I absolutely do not like the steps toward a European superstate the EU has been taking, and I don't like the way the Euro has destroyed smaller economies unable to make themselves more competitive by adjusting exchange rates. I don't like the way the EU can bully deals out of member states, and I don't like what its corrupt, Leviathan-like economic bureaucracy enabled in Greece and Spain, and I don't like that other member states are bailing them out. I don't like the way the terms of bailouts result in right-wing uprisings in affected countries. I'm a supporter of federalism at the smallest possible level, and I prefer to see Europe remain nationally divided and for each country to determine their own fate at the most democratic level.
Also, look at who's backing Remain: Goldman Sachs. Enough said on that. I think Brexit wins rather comfortably, say 34-17?
Looks like Dow Futures are down close to 3% already ... look forward to the market bubble busting over the next month as the rest of the EU falls apart.
Give it a month or two and you can take your money out from under the mattress and investing in the market
RIP @MikeDamone
Also, look at who's backing Remain: Goldman Sachs. Enough said on that. I think Brexit wins rather comfortably, say 34-17?
+300K at the moment....this is fucking great, hope it holds
pound is down to recession levels
As always, don't fuck with the Jews.
ITV calls it for leave
Give it a month or two and you can take your money out from under the mattress and investing in the market
Britain just told the EU to fuck off. Good for them.