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More Trumped up numbers



  • TurdBomber
    TurdBomber Member Posts: 19,784
    @Dhdawg says:

    "If trump actually kills tpp that would be an example of him actually giving a shit about workers.
    This deal sets a horrible future precedent, unless you're now okay with giving 7 million dollar handouts to every company threatening to outsource."

    That's a fair marker to measure him by. Don't forget HRC was for it, until she was against it. Just like the Dakota Access pipeline, the Defense of Marriage Act, and a litany of other "former" positions.

    Dem Guv Locke gave away the store to Boeing over a decade ago - and they moved to Chicago and Charleston anyway - so let's not pretend corporate blackmail is a partisan problem or issue.
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    My investments are skyrocketing, to be honest. But you guys continue to miss the point of the spectacle Trump is creating daily. Obama talked a lot, but did very little, and he's acknowledged that many times in many interviews, where he explains his theory that all meaningful progress is incremental.

    Trump is doing the opposite, drawing a much straighter and shorter line between his action and results. And people eat that shit up, just like they did with Reagan. Wiser folk like Mark Cuban are getting it and adjusting accordingly.

    Others are stuck in a loser mentality that still want to fight the election, deny reality, and piss into the wind. Go for it. See where it gets you.

    I am clearly none of those. I just chuckle and make fun of Troomps.

    Obama actually accomplished a lot, just your news source doesn't acknowledge it and you disagree with what he accomplished.

    Just like Trump will accomplish a lot and most people on the liberal side will bitch cause they don't like it. I personally think the president stepping in with a private business to negotiate tax breaks to make a point that he cares is as communist as anything Obama has done. But your side only cheers it,, except Palin.

    I truly hope Trump accomplishes a lot that actually helps the American people. Obama insured over 30 million people, I hope Trump tops that with his policies.
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326

    @Dhdawg says:

    "If trump actually kills tpp that would be an example of him actually giving a shit about workers.
    This deal sets a horrible future precedent, unless you're now okay with giving 7 million dollar handouts to every company threatening to outsource."

    That's a fair marker to measure him by. Don't forget HRC was for it, until she was against it. Just like the Dakota Access pipeline, the Defense of Marriage Act, and a litany of other "former" positions.

    Dem Guv Locke gave away the store to Boeing over a decade ago - and they moved to Chicago and Charleston anyway - so let's not pretend corporate blackmail is a partisan problem or issue.

    she actually never came out against DAPL. why? because she's always the last one to the party.

    I've been on record saying if Dems keep running shit candidates like her, they deserve to lose. Electing ellison to lead the DNC would be a good step in the right direction.

    And when you talk about obama being an incrementalist, that's absolutely true. he's done some good things. but people elected him for radical change that he didn't deliver on, even with a supermajority in both houses for 2 years.

    I think what jon stewart says sums it up pretty well for me
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    2001400ex said:

    My investments are skyrocketing, to be honest. But you guys continue to miss the point of the spectacle Trump is creating daily. Obama talked a lot, but did very little, and he's acknowledged that many times in many interviews, where he explains his theory that all meaningful progress is incremental.

    Trump is doing the opposite, drawing a much straighter and shorter line between his action and results. And people eat that shit up, just like they did with Reagan. Wiser folk like Mark Cuban are getting it and adjusting accordingly.

    Others are stuck in a loser mentality that still want to fight the election, deny reality, and piss into the wind. Go for it. See where it gets you.

    I truly hope Trump accomplishes a lot that actually helps the American people. Obama insured over 30 million people, I hope Trump tops that with his policies.
    sure. It would be nice if he follows through on some of the good things that he proposed. But his cabinet picks like Ross and Mnuchin scream hypocrisy and business as usual
  • TurdBomber
    TurdBomber Member Posts: 19,784
    edited December 2016
    dhdawg said:

    @Dhdawg says:

    "If trump actually kills tpp that would be an example of him actually giving a shit about workers.
    This deal sets a horrible future precedent, unless you're now okay with giving 7 million dollar handouts to every company threatening to outsource."

    That's a fair marker to measure him by. Don't forget HRC was for it, until she was against it. Just like the Dakota Access pipeline, the Defense of Marriage Act, and a litany of other "former" positions.

    Dem Guv Locke gave away the store to Boeing over a decade ago - and they moved to Chicago and Charleston anyway - so let's not pretend corporate blackmail is a partisan problem or issue.

    she actually never came out against DAPL. why? because she's always the last one to the party.

    I've been on record saying if Dems keep running shit candidates like her, they deserve to lose. Electing ellison to lead the DNC would be a good step in the right direction.

    And when you talk about obama being an incrementalist, that's absolutely true. he's done some good things. but people elected him for radical change that he didn't deliver on, even with a supermajority in both houses for 2 years.

    I think what jon stewart says sums it up pretty well for me
    Disagree about Ellison, regardless of his abilities. That would be suicidal for the party in this climate. Still too soon. Nobody even knows Ellison, nationally, but they'll all know he's a Muslim in 24 hours. Dems would be wise to introduce him and let people get to know him first, but they're dems, so they won't. He's their Sara Palin. (Radical departure choice. Pseudo change agent.)

    Agree about Obama, but he didn't do shit about the deficit spending, even with troop draw-downs. He outspent W by 3 tril? And for what? To make middle class people pay even more for healthcare in order to cover the uninsured? That's a hard sell to working folks and business owners when we see voluntarily underemployed squatters all over our city with their hands out, sucking up tax dollars that should be going to more worthy causes, like reducing the cost and impediments to healthcare.
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    he's not perfect (ellison) and I would have preferred someone like Warren or Sanders, but he's better than just another nancy pelosi / hillary clinton / harry reid business as usual dem
  • TurdBomber
    TurdBomber Member Posts: 19,784
    dhdawg said:

    he's not perfect (ellison) and I would have preferred someone like Warren or Sanders, but he's better than just another nancy pelosi / hillary clinton / harry reid business as usual dem

    As a midwest guy, he's probably more moderate, centrist, and therefore acceptable than either Warren or Sanders. And with a name like Keith Ellison, we all know he's obviously white and fiscally conservative, which gets him no traction in Democratic circles.
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    edited December 2016

    dhdawg said:

    he's not perfect (ellison) and I would have preferred someone like Warren or Sanders, but he's better than just another nancy pelosi / hillary clinton / harry reid business as usual dem

    As a midwest guy, he's probably more moderate, centrist, and therefore acceptable than either Warren or Sanders. And with a name like Keith Ellison, we all know he's obviously white and fiscally conservative, which gets him no traction in Democratic circles.
    people don't want moderate and centrist anymore. that's why hillary lost. Obama ran on change, that's why he won. He's very similar to sanders on economics and endorsed him.

    As for the controversial comments he's made, I'm not defending them. But I think trump proved that people don't give a shit about stuff like that anymore. He's better than any other candidate the dems are throwing out there
  • TurdBomber
    TurdBomber Member Posts: 19,784
    edited December 2016
    dhdawg said:

    dhdawg said:

    he's not perfect (ellison) and I would have preferred someone like Warren or Sanders, but he's better than just another nancy pelosi / hillary clinton / harry reid business as usual dem

    As a midwest guy, he's probably more moderate, centrist, and therefore acceptable than either Warren or Sanders. And with a name like Keith Ellison, we all know he's obviously white and fiscally conservative, which gets him no traction in Democratic circles.
    people don't want moderate and centrist anymore. that's why hillary lost. Obama ran on change, that's why he won. He's very similar to sanders on economics and endorsed him.

    As for the controversial comments he's made, I'm not defending them. But I think trump proved that people don't give a shit about stuff like that anymore. He's better than any other candidate the dems are throwing out there
    I would not describe the so-called Progressive Left as moderate or centrist. They are the ones obsessed with bathrooms, genitalia, and the never ending alphabet soup expansion of rights and privileges from the original LGB, to LGBTQSRXXWYZABC - and on and on, so that nobody will have to go through life without a victim card to play. Most people just want to go to work, enjoy their time off with friends and family, and save some dough for retirement. They don't care at all where a gender-fluid person pisses or shits, so long as its private, and reasonably quiet, and they really, really want everyone to have a decent job and succeed in life so we can all thrive and pay less taxes. Obama caved to the outliers and fringes of his party, and the middle of country reeled it back by voting for Trump. That's my read of the election, anyway.
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    edited December 2016

    dhdawg said:

    dhdawg said:

    he's not perfect (ellison) and I would have preferred someone like Warren or Sanders, but he's better than just another nancy pelosi / hillary clinton / harry reid business as usual dem

    As a midwest guy, he's probably more moderate, centrist, and therefore acceptable than either Warren or Sanders. And with a name like Keith Ellison, we all know he's obviously white and fiscally conservative, which gets him no traction in Democratic circles.
    people don't want moderate and centrist anymore. that's why hillary lost. Obama ran on change, that's why he won. He's very similar to sanders on economics and endorsed him.

    As for the controversial comments he's made, I'm not defending them. But I think trump proved that people don't give a shit about stuff like that anymore. He's better than any other candidate the dems are throwing out there
    I would not describe the so-called Progressive Left as moderate or centrist. They are the ones obsessed with bathrooms, genitalia, and the never ending alphabet soup expansion of rights and privileges from the original LGB, to LGBTQSRXXWYZABC - and on and on, so that nobody will have to go through life without a victim card to play. Most people just want to go to work, enjoy their time off with friends and family, and save some dough for retirement. They don't care at all where a gender-fluid person pisses or shits, so long as its private, and reasonably quiet, and they really, really want everyone to have a decent job and succeed in life so we can all thrive and pay less taxes. Obama caved to the outliers and fringes of his party, and the middle of country reeled it back by voting for Trump. That's my read of the election, anyway.
    we're saying the same thing. the democratic party, just like the republican party, uses social issues as a device to get their bases to fall in line so they can get away with selling out to the rich donors that elected them.

    You're just flat out wrong if you think the democratic party is economically liberal, it isn't even close to that. In europe, it would be the conservative party.

    Whether it be liberal or conservative, people want change. Trump offered that, the democrats offer business as usual.
  • RaceBannon
    RaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,657 Swaye's Wigwam
    I would love to see Ellison as DNC chair. We don't have enough misogynist anti Semites in positions of power. Brother Farrakhan will be proud


    DERSHOWITZ: If I were a Republican strategist and I were given the choice to pick the head of the Democratic National Committee, I'd say pick [Congressman Keith] Ellison! He would be great for the Republicans, and he's going to be great for the Republicans. A major contributor to the democratic party has said, essentially, don't count on me anymore.

    He is going to lose many, many Democrats. He's going to lose many pro-Israel Democrats, many pro-American Democrats. Forget about Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism and the fact that this guy was part of that for years. Do you know what he said at one point to somebody when he was a student at the Minnesota Law School?

    He said to somebody who was a woman and Jewish, I can have no respect for you -- this is Ellison saying this, not Farrakhan. I can have no respect for you because you're Jewish and you're a woman, and as a woman, you shouldn't be working, you should with home. you should be home.
  • CuntWaffle
    CuntWaffle Member Posts: 22,493


    The math just keeps getting worse. Good for those 800 that get to keep their job, but it's like Trump can't help but lie about everything.

    Funny because you voted for him
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    edited December 2016

    I would love to see Ellison as DNC chair. We don't have enough misogynist anti Semites in positions of power. Brother Farrakhan will be proud


    DERSHOWITZ: If I were a Republican strategist and I were given the choice to pick the head of the Democratic National Committee, I'd say pick [Congressman Keith] Ellison! He would be great for the Republicans, and he's going to be great for the Republicans. A major contributor to the democratic party has said, essentially, don't count on me anymore.

    He is going to lose many, many Democrats. He's going to lose many pro-Israel Democrats, many pro-American Democrats. Forget about Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism and the fact that this guy was part of that for years. Do you know what he said at one point to somebody when he was a student at the Minnesota Law School?

    He said to somebody who was a woman and Jewish, I can have no respect for you -- this is Ellison saying this, not Farrakhan. I can have no respect for you because you're Jewish and you're a woman, and as a woman, you shouldn't be working, you should with home. you should be home.

    has being controversial cost the republicans anything lately? He's backed away from his support of Farrakhan and his past statements and has the support of a number of prominent jewish figures and groups.


    he's one of the few dems who will actually stand up for workers, that's what the democrats need. not another howard dean wall street whore. He even recently got the endorsement of the AFL-CIO.

    Again, would a less controversial figure be preferable? yes. but he's the best of the bunch
  • ThomasFremont
    ThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325


    The math just keeps getting worse. Good for those 800 that get to keep their job, but it's like Trump can't help but lie about everything.

    Funny because you voted for him
    Are you comparing a message bored joke to a politician lying?

    Grow up and learn the difference between the internet and the real world.
  • CuntWaffle
    CuntWaffle Member Posts: 22,493


    The math just keeps getting worse. Good for those 800 that get to keep their job, but it's like Trump can't help but lie about everything.

    Funny because you voted for him
    Are you comparing a message bored joke to a politician lying?

    Grow up and learn the difference between the internet and the real world.
    Then please continue bitching about the pre season.
  • RaceBannon
    RaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,657 Swaye's Wigwam
    dhdawg said:

    I would love to see Ellison as DNC chair. We don't have enough misogynist anti Semites in positions of power. Brother Farrakhan will be proud


    DERSHOWITZ: If I were a Republican strategist and I were given the choice to pick the head of the Democratic National Committee, I'd say pick [Congressman Keith] Ellison! He would be great for the Republicans, and he's going to be great for the Republicans. A major contributor to the democratic party has said, essentially, don't count on me anymore.

    He is going to lose many, many Democrats. He's going to lose many pro-Israel Democrats, many pro-American Democrats. Forget about Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism and the fact that this guy was part of that for years. Do you know what he said at one point to somebody when he was a student at the Minnesota Law School?

    He said to somebody who was a woman and Jewish, I can have no respect for you -- this is Ellison saying this, not Farrakhan. I can have no respect for you because you're Jewish and you're a woman, and as a woman, you shouldn't be working, you should with home. you should be home.

    has being controversial cost the republicans anything lately? He's backed away from his support of Farrakhan and his past statements and has the support of a number of prominent jewish figures and groups.


    he's one of the few dems who will actually stand up for workers, that's what the democrats need. not another howard dean wall street whore. He even recently got the endorsement of the AFL-CIO.

    Again, would a less controversial figure be preferable? yes. but he's the best of the bunch
    Go for it
  • ThomasFremont
    ThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325


    The math just keeps getting worse. Good for those 800 that get to keep their job, but it's like Trump can't help but lie about everything.

    Funny because you voted for him
    Are you comparing a message bored joke to a politician lying?

    Grow up and learn the difference between the internet and the real world.
    Then please continue bitching about the pre season.
    It's not the pre-season.

    Just because he hasn't been sworn in yet doesn't mean he isn't doing things that matter.
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
    2001400ex said:

    My investments are skyrocketing, to be honest. But you guys continue to miss the point of the spectacle Trump is creating daily. Obama talked a lot, but did very little, and he's acknowledged that many times in many interviews, where he explains his theory that all meaningful progress is incremental.

    Trump is doing the opposite, drawing a much straighter and shorter line between his action and results. And people eat that shit up, just like they did with Reagan. Wiser folk like Mark Cuban are getting it and adjusting accordingly.

    Others are stuck in a loser mentality that still want to fight the election, deny reality, and piss into the wind. Go for it. See where it gets you.

    I am clearly none of those. I just chuckle and make fun of Troomps.

    Obama actually accomplished a lot, just your news source doesn't acknowledge it and you disagree with what he accomplished.

    Yes he did. Most people on welfare, food stamps, Obama phones, Obozo care, outspent all previous presidents combined, highest poverty rate etc. etc. etc.

    What a stud of a president. Rides girls bikes and is rumored to take in the shitter. Worst president in history. Made Jimmy Carter the happiest man in history.

    Trump? We'll see as I've said not my first or even second choice but it was him or the Hildebeast.

    Hondo likes him some Hildebeast!
  • topdawgnc
    topdawgnc Member Posts: 7,838
    From what I am hearing Trump will fail miserably.

    Just like he would fail to actually announce.
    Just like he would fail to make it to the first primary due to stupid comments.
    Just like he would fail to beat 15 other GOP candidates.
    Just like he would fail to win enough delegates to prevent a brokered convention.
    Just like he would fail to beat HRC.

    This guy is a loser.