ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
I can pound your face in. AND beat you at XBOX.
I'm getting older but it's doubtful. You might lose some beard hair or rip your skinny jeans. What if your flannel is damaged! Let alone those black rimmed glasses being turned into contacts. Age and treachery always win out.
ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
We got off the gold standard under Nixon but as always Thanks for playing. At leas that's when started not having enough gold in reserves to back up $$$ in circulation.
They were only holding at a rate of $35.00 an ounce. That was just the end. FDR pretty much killed it.
Poor, unintelligent, uneducated boomers versus coddled, sit-when-I-pee millennials is the fucking 2008 apple cup of debates. we all need to go surf the same mudslide
ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
I can pound your face in. AND beat you at XBOX.
I'm getting older but it's doubtful. You might lose some beard hair or rip your skinny jeans. What if your flannel is damaged! Let alone those black rimmed glasses being turned into contacts. Age and treachery always win out.
He'd stomp a mudhole 10 feet wide in your ass, old man. Just stfu and stop pretending you're relevant any more. What ruined THIS state was Californians, and you're one of them, so fuck off.
All you're doing is waiting around for someone to tell you you aren't worth spending money on any more, and to go away and die.
Do millenials piss me off? Some of them do. But labeling a whole generation has always been for fucktards, and now you're just the latest generation to do it.
Hippies ruined the country? Fuck if they did. If you were within an arm's reach, I'd have already cuffed you in the pointed head for saying something so fucking stupid.
Nothing ruined this country. It's still awesome. We're just dealing with the latest hurdle in kicking ass, and frankly I'm fucking sick of old motherfuckers like you making it sound like we're not a country worth living in any more. I'm sick of anyone saying bullshit like that, regardless of their age.
Who hasn't heard this generation duel bullshit before? Like when your parents and grandparents were clowning your generation? And what did you tell them? To fuck off, like they deserved? Did your generation fail, like they predicted you would?
The millenials and every other generation will manage to make it, just like every generation before them, because that's the script. The generation about to die sniveling about the generation about to take the wheel. Only SMOD 16 will change that.
Fuck - it's like every other post I do these days is Tequila-esque. I might have to get off the sauce.
ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
You can't operate a tablet, fuckhead, so get over yourself.
ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
I can pound your face in. AND beat you at XBOX.
I'm getting older but it's doubtful. You might lose some beard hair or rip your skinny jeans. What if your flannel is damaged! Let alone those black rimmed glasses being turned into contacts. Age and treachery always win out.
He'd stomp a mudhole 10 feet wide in your ass, old man. Just stfu and stop pretending you're relevant any more. What ruined THIS state was Californians, and you're one of them, so fuck off.
All you're doing is waiting around for someone to tell you you aren't worth spending money on any more, and to go away and die.
Do millenials piss me off? Some of them do. But labeling a whole generation has always been for fucktards, and now you're just the latest generation to do it.
Hippies ruined the country? Fuck if they did. If you were within an arm's reach, I'd have already cuffed you in the pointed head for saying something so fucking stupid.
Nothing ruined this country. It's still awesome. We're just dealing with the latest hurdle in kicking ass, and frankly I'm fucking sick of old motherfuckers like you making it sound like we're not a country worth living in any more. I'm sick of anyone saying bullshit like that, regardless of their age.
Who hasn't heard this generation duel bullshit before? Like when your parents and grandparents were clowning your generation? And what did you tell them? To fuck off, like they deserved? Did your generation fail, like they predicted you would?
The millenials and every other generation will manage to make it, just like every generation before them, because that's the script. The generation about to die sniveling about the generation about to take the wheel. Only SMOD 16 will change that.
Fuck - it's like every other post I do these days is Tequila-esque. I might have to get off the sauce.
Nah, fuck that. That was fucking stupid.
Drop the crack pipe!
No one's ever stomped a mud hole in my ass although many have tried. Threatening people because you disagree with them isn't real wise since you have no idea who you are talking to.
I don't label them all. I have several working for me that are quite good. I have a slightly larger number that are typical millenial.
My father never complained much about my generation as we all had jobs at a young age and worked and went to school. Most of my friends did the same.
Hippies fucked up a ton of shit and took there liberal lazy bullshit leftist drivel into our educational system. Had many of them as teachers/professors and they were many.
Will this generation make it? Maybe but they'll be 10 years late doing it because 60 or so percent of them are sitting in there parents basement typing on this board.
Now yell up to mom to send some meatloaf down to your command center and shut the fuck up!
ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
Nixon ended it in 1971 Sleddoog.
I understand his point but the gold standard of backing our money supply with an equal amount of gold was dead long before. The ability to exchange money for gold ended in under Nixon. Maybe we have a different definition of the gold standard.
ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
I can pound your face in. AND beat you at XBOX.
I'm getting older but it's doubtful. You might lose some beard hair or rip your skinny jeans. What if your flannel is damaged! Let alone those black rimmed glasses being turned into contacts. Age and treachery always win out.
He'd stomp a mudhole 10 feet wide in your ass, old man. Just stfu and stop pretending you're relevant any more. What ruined THIS state was Californians, and you're one of them, so fuck off.
All you're doing is waiting around for someone to tell you you aren't worth spending money on any more, and to go away and die.
Do millenials piss me off? Some of them do. But labeling a whole generation has always been for fucktards, and now you're just the latest generation to do it.
Hippies ruined the country? Fuck if they did. If you were within an arm's reach, I'd have already cuffed you in the pointed head for saying something so fucking stupid.
Nothing ruined this country. It's still awesome. We're just dealing with the latest hurdle in kicking ass, and frankly I'm fucking sick of old motherfuckers like you making it sound like we're not a country worth living in any more. I'm sick of anyone saying bullshit like that, regardless of their age.
Who hasn't heard this generation duel bullshit before? Like when your parents and grandparents were clowning your generation? And what did you tell them? To fuck off, like they deserved? Did your generation fail, like they predicted you would?
The millenials and every other generation will manage to make it, just like every generation before them, because that's the script. The generation about to die sniveling about the generation about to take the wheel. Only SMOD 16 will change that.
Fuck - it's like every other post I do these days is Tequila-esque. I might have to get off the sauce.
Nah, fuck that. That was fucking stupid.
Drop the crack pipe!
No one's ever stomped a mud hole in my ass although many have tried. Threatening people because you disagree with them isn't real wise since you have no idea who you are talking to.
I don't label them all. I have several working for me that are quite good. I have a slightly larger number that are typical millenial.
My father never complained much about my generation as we all had jobs at a young age and worked and went to school. Most of my friends did the same.
Hippies fucked up a ton of shit and took there liberal lazy bullshit leftist drivel into our educational system. Had many of them as teachers/professors and they were many.
Will this generation make it? Maybe but they'll be 10 years late doing it because 60 or so percent of them are sitting in there parents basement typing on this board.
Now yell up to mom to send some meatloaf down to your command center and shut the fuck up!
ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
I can pound your face in. AND beat you at XBOX.
I'm getting older but it's doubtful. You might lose some beard hair or rip your skinny jeans. What if your flannel is damaged! Let alone those black rimmed glasses being turned into contacts. Age and treachery always win out.
He'd stomp a mudhole 10 feet wide in your ass, old man. Just stfu and stop pretending you're relevant any more. What ruined THIS state was Californians, and you're one of them, so fuck off.
All you're doing is waiting around for someone to tell you you aren't worth spending money on any more, and to go away and die.
Do millenials piss me off? Some of them do. But labeling a whole generation has always been for fucktards, and now you're just the latest generation to do it.
Hippies ruined the country? Fuck if they did. If you were within an arm's reach, I'd have already cuffed you in the pointed head for saying something so fucking stupid.
Nothing ruined this country. It's still awesome. We're just dealing with the latest hurdle in kicking ass, and frankly I'm fucking sick of old motherfuckers like you making it sound like we're not a country worth living in any more. I'm sick of anyone saying bullshit like that, regardless of their age.
Who hasn't heard this generation duel bullshit before? Like when your parents and grandparents were clowning your generation? And what did you tell them? To fuck off, like they deserved? Did your generation fail, like they predicted you would?
The millenials and every other generation will manage to make it, just like every generation before them, because that's the script. The generation about to die sniveling about the generation about to take the wheel. Only SMOD 16 will change that.
Fuck - it's like every other post I do these days is Tequila-esque. I might have to get off the sauce.
Nah, fuck that. That was fucking stupid.
Drop the crack pipe!
No one's ever stomped a mud hole in my ass although many have tried. Threatening people because you disagree with them isn't real wise since you have no idea who you are talking to.
I don't label them all. I have several working for me that are quite good. I have a slightly larger number that are typical millenial.
My father never complained much about my generation as we all had jobs at a young age and worked and went to school. Most of my friends did the same.
Hippies fucked up a ton of shit and took there liberal lazy bullshit leftist drivel into our educational system. Had many of them as teachers/professors and they were many.
Will this generation make it? Maybe but they'll be 10 years late doing it because 60 or so percent of them are sitting in there parents basement typing on this board.
Now yell up to mom to send some meatloaf down to your command center and shut the fuck up!
ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
I can pound your face in. AND beat you at XBOX.
I'm getting older but it's doubtful. You might lose some beard hair or rip your skinny jeans. What if your flannel is damaged! Let alone those black rimmed glasses being turned into contacts. Age and treachery always win out.
He'd stomp a mudhole 10 feet wide in your ass, old man. Just stfu and stop pretending you're relevant any more. What ruined THIS state was Californians, and you're one of them, so fuck off.
All you're doing is waiting around for someone to tell you you aren't worth spending money on any more, and to go away and die.
Do millenials piss me off? Some of them do. But labeling a whole generation has always been for fucktards, and now you're just the latest generation to do it.
Hippies ruined the country? Fuck if they did. If you were within an arm's reach, I'd have already cuffed you in the pointed head for saying something so fucking stupid.
Nothing ruined this country. It's still awesome. We're just dealing with the latest hurdle in kicking ass, and frankly I'm fucking sick of old motherfuckers like you making it sound like we're not a country worth living in any more. I'm sick of anyone saying bullshit like that, regardless of their age.
Who hasn't heard this generation duel bullshit before? Like when your parents and grandparents were clowning your generation? And what did you tell them? To fuck off, like they deserved? Did your generation fail, like they predicted you would?
The millenials and every other generation will manage to make it, just like every generation before them, because that's the script. The generation about to die sniveling about the generation about to take the wheel. Only SMOD 16 will change that.
Fuck - it's like every other post I do these days is Tequila-esque. I might have to get off the sauce.
Nah, fuck that. That was fucking stupid.
Drop the crack pipe!
No one's ever stomped a mud hole in my ass although many have tried. Threatening people because you disagree with them isn't real wise since you have no idea who you are talking to.
I don't label them all. I have several working for me that are quite good. I have a slightly larger number that are typical millenial.
My father never complained much about my generation as we all had jobs at a young age and worked and went to school. Most of my friends did the same.
Hippies fucked up a ton of shit and took there liberal lazy bullshit leftist drivel into our educational system. Had many of them as teachers/professors and they were many.
Will this generation make it? Maybe but they'll be 10 years late doing it because 60 or so percent of them are sitting in there parents basement typing on this board.
Now yell up to mom to send some meatloaf down to your command center and shut the fuck up!
lol Crying about a perceived internet "threat" sounds like a millenial thing to do to me.
If nobody has ever kicked your ass, then chances are you're a fucking pussy that never threw down with anyone. Do tell me about the ladies that tried, though.
You should have hung out in Shelton. Somebody would have kicked your ass in 2 seconds.
ITT: bitter, old and poor gen Xers and baby boomers
I like how the generation living at home into their 30s calls anyone poor
rich coming from a baby boomer
talk about inheriting a country of marble and leaving it a country of rust
you are the generation that ruined america. between voting yourselves support that places undue burden on the younger populace to accumulating debt without regard for your children, you people are indeed monsters and greed fueled losers. you never earned anything. i hope you all die out as soon as possible.
with respect
You keep voting for the same con game. HTH.
We made this country you are pissing away.
Enjoy the barbarians at the gate mate. I got mine. Maybe you can vote for free college and healthcare and a trip back to mommy's womb you soft fucking losers
You didn't make shit unless you consider fucking everything up beyond saving .
You voted for politicians that abandoned the gold standard, raised the debt past GDP, ignored infrastructure, used our biggest tragedy of the last 70 years to weaken our standing in the world x 3. And made a fringe element that wants to kill anyone who looks like a American into an institution.
Fucking Bravo.
And most of your ilk is pennyless and will be taken care of by the government when you can't make it to the door to serve your papers anymore. You will be remembered as the greatest scourge generation.
The gold standard ended in 1933 so I don't think boomers had anything to do with it. ObaMaone has added more debt than all other president's combined and did most that damage through a entirely democrat controlled Congress.
This generation can't even pound a nail or turn a wrench. They can play the fuck out of X box though.
I can pound your face in. AND beat you at XBOX.
I'm getting older but it's doubtful. You might lose some beard hair or rip your skinny jeans. What if your flannel is damaged! Let alone those black rimmed glasses being turned into contacts. Age and treachery always win out.
He'd stomp a mudhole 10 feet wide in your ass, old man. Just stfu and stop pretending you're relevant any more. What ruined THIS state was Californians, and you're one of them, so fuck off.
All you're doing is waiting around for someone to tell you you aren't worth spending money on any more, and to go away and die.
Do millenials piss me off? Some of them do. But labeling a whole generation has always been for fucktards, and now you're just the latest generation to do it.
Hippies ruined the country? Fuck if they did. If you were within an arm's reach, I'd have already cuffed you in the pointed head for saying something so fucking stupid.
Nothing ruined this country. It's still awesome. We're just dealing with the latest hurdle in kicking ass, and frankly I'm fucking sick of old motherfuckers like you making it sound like we're not a country worth living in any more. I'm sick of anyone saying bullshit like that, regardless of their age.
Who hasn't heard this generation duel bullshit before? Like when your parents and grandparents were clowning your generation? And what did you tell them? To fuck off, like they deserved? Did your generation fail, like they predicted you would?
The millenials and every other generation will manage to make it, just like every generation before them, because that's the script. The generation about to die sniveling about the generation about to take the wheel. Only SMOD 16 will change that.
Fuck - it's like every other post I do these days is Tequila-esque. I might have to get off the sauce.
Nah, fuck that. That was fucking stupid.
Drop the crack pipe!
No one's ever stomped a mud hole in my ass although many have tried. Threatening people because you disagree with them isn't real wise since you have no idea who you are talking to.
I don't label them all. I have several working for me that are quite good. I have a slightly larger number that are typical millenial.
My father never complained much about my generation as we all had jobs at a young age and worked and went to school. Most of my friends did the same.
Hippies fucked up a ton of shit and took there liberal lazy bullshit leftist drivel into our educational system. Had many of them as teachers/professors and they were many.
Will this generation make it? Maybe but they'll be 10 years late doing it because 60 or so percent of them are sitting in there parents basement typing on this board.
Now yell up to mom to send some meatloaf down to your command center and shut the fuck up!
lol Crying about a perceived internet "threat" sounds like a millenial thing to do to me.
If nobody has ever kicked your ass, then chances are you're a fucking pussy that never threw down with anyone. Do tell me about the ladies that tried, though.
You should have hung out in Shelton. Somebody would have kicked your ass in 2 seconds.
Logger TUFF town. Ask Race.
I wasn't whining I was giving advice. This isn't 7th grade.
Fuck you guys. I've done more heroin that all your dads' combined!
All you're doing is waiting around for someone to tell you you aren't worth spending money on any more, and to go away and die.
Do millenials piss me off? Some of them do. But labeling a whole generation has always been for fucktards, and now you're just the latest generation to do it.
Hippies ruined the country? Fuck if they did. If you were within an arm's reach, I'd have already cuffed you in the pointed head for saying something so fucking stupid.
Nothing ruined this country. It's still awesome. We're just dealing with the latest hurdle in kicking ass, and frankly I'm fucking sick of old motherfuckers like you making it sound like we're not a country worth living in any more. I'm sick of anyone saying bullshit like that, regardless of their age.
Who hasn't heard this generation duel bullshit before? Like when your parents and grandparents were clowning your generation? And what did you tell them? To fuck off, like they deserved? Did your generation fail, like they predicted you would?
The millenials and every other generation will manage to make it, just like every generation before them, because that's the script. The generation about to die sniveling about the generation about to take the wheel. Only SMOD 16 will change that.
Fuck - it's like every other post I do these days is Tequila-esque. I might have to get off the sauce.
Nah, fuck that. That was fucking stupid.
No one's ever stomped a mud hole in my ass although many have tried. Threatening people because you disagree with them isn't real wise since you have no idea who you are talking to.
I don't label them all. I have several working for me that are quite good. I have a slightly larger number that are typical millenial.
My father never complained much about my generation as we all had jobs at a young age and worked and went to school. Most of my friends did the same.
Hippies fucked up a ton of shit and took there liberal lazy bullshit leftist drivel into our educational system. Had many of them as teachers/professors and they were many.
Will this generation make it? Maybe but they'll be 10 years late doing it because 60 or so percent of them are sitting in there parents basement typing on this board.
Now yell up to mom to send some meatloaf down to your command center and shut the fuck up!
If nobody has ever kicked your ass, then chances are you're a fucking pussy that never threw down with anyone. Do tell me about the ladies that tried, though.
You should have hung out in Shelton. Somebody would have kicked your ass in 2 seconds.
Logger TUFF town. Ask Race.