ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The greatest scourge is the left. The left brought us hippies who embraced socialism, and communism and destroyed us from the inside by taking over our educational system and corrupting our children into thinking they're entitled to free stuff. Unfortunately now both parties are corrupt and only interested in getting paid off and will vote as they are told.
If you knock hippies you're not going to last long around here.
ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
Nixon ended it in 1971 Sleddoog.
I understand his point but the gold standard of backing our money supply with an equal amount of gold was dead long before. The ability to exchange money for gold ended in under Nixon. Maybe we have a different definition of the gold standard.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
Be sure to check out Pike's Place market. I hope you get killed there.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
Be sure to check out Pike's Place market. I hope you get killed there.
I'd be much happier if people would stop quoting one another. Fuck.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
Be sure to check out Pike's Place market. I hope you get killed there.
Ha. Love the attitude. So that bad is it ? Yeah its on the list. So being a Texan and all should I bring my AR, SA-7 RPG or do you think a Bowie knife would be enough for self defence. And no thats not me in the pic. My package is much bigger and I have the star centered and no American flag is present.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
LEAVE and that it ? Hell, say it like you mean it. Put some creativity into it. We have idiots from Cali invading us we have the same attitude but we have learned to be colorful in our rudeness. At least the other dude put some heart into it. Dont be a pussy.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
LEAVE and that it ? Hell, say it like you mean it. Put some creativity into it. We have idiots from Cali invading us we have the same attitude but we have learned to be colorful in our rudeness. At least the other dude put some heart into it. Dont be a pussy.
Maybe you should lurk around little. PM @IrishDawg22 as he has this place dialed in.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
Be sure to check out Pike's Place market. I hope you get killed there.
Ha. Love the attitude. So that bad is it ? Yeah its on the list. So being a Texan and all should I bring my AR, SA-7 RPG or do you think a Bowie knife would be enough for self defence. And no thats not me in the pic. My package is much bigger and I have the star centered and no American flag is present.
Wow. A Texan, Austin area, here getting ready to visit your beautiful state for the first time in Sept. Have to say you guys play some serious hardball. Seems to be even more polarized than we are and that is saying something. The upside is that this can lead to some good lively entertainment. And to keep the post relevant to the topic, I'll say Austin has plenty of hippies and passionate conservatives as well. It will be interesting to see if the dynamics work the same. In the mean time greetings.
Be sure to check out Pike's Place market. I hope you get killed there.
Ha. Love the attitude. So that bad is it ? Yeah its on the list. So being a Texan and all should I bring my AR, SA-7 RPG or do you think a Bowie knife would be enough for self defence. And no thats not me in the pic. My package is much bigger and I have the star centered and no American flag is present.
momdads always told me I was a strong boy@Swaye?