Let's put to the side whether or not Hillary was culpable for Benghazi ...
Can't there be agreement in that how she handled the stuff was anywhere from poor to beyond poor? What is done is done on that ... but the part that leaves me with the bitter taste in my mouth is that the finger pointing has gone everywhere but her (from her standpoint). I've never once heard her say anything to the effect of lamenting on how she could have done better.
And, can't we all agree that whether she gets indicted or not for her servers and classified documents, that what she did there was clearly wrong and that people in her position with access to the most classified documents need to take great care in the security of those documents and in her case she clearly didn't? Cyber security for a person in her position should be a no brainer ... yet it wasn't.
At the end of the day to me, she's untrustworthy and her lack of accountability for her actions is beyond annoying and concerning to me. I don't care who she ran against, I would vote for the other candidate.
Deny, deny, obfuscate, point fingers, deny, sick political hounds on whoever is telling the truth, deny, finger point, look aghast.
Clinton playbook.
When my internet hero Swaye uses words like obfuscate, it just doesn't work for me. Like putting $4000 rims on a Pontiac Fiero. It just doesn't fit.
CSB, I was at a house yesterday and the neighbor behind had 17 (SEVENTEEN) Pontiac Fieros throughout his back yard. There's cool. And there's I got 17 fucking Pontiac Fieros in my fucking backyard cool.
And BTW, it took her over a month to publically come out and take responsibility. Lengthy in my book.
And one thing that I've heard a lot coming from her end on the campaign trail (and even called out in her interview/article) is to the effect that "we live in dangerous times and these things happen" ... I hate hearing that. While it's a true statement ... the question I have is what are you going to do about it. Too often what I hear is this idea that we're powerless to stop that. Bullshit.
You sound just like Trump. Nice work.
There's a lot that Trump says that I agree with ... there's things that he says that absolutely makes me cringe. He's far from an ideal candidate in my book. But if I was looking for an ideal candidate that fully represented my views, I'd vote for myself.
Huh, I wouldn't trust myself being within 200 yards of the Oval Office.
You are assuming that I would want to be within 200 yards of the Oval Office as well ...
Focus on stuff that actually moves the needle with American voters.
This is what is called a body blow.
Enough of these and the candidate getting punched is going to go off message.
Mother fucker.
If Hondo hadn't inseminated you with so much liberal jizz you'd see this is the Trump playbook and why he won the nomination.
And the mother fucker is going to pop her straight between the eyes on the debate stage and make it matter.
Hillary will try to out Trump Trump and you just can't do that.
Trump isn't Conservative and it's not even close.
Other than his soundbites that deride anything and anyone who isn't a white male, please share with the class what platform and positions that make you feel that He will make America better?
This will not be graded, as there are no right answers here.
Why do you hate the 4th amendment you communist bastard?
1. She's a horrible candidate.
2. Many Democrats like free shit.
CSB, I was at a house yesterday and the neighbor behind had 17 (SEVENTEEN) Pontiac Fieros throughout his back yard. There's cool. And there's I got 17 fucking Pontiac Fieros in my fucking backyard cool.
Other than his soundbites that deride anything and anyone who isn't a white male, please share with the class what platform and positions that make you feel that He will make America better?
This will not be graded, as there are no right answers here.