not supposed to a "whoosh" just my opinion of him.. greatest QB of all time tho... just comes of like a douche to me.. but it's probably just me..
Tom Brady has 4 rings. Manning has 1. Maybe Manning has some better stats? But who fucking cares dude? He's one ring away from being a Dan Marino fucking looser.
And it's funny you're willing to call Brady a cheater (deflate gate was a fucking joke btw...butthurt Colts), and not acknowledge that Manning is probably injecting HGH into his massive fucking forehead every night.
I like to talk pro football on HH, its what I like to do. Put that same passion into husky football and you might last.
I hate pro football. Just stating facts.
Anyways, Husky football is dead until proven otherwise so what's the point in talking about it? Roll Tide.
Well youngin, a fan follows a team thru tuff times. Good and bad. A dude in mid life crisis jumps on a winner, to feel good about oneself. Psych 101.
The Ty years were hard on everybody, the Sark years were worse. Ty at least left Sark a QB, some depth. Sark left Peter nothing. 3 thoroughbreds and 82 dwarf ponies. You clearly abandoned your team when support was needed most.. When Petersen, after 3-5 years, makes UW a legit playoff team you will not be allowed back on wagon. Will save this. You wrote off UW, Petersen and doubled down.
You're already starting to squeal J as its clear Peter could contend next year, a year early. Too bad though you gave up on Pete, UW after 2 years. Ill personally be there to bootstomp your cunt when you try.
Did you jump off hawks wagon? Fuck yeah you did. You're weari n g a Cam jersey right now. BTW, bitches dont like grown men who wear jerseys