Trump biggest loser tonight, Rubio biggest winner for establishing himself as the most centrist/electable of the top 3 GOP candidates. Once the second-tier moderate establishment candidates drop out after NH (Bush, Christie, Kasich), their supporters will flock to Rubio, and he'll have a clear shot at the nomination.
Trump biggest loser tonight, Rubio biggest winner for establishing himself as the most centrist/electable of the top 3 GOP candidates. Once the second-tier moderate establishment candidates drop out after NH (Bush, Christie, Kasich), their supporters will flock to Rubio, and he'll have a clear shot at the nomination.
Electing politicians because they're electable. That's some democracy we got here.
Trump biggest loser tonight, Rubio biggest winner for establishing himself as the most centrist/electable of the top 3 GOP candidates. Once the second-tier moderate establishment candidates drop out after NH (Bush, Christie, Kasich), their supporters will flock to Rubio, and he'll have a clear shot at the nomination.
Electing politicians because they're electable. That's some democracy we got here.
The us isn't a democracy. Never has been, never will be
Trump biggest loser tonight, Rubio biggest winner for establishing himself as the most centrist/electable of the top 3 GOP candidates. Once the second-tier moderate establishment candidates drop out after NH (Bush, Christie, Kasich), their supporters will flock to Rubio, and he'll have a clear shot at the nomination.
Electing politicians because they're electable. That's some democracy we got here.
Trump biggest loser tonight, Rubio biggest winner for establishing himself as the most centrist/electable of the top 3 GOP candidates. Once the second-tier moderate establishment candidates drop out after NH (Bush, Christie, Kasich), their supporters will flock to Rubio, and he'll have a clear shot at the nomination.
Electing politicians because they're electable. That's some democracy we got here.
Trump biggest loser tonight, Rubio biggest winner for establishing himself as the most centrist/electable of the top 3 GOP candidates. Once the second-tier moderate establishment candidates drop out after NH (Bush, Christie, Kasich), their supporters will flock to Rubio, and he'll have a clear shot at the nomination.
Electing politicians because they're electable. That's some democracy we got here.
Reality of a two party system is that the majority of voters will vote for the candidate of their party of choice, regardless of who it is. But to win the electoral college, one side's candidate has to appeal more to centrist/independent voters over the other.
"Electable" in the sense it's being used now means "able to capture a significant amount centrist/independent voters" in the general election. Trump, Cruz, and Bernie all get questioned on their "electability" because they each have things about them that are too extremely left or right for centrist voters to latch onto. Rubio has less of those concerns than a Trump or Cruz for the GOP. For instance, I'm centrist and would never vote Cruz or Trump, but would definitely consider Rubio.
In short, democracy is about electing the people who encompass the views and support of the highest % of people, and in this case thats Rubio. Thus making him more "electable."
Trump biggest loser tonight, Rubio biggest winner for establishing himself as the most centrist/electable of the top 3 GOP candidates. Once the second-tier moderate establishment candidates drop out after NH (Bush, Christie, Kasich), their supporters will flock to Rubio, and he'll have a clear shot at the nomination.
Electing politicians because they're electable. That's some democracy we got here.
Reality of a two party system is that the majority of voters will vote for the candidate of their party of choice, regardless of who it is. But to win the electoral college, one side's candidate has to appeal more to centrist/independent voters over the other.
"Electable" in the sense it's being used now means "able to capture a significant amount centrist/independent voters" in the general election. Trump, Cruz, and Bernie all get questioned on their "electability" because they each have things about them that are too extremely left or right for centrist voters to latch onto. Rubio has less of those concerns than a Trump or Cruz for the GOP. For instance, I'm centrist and would never vote Cruz or Trump, but would definitely consider Rubio.
In short, democracy is about electing the people who encompass the views and support of the highest % of people, and in this case thats Rubio. Thus making him more "electable."
Christ, in the State of Washington, Jeb could have got a way lower cost-per-dead voter than in Iowa. Pretty sure King County dead people votes are going for less than $250 each these days.
Or wanting a handout.
"Electable" in the sense it's being used now means "able to capture a significant amount centrist/independent voters" in the general election. Trump, Cruz, and Bernie all get questioned on their "electability" because they each have things about them that are too extremely left or right for centrist voters to latch onto. Rubio has less of those concerns than a Trump or Cruz for the GOP. For instance, I'm centrist and would never vote Cruz or Trump, but would definitely consider Rubio.
In short, democracy is about electing the people who encompass the views and support of the highest % of people, and in this case thats Rubio. Thus making him more "electable."
How comforting.
Interesting little chart about $$$ spent versus vote received:
Choose a side and let's roll