Most real libertarians aren't affiliated with a political party. That's why every Libertarian Party candidate that's ever run has been borderline retarded. Ron Paul was the closest we'll ever get to having a libertarian president.
With that said, the only current foreign leader I can name is Kim Jong-ill.
I think he started his campaign to take votes away from Trump. When he realized he was actually hurting Clinton he turned himself into full retard mode.
Most real libertarians aren't affiliated with a political party. That's why every Libertarian Party candidate that's ever run has been borderline retarded. Ron Paul was the closest we'll ever get to having a libertarian president.
I also find it funny how people who were #feelingthebern all of a sudden are jumping on Gary Johnsons jock (LOL!) even though him and Sanders couldn't be further apart on a lot of issues.
Most real libertarians aren't affiliated with a political party. That's why every Libertarian Party candidate that's ever run has been borderline retarded. Ron Paul was the closest we'll ever get to having a libertarian president.
I also find it funny how people who were #feelingthebern all of a sudden are jumping on Gary Johnsons jock (LOL!) even though him and Sanders couldn't be further apart on a lot of issues.
Because unlike the rest of the candidates, Sanders and Johnson aren't owned by the banks. That's the main reason I find both candidates appealing. Sanders probably had the highest IQ and debate skills out of the whole lot.
Most real libertarians aren't affiliated with a political party. That's why every Libertarian Party candidate that's ever run has been borderline retarded. Ron Paul was the closest we'll ever get to having a libertarian president.
I also find it funny how people who were #feelingthebern all of a sudden are jumping on Gary Johnsons jock (LOL!) even though him and Sanders couldn't be further apart on a lot of issues.
Because unlike the rest of the candidates, Sanders and Johnson aren't owned by the banks. That's the main reason I find both candidates appealing. Sanders probably had the highest IQ and debate skills out of the whole lot.
Speaking of banks - watching John Stumph from Wells Fargo get absolutely destroyed by Congress again today gave me a boner. Condescending prick. Cesspool of a sales culture.
Most real libertarians aren't affiliated with a political party. That's why every Libertarian Party candidate that's ever run has been borderline retarded. Ron Paul was the closest we'll ever get to having a libertarian president.
I also find it funny how people who were #feelingthebern all of a sudden are jumping on Gary Johnsons jock (LOL!) even though him and Sanders couldn't be further apart on a lot of issues.
Because unlike the rest of the candidates, Sanders and Johnson aren't owned by the banks. That's the main reason I find both candidates appealing. Sanders probably had the highest IQ and debate skills out of the whole lot.
Speaking of banks - watching John Stumph from Wells Fargo get absolutely destroyed by Congress again today gave me a boner. Condescending prick. Cesspool of a sales culture.
Don't get me started on this. The entire scandal is overblown, misunderstood, and taken advantage of by congress and the media. There was no incentive for the bank to allow this to happen because they lost more than they made from it.
Besides, congress doesn't actually punish the officers, they punish the shareholders. I own some WF stock, and the value of it went down. Guess that'll teach me!
Most real libertarians aren't affiliated with a political party. That's why every Libertarian Party candidate that's ever run has been borderline retarded. Ron Paul was the closest we'll ever get to having a libertarian president.
I also find it funny how people who were #feelingthebern all of a sudden are jumping on Gary Johnsons jock (LOL!) even though him and Sanders couldn't be further apart on a lot of issues.
Because unlike the rest of the candidates, Sanders and Johnson aren't owned by the banks. That's the main reason I find both candidates appealing. Sanders probably had the highest IQ and debate skills out of the whole lot.
Speaking of banks - watching John Stumph from Wells Fargo get absolutely destroyed by Congress again today gave me a boner. Condescending prick. Cesspool of a sales culture.
Don't get me started on this. The entire scandal is overblown, misunderstood, and taken advantage of by congress and the media. There was no incentive for the bank to allow this to happen because they lost more than they made from it.
Besides, congress doesn't actually punish the officers, they punish the shareholders. I own some WF stock, and the value of it went down. Guess that'll teach me!
Your stock value was overvalued because Stumph was misrepresenting metrics in annual and quarterly reports. Analysts were getting boners at his cross sell product average being almost double competitors. The fact that you are losing/could lose money indicts the very regulation and disclosure that should protect investors.
Cesspool of a culture, I say. The underlings got put in a system that encouraged them to cheat - or lose their jobs for non-performance. This was rampant throughout and was institutional. Well known up the food chain. The execs pulling multi-millions just gave themselves handjobs and more stock options.
Stumph himself sold $13 MILLION of stock just prior to the investigation being finalized in 2013. He knew the shit was going to hit the fan and he cashed in. The SEC will take care of that shit.
The State of California has already sanctioned Wells Fargo and won't be doing business with them for a year. And that's in their home state (ne: Norwest/Minnesota which is where all these dicks came from in the first place).
I RARELY side with the politicians - but as one of the members of Congress today said "You, Mr. Stumph, have accomplished something rarely seen - unanimous agreement across party lines."
Bush Jr would have just named someone who was probably already dead and everyone would somehow understand.
With that said, the only current foreign leader I can name is Kim Jong-ill.
I also find it funny how people who were #feelingthebern all of a sudden are jumping on Gary Johnsons jock (LOL!) even though him and Sanders couldn't be further apart on a lot of issues.
This was just fucking embarrassing.
He couldn't even muster a Sark/Trump bullshit empty answer to cover his ass.
Besides, congress doesn't actually punish the officers, they punish the shareholders. I own some WF stock, and the value of it went down. Guess that'll teach me!
Cesspool of a culture, I say. The underlings got put in a system that encouraged them to cheat - or lose their jobs for non-performance. This was rampant throughout and was institutional. Well known up the food chain. The execs pulling multi-millions just gave themselves handjobs and more stock options.
Stumph himself sold $13 MILLION of stock just prior to the investigation being finalized in 2013. He knew the shit was going to hit the fan and he cashed in. The SEC will take care of that shit.
The State of California has already sanctioned Wells Fargo and won't be doing business with them for a year. And that's in their home state (ne: Norwest/Minnesota which is where all these dicks came from in the first place).
I RARELY side with the politicians - but as one of the members of Congress today said "You, Mr. Stumph, have accomplished something rarely seen - unanimous agreement across party lines."
I have some dick pics. Would kind of like to keep those private but if that gets some chincredibles, all good. #nohomo.