipe up at every opportunity, and in doing so hurt their cause more than help.
I'm not saying the policy wasn't reprehensible in itself. it absolutely is imo.
But the majority of the outrage was over the treatment of legal residents. That was a lot more than just a "miscommunication" as you put it. I read that much of the DHS and many in the state dep't basically found out about the order as it was being passed? that's just gross incompetence.
Bans on immigration aren't new or exciting. But the incompetency with which the Trump administration orchestrated this maneuver was legendary. This was a Jed York firing Harbaugh level of stupid. Yet at the same time, it was also extremely predictable.
yes. the bans would have gotten outrage either way. but had the original ban not included green card holders it would have been a hell of a lot more defensible.
Agreed. Including "green card holders" was a royal, extreme fuck-up.
Although I disagree with the EO, I hate the political grandstanding of Sally Yates. You don't want to defend an EO for which a reasonable legal argument could be made (i.e. your job [hint: "not convinced of its legality" still means you could make a reasonable legal argument for it...])? Resign. This was clearly a political ploy. What's worse are the people calling her a hero for pulling a political stunt to set her up for political or private opportunities, especially when she was probably not going to have a job in about 24-48 hours anyways. Hero my ass.
Disagree. We can't have the two parties playing by different rules. The obstructionist tactics employed by the Republicans over the last eight years should come back to bite them and I'm glad they are. Good for Sally Yates - about time the Dems stopped being pussies. Fuck Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court as well; that may never happen.
So your solution is to make politics more partisan, justifying Republican obstructionism? You do realize the Republicans can employ the nuclear option, get rid of filibusters on Supreme Court candidates, and force through any nomination they want? Do you really want that for the next 2-3 supreme court justices? What a lot of people on the left forget is that many people who voted for Clinton voted down ballot Republican. Even though Clinton won the presidential popular vote, The GOP for both the senate and house won the popular vote over Democrats.
and? I don't give a shit if they put into place the nuclear option. After all the shit they've pulled in week 1 along with how extreme his pick is likely going to be, they can enjoy that battle. and if they do it I prefer it going down without a fight. moderation isn't effective countering extremism.
Excerpt from Sally Yates 2015 confirmation hearing where she was questioned by ... none other than soon to be AG, Senator Jeff Sessions:
SESSIONS: You have to watch out because people will be asking you to do things you just need to say “no” about. Do you think the Attorney General has the responsibility to say no to the President if he asks for something that’s improper? A lot of people have defended the [Loretta] Lynch nomination, for example, by saying, “Well [Obama] appoints somebody who’s going to execute his views. What’s wrong with that?” But if the views the president wants to execute are unlawful, should the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney General say no?
YATES: Senator, I believe the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney General has an obligation to follow the law and the Constitution, and to give their independent legal advice to the president.
Although I disagree with the EO, I hate the political grandstanding of Sally Yates. You don't want to defend an EO for which a reasonable legal argument could be made (i.e. your job [hint: "not convinced of its legality" still means you could make a reasonable legal argument for it...])? Resign. This was clearly a political ploy. What's worse are the people calling her a hero for pulling a political stunt to set her up for political or private opportunities, especially when she was probably not going to have a job in about 24-48 hours anyways. Hero my ass.
Disagree. We can't have the two parties playing by different rules. The obstructionist tactics employed by the Republicans over the last eight years should come back to bite them and I'm glad they are. Good for Sally Yates - about time the Dems stopped being pussies. Fuck Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court as well; that may never happen.
So your solution is to make politics more partisan, justifying Republican obstructionism? You do realize the Republicans can employ the nuclear option, get rid of filibusters on Supreme Court candidates, and force through any nomination they want? Do you really want that for the next 2-3 supreme court justices? What a lot of people on the left forget is that many people who voted for Clinton voted down ballot Republican. Even though Clinton won the presidential popular vote, The GOP for both the senate and house won the popular vote over Democrats.
and? I don't give a shit if they put into place the nuclear option. After all the shit they've pulled in week 1 along with how extreme his pick is likely going to be, they can enjoy that battle. and if they do it I prefer it going down without a fight. moderation isn't effective countering extremism.
Immoderation is not necessarily effective either. But most Republicans aren't "extreme" and many republicans and conservatives (especially the voters) don't like Trump and common cause could be found if the left wasn't so fucking insistent on ideological purity of controversial and complex subjects. For instance, opposing abortion is not an "irrational" position. To pretend like it is "anti-women" is on the face of it absurd. When a majority of the voters are voting republican for senate and house, even when their presidential candidate is Trump, perhaps the majority in this country do not endorse the progressive view of the world? I guess you could always take up arms. That would certainly not be moderate!
Add to that a poll that doesn't publish (that I could find) it's underlying assumptions and was notorious about being pro-Hillary (go look at their final polls for states like Penn, Mich, etc)...if it makes you feel better I'm sure the WP will come out with some push polls to try and swing opinion like they did with Obama's final "approval", but only a few as dumb enough as you will believe them. And yes, you are a big enough moron to think inconveniencing average travelers at the airport and screaming on CNN and MSNBC who have a couple million people in total watching, 99% of which have already made up their mind is suddenly going to change millions of minds about a temporary ban on people coming in from 7 war-torn countries, 5 of which Obama was actively bombing.
God I hate typing on an iPad.
The execution was about 5 times worse than the policy itself
One of the biggest problems of the Left is that they have too many HondoFS types that pipe up at every opportunity, and in doing so hurt their cause more than help.
But the majority of the outrage was over the treatment of legal residents. That was a lot more than just a "miscommunication" as you put it.
I read that much of the DHS and many in the state dep't basically found out about the order as it was being passed? that's just gross incompetence.
SESSIONS: You have to watch out because people will be asking you to do things you just need to say “no” about. Do you think the Attorney General has the responsibility to say no to the President if he asks for something that’s improper? A lot of people have defended the [Loretta] Lynch nomination, for example, by saying, “Well [Obama] appoints somebody who’s going to execute his views. What’s wrong with that?” But if the views the president wants to execute are unlawful, should the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney General say no?
YATES: Senator, I believe the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney General has an obligation to follow the law and the Constitution, and to give their independent legal advice to the president.