Congress need to outlaw vehichles that go over 10 mph as well as hunting knives. There needs to be a law, too, requiring anyone who wants to buy steak knives submit to a background check and go through a 10-day waiting period to ensure they are not a convicted felon or are mentally ill.
I know you are being sarcastic, but there are stricter controls over driving a vehicle than owning a gun. Then why would buying a knife require stricter controls than a gun?
Askin for a fren.
Try the sharp side in a slashing motion directly over the throat and report on results.
Congress need to outlaw vehichles that go over 10 mph as well as hunting knives. There needs to be a law, too, requiring anyone who wants to buy steak knives submit to a background check and go through a 10-day waiting period to ensure they are not a convicted felon or are mentally ill.
I know you are being sarcastic, but there are stricter controls over driving a vehicle than owning a gun. Then why would buying a knife require stricter controls than a gun?
Askin for a fren.
Try the sharp side in a slashing motion directly over the throat and report on results.
I do need to shave my neck. Thanks for the advice.
I like to trample the 2nd amendment of the US Constitution after a terrorist attack. That's what I like to do.
The 1st amendment is currently getting trampled, why keep any of them at this point?
Taking away the 2nd Amendment is the best way to ensure that the others are lost as well.
Don't see any armed revolution stopping anything. I'd say that's a load of fantasy bullshit.
Everything is a fantasy until it happens
What kinda faux intellectual shit is that?
I'm still waiting for evidence of the 1st being trampled.
Standing Rock
In addition to that...
...delegitimization of protestors as being paid or incited by the media
...demanding the Hamilton cast apologize for their expression of free speech
...religious considerations in immigration (aka no Muslims allowed)
...attacks on the free press, wanting to "open up libel laws" (though now he walked this back some)... he campaigned against freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly...
...he hasn't "trampled" the 1st yet for the simple fact that he's not yet president, but if he continues to pull this bullshit while in office, using the full weight of the executive branch, then yeah, he will be trampling all over it.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I like to trample the 2nd amendment of the US Constitution after a terrorist attack. That's what I like to do.
The 1st amendment is currently getting trampled, why keep any of them at this point?
Taking away the 2nd Amendment is the best way to ensure that the others are lost as well.
Don't see any armed revolution stopping anything. I'd say that's a load of fantasy bullshit.
Everything is a fantasy until it happens
What kinda faux intellectual shit is that?
I'm still waiting for evidence of the 1st being trampled.
Standing Rock
In addition to that...
...delegitimization of protestors as being paid or incited by the media
...demanding the Hamilton cast apologize for their expression of free speech
...religious considerations in immigration (aka no Muslims allowed)
...attacks on the free press, wanting to "open up libel laws" (though now he walked this back some)... he campaigned against freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly...
...he hasn't "trampled" the 1st yet for the simple fact that he's not yet president, but if he continues to pull this bullshit while in office, using the full weight of the executive branch, then yeah, he will be trampling all over it.
So if Trump called you a fucking retard he'd be infringing on your 1st amendment rights? Good to know...
The hysteria is real. Get under the bed girls the first ammendment is under assault! !!!!!
Nothing you wrote is true or a first ammendment issue but good effort good job
See, that's just not the case. But enjoy the new post-truth country you've ushered in.
So telling the cast of Hamilton to fuck off takes away first ammendment rights?
Take a midol
I'd say the same to your dear leader for even giving a fuck about what the cast of a Broadway musical said.
The Mormons and I had a good laugh at his wet paper thin skin.
Bring thin skinned and asking for an apology is different than infringing on the 1st amendment. But you're a sensitive liberal, so I wouldn't expect you to know the difference.
The hysteria is real. Get under the bed girls the first ammendment is under assault! !!!!!
Nothing you wrote is true or a first ammendment issue but good effort good job
See, that's just not the case. But enjoy the new post-truth country you've ushered in.
So telling the cast of Hamilton to fuck off takes away first ammendment rights?
Take a midol
I'd say the same to your dear leader for even giving a fuck about what the cast of a Broadway musical said.
The Mormons and I had a good laugh at his wet paper thin skin.
Bring thin skinned and asking for an apology is different than infringing on the 1st amendment. But you're a sensitive liberal, so I wouldn't expect you to know the difference.
The only time in recent memory that a political leader demanded an apology from some actors, it was Kim Jung Un.
...delegitimization of protestors as being paid or incited by the media
...demanding the Hamilton cast apologize for their expression of free speech
...religious considerations in immigration (aka no Muslims allowed)
...attacks on the free press, wanting to "open up libel laws" (though now he walked this back some)... he campaigned against freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly...
...he hasn't "trampled" the 1st yet for the simple fact that he's not yet president, but if he continues to pull this bullshit while in office, using the full weight of the executive branch, then yeah, he will be trampling all over it.
Evidently the president is exempt.
Nothing you wrote is true or a first ammendment issue but good effort good job
Take a midol
I'd say the same to your dear leader for even giving a fuck about what the cast of a Broadway musical said.
The Mormons and I had a good laugh at his wet paper thin skin.
Great company to keep.