The guy has made billions off of the back of govt grants, and is about ready to bankrupt 3 companies while keeping most of the money for himself. Its absolutely nuts. Sad thing is if Hillary is elected she'll probably bail him out at the taxpayers expense...I'd hope Trump wouldn't be dumb enough to do the same (I give it a 50/50 chance...of course he'll probably force Musk to build/move a factory to Detroit or Ohio to claim a win).
And the fact he hid the investigation into the fatal Tesla crashes until after he used Tesla's stock to buy his cousin's SolarCity business should land him in jail...but it won't.
Some background for those who are interested: (go through Google, search "Elon Musk Faces Cash Squeeze at Tesla, SolarCity" to get to the article...) part that should piss everybody off...)
Tesla borrowed Venture Capital (VC) money from Elon Musk at VC rates. It borrowed VC money from taxpayers at non-VC rates
Tesla needed $500MM to get started in 2008. The US Government lent $465MM to Tesla at 3% interest under its push for Green Energy. Elon Musk lent the company $38MM at10% interest plus stock options. Here are the profits on those loans:
◦Elon Musk’s $38MM generates profit of $1.4BB, or 3,600% ROR- a VC payout
◦Taxpayers’ $465MM- generates profits of $12MM or 2.6%ROR- not a VC Payout
Taxpayers took VC risk without VC returns. The table is set for Elon to arbitrage the Government’s largesse much more. All in, the US Government committed about $4.9BB to finance Tesla’s operations
And it gets worse from there...
For fucks sake man.
It has nothing to do with bankruptcy laws...has everything to do with stupid "green energy" loans for otherwise worthless businesses.
Risky investments are risky...that's the entire point of junk bonds/higher interest rates. They pay more because there is a much greater risk of them failing. People loaning Trump money at a 14% interest rate (and getting equity stakes) is not the same as the govt loaning a start-up company money at 3% and getting no equity share.
They wanted more US producers of alternative energy, so they made loans available to help that happen.
If you disagree with that, that is fine.
But you act like you don't understand why they loaned him the money. So either you are retarded, or you hope your readers are.
I love how Liberals think it makes sense for the govt to subsidize $100,000 coal-powered cars.
I expect nothing less from a mental midget.
That is what the military contractors and their shills in congress are doing.
Where is your outrage?
I guess I shouldn't expect any from a hypocrite.
And yes, its FS. Especially the fact that we burn 40% of our corn crops as fuel.