That's not enough votes to impact a middle school student presidential election, much less POTUS.
I mean, if the system was that corrupt, it could just as easily have been manipulated in Trump's favor. But since we only have conspiracy theory speculation as proof, nobody with any credibility is backing this up. Don't you think the Dems would be all over it if they thought Hillary lost because of widespread voter fraud?
So the Dems are so smart that they can manipulate voting numbers with millions of votes in an untraceable and undetectable manner, but are unable to do it in the states that matter. Right.
We done here?
A bill was up but Obingo no likely cleaning up Before the election.
I'm fairly certain a background check in no way infringing on law abiding citizens' gun rights while keeping them away from felons and terrorists would pass strict scrutiny.
Then being certain a person isn't voting illegally by impersonating another or not being a citizen shouldn't bother anyone either.
1. Voter Fraud is not a huge issue in this country like what gun violence is. You and Trump can lie about it all you want, it just isn't.
2. and more importantly. I don't think anyone is pro voter fraud. You want to distribute a special ID to everyone in the country for free, have at it. Ballot by mail is actually the best and cheapest system. The problem is they aren't easily accessible, and they cost. Voting isn't a privilege.
Neither is the 2A. Gun crime isn't a big problem either.Probably a lower percentage of gun owners commit crime than voter fraud. So by your logic: No ID, no background check, no fees etc.
Still waiting for evidence of the "millions" of fraudulent votes...tick...tick...tick...
A few voters in Washington state.
My mom died shortly before the election and I told my brother that at least Hillary would still be able to count on her vote.
He glossed over that and said it was a shame she didn't live to see the first woman president. I don't think she had 8 more years in her
I win