And BTW, it took her over a month to publically come out and take responsibility. Lengthy in my book.
And one thing that I've heard a lot coming from her end on the campaign trail (and even called out in her interview/article) is to the effect that "we live in dangerous times and these things happen" ... I hate hearing that. While it's a true statement ... the question I have is what are you going to do about it. Too often what I hear is this idea that we're powerless to stop that. Bullshit.
You sound just like Trump. Nice work.
There's a lot that Trump says that I agree with ... there's things that he says that absolutely makes me cringe. He's far from an ideal candidate in my book. But if I was looking for an ideal candidate that fully represented my views, I'd vote for myself.
Huh, I wouldn't trust myself being within 200 yards of the Oval Office.
Enough of these and the candidate getting punched is going to go off message.
Mother fucker.
If Hondo hadn't inseminated you with so much liberal jizz you'd see this is the Trump playbook and why he won the nomination.
And the mother fucker is going to pop her straight between the eyes on the debate stage and make it matter.
Hillary will try to out Trump Trump and you just can't do that.
She's gotten this far by ignoring Benghazi. Why change?
Listening to alleged moderates about how you don't want to attack on this or that got us 2 terms of Obama
Reagan would have wrapped Rev Wright around Obama's neck.
The reason Hillary still has the little chihuahua nipping at her heels is that she didn't go on the attack to get rid of him.