So just prior to the civil war the southern slave owning democrats all moved north while all the northern republicans all moved south and into the plantations and slave ownership and seceded from the union and started the civil war.
Makes perfect sense.
But the Democrats nominated and elected the first black president.
150 years ago, they wouldn't even consider him a person, just property.
And now the "enlightened" South is solidly Republican territory.
People have always migrated between parties and there were other parties as well such as the Whigs etc. But the myth that the parties switched entire platforms is a myth.
People have always migrated between parties and there were other parties as well such as the Whigs etc. But the myth that the parties switched entire platforms is a myth.
Just chattel to the dems of today.
Someone tell this dumb motherfucker to google Nixon's Southern Strategy.
People have always migrated between parties and there were other parties as well such as the Whigs etc. But the myth that the parties switched entire platforms is a myth.
Just chattel to the dems of today.
Someone tell this dumb motherfucker to google Nixon's Southern Strategy.
One dumb mother fucker to another who gives a shit about Nixon.
People have always migrated between parties and there were other parties as well such as the Whigs etc. But the myth that the parties switched entire platforms is a myth.
Just chattel to the dems of today.
Someone tell this dumb motherfucker to google Nixon's Southern Strategy.
One dumb mother fucker to another who gives a shit about Nixon.
Someone who understands politics are continuous. Look buddy, ever since the Dems passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the party has NEVER received a majority of the white vote in a Presidential election because of racial politics. Goldwater was the pioneer of the southern strategy, and lost. Nixon took it and ran with it to consecutive electoral successes. The black vote has been loyal to Democrats ever since. There's your history lesson.
People have always migrated between parties and there were other parties as well such as the Whigs etc. But the myth that the parties switched entire platforms is a myth.
Just chattel to the dems of today.
Someone tell this dumb motherfucker to google Nixon's Southern Strategy.
One dumb mother fucker to another who gives a shit about Nixon.
Someone who understands politics are continuous. Look buddy, ever since the Dems passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the party has NEVER received a majority of the white vote in a Presidential election because of racial politics. Goldwater was the pioneer of the southern strategy, and lost. Nixon took it and ran with it to consecutive electoral successes. The black vote has been loyal to Democrats ever since. There's your history lesson.
Well Buddy do you think they don't vote that way since the Great Society and it's attendant handouts are such a monumental spending program? Has nothing to do with race IMHO. I don't give a damn what color you are if you are a worthless member of society and whether you live on the south side of Chicago or the Appalachian's. 15 Trillion in spending since that time has done nothing but create an entire dependent class. They are the new slaves, indentured voters voting for higher payout. That's why they're democrats.
We have better things to spend money on than lazy people slopping up free shit at the public trough. Government assistance was not intended to be long term let alone generational support. It is now used to buy votes via free shit.
People have always migrated between parties and there were other parties as well such as the Whigs etc. But the myth that the parties switched entire platforms is a myth.
Just chattel to the dems of today.
Someone tell this dumb motherfucker to google Nixon's Southern Strategy.
One dumb mother fucker to another who gives a shit about Nixon.
Someone who understands politics are continuous. Look buddy, ever since the Dems passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the party has NEVER received a majority of the white vote in a Presidential election because of racial politics. Goldwater was the pioneer of the southern strategy, and lost. Nixon took it and ran with it to consecutive electoral successes. The black vote has been loyal to Democrats ever since. There's your history lesson.
Well Buddy do you think they don't vote that way since the Great Society and it's attendant handouts are such a monumental spending program? Has nothing to do with race IMHO. I don't give a damn what color you are if you are a worthless member of society and whether you live on the south side of Chicago or the Appalachian's. 15 Trillion in spending since that time has done nothing but create an entire dependent class. They are the new slaves, indentured voters voting for higher payout. That's why they're democrats.
We have better things to spend money on than lazy people slopping up free shit at the public trough. Government assistance was not intended to be long term let alone generational support. It is now used to buy votes via free shit.
That's the reason.
Out of like $4 trillion each year in spending. Maybe $300 billion goes to entitlements.
And we've gone over political views of those welfare recipients.
But the Democrats nominated and elected the first black president.
150 years ago, they wouldn't even consider him a person, just property.
And now the "enlightened" South is solidly Republican territory.
See how things change???
Just chattel to the dems of today.
We have better things to spend money on than lazy people slopping up free shit at the public trough. Government assistance was not intended to be long term let alone generational support. It is now used to buy votes via free shit.
That's the reason.
And we've gone over political views of those welfare recipients.
But still.