Hello Huskies. Congrats on the website. It's nice to see an independent fan board that hasn't been wolfed down by corporate America. In other news...Wow, the dawgs have it BRUTAL the next two weekends. Wish I could say I feel for you but, well, as a fan of one of your most beloved rival schools.....anyway, usually I try to root for the lesser of two evils, but this week I'm forced to root for the greater evil. Yes the dastardly Furd that everyone loves to hate (especially us). There's the whole positioning in the rankings issue, we need them to be big and bad late in the season, and then if they soften you up this weekend it makes our job easier the next. Admittedly I'm a bit more scared of the dawgs this year than in years past. You've got a new stadium and your team's on the up and up. And we all know it's coming up on a decade. Collecting a husky pelt this year will prove to be more difficult. Lets hope DAT is healed by then. Out of respect for you I'm sure he'll be sitting on the bench this weekend. Good luck with your game. Give Furd a run for their money.
Stop trying to generalize, Doog.
"I'll get plenty of sleep when I'm dead. Thanks for dance, Doc."
Besides I find it hard to believe any female would want to have sex with someone who is a bigger puss than them.
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You really don't fit in here. EFF off (I like to write "EFF" when I mean "fuck").