Go fuck yourself - I don't give a fuck what you were referencing.
I'M referencing you being a stupid asshole, and that IS on topic.
As always, another pleasant discourse. It's too bad you can't stay on track, this is clearly a hot-button topic for you that may require closure.
My only regret is that I couldn't get you to drop the 'fucking goat' bomb. That would have been a success.
Have another jack-and-coke. Hold the coke.
Holy shit you got destroyed and you don't even realize it. Here's another example. The lady that spilled McDonald's coffee on her and win millions.
The point he's making that's clearly lost on you, is that using settlements to show someone was right is fucktarded.
Okay, some dumbass had to bring it up, so here you go:
McD's Hot Coffee Facts: 79 y.o. Liebeck was hospitalized for eight days while she underwent skin grafting, followed by two years of medical treatment. Liebeck suffered permanent disfigurement after the incident and was partially disabled for two years. (Scorched pussy takes awhile to heal.)
Other documents obtained from McDonald's showed that from 1982 to 1992 the company had received more than 700 reports of people burned by McDonald's coffee to varying degrees of severity, and had settled claims arising from scalding injuries for more than $500,000. McDonald's quality control manager, Christopher Appleton, testified that this number of injuries was insufficient to cause the company to evaluate its practices. He argued that all foods hotter than 130 °F (54 °C) constituted a burn hazard, and that restaurants had more pressing dangers to warn about.
Lieback offered to settle the case for $20,000 to cover her medical expenses and lost income. But McDonald’s never offered more than $800, so the case went to trial. Jury awarded 2.86 million. Judge reduced it to 640k. McDonald's appealed & settled case during appeal.
No matter how you feel about the outcome, that's one dumbass corporation begging to have the fuck sued out of it.
Still doesn't excuse the fact that people should know coffee is hot and not be surprised when it burns them.
And you are illustrating the point. The science on hot things burning you is settled. But people won money in settlements even tho we know that for a fact.
Go fuck yourself - I don't give a fuck what you were referencing.
I'M referencing you being a stupid asshole, and that IS on topic.
As always, another pleasant discourse. It's too bad you can't stay on track, this is clearly a hot-button topic for you that may require closure.
My only regret is that I couldn't get you to drop the 'fucking goat' bomb. That would have been a success.
Have another jack-and-coke. Hold the coke.
Holy shit you got destroyed and you don't even realize it. Here's another example. The lady that spilled McDonald's coffee on her and win millions.
The point he's making that's clearly lost on you, is that using settlements to show someone was right is fucktarded.
Okay, some dumbass had to bring it up, so here you go:
McD's Hot Coffee Facts: 79 y.o. Liebeck was hospitalized for eight days while she underwent skin grafting, followed by two years of medical treatment. Liebeck suffered permanent disfigurement after the incident and was partially disabled for two years. (Scorched pussy takes awhile to heal.)
Other documents obtained from McDonald's showed that from 1982 to 1992 the company had received more than 700 reports of people burned by McDonald's coffee to varying degrees of severity, and had settled claims arising from scalding injuries for more than $500,000. McDonald's quality control manager, Christopher Appleton, testified that this number of injuries was insufficient to cause the company to evaluate its practices. He argued that all foods hotter than 130 °F (54 °C) constituted a burn hazard, and that restaurants had more pressing dangers to warn about.
Lieback offered to settle the case for $20,000 to cover her medical expenses and lost income. But McDonald’s never offered more than $800, so the case went to trial. Jury awarded 2.86 million. Judge reduced it to 640k. McDonald's appealed & settled case during appeal.
No matter how you feel about the outcome, that's one dumbass corporation begging to have the fuck sued out of it.
Still doesn't excuse the fact that people should know coffee is hot and not be surprised when it burns them.
And you are illustrating the point. The science on hot things burning you is settled. But people won money in settlements even tho we know that for a fact.
I'd ask if you knew the difference between 2nd and 3rd degree burns, but it's clear I'd be wasting my time.
I honestly don't recall any of your other poasts outside of this thread.
I'm not wantonly saying "vaccines are bad" either. I'm saying there is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest the issue needs another thorough look. And given there are "lies, damn lies, and statistics", I want to see evidence from an entity that doesn't have a billion dollar revenue stream to protect.
For fucks sake, look how "successful" the flu and hpv vaccines have been, and those aren't even being pumped into under developed/developing young people (infants/toddlers).
I haven't responded to your question because the underlying premise is fallacious in that it imputes if someone doesn't have a certain modicum of experience in a field they are not entitled to an opinion.
Since you need a clue on how far out in front of your question I was, @brents (rip) was famous for for saying "if you haven't coached/played college football, you have no right to an opinion on what you see out on the field".
Hope this helps.
I don't remember how long ago it was, but I posted the Danish MMR study in one of the previous vaccine threads. It should satisfy the outside perspective you requested. Here's the link again: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa021134
This is an interesting study. When you add up the autism rate, and the autism spectrum rate, it is roughly equal to the 1:68 we are experiencing in the states.
What makes this whole thing exceedingly more difficult, is when you read about stories when the parents are sure negative changes happened as a result of inoculation, it not just MMR but a series of inoculations (4-6) in the same day.
I honestly don't recall any of your other poasts outside of this thread.
I'm not wantonly saying "vaccines are bad" either. I'm saying there is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest the issue needs another thorough look. And given there are "lies, damn lies, and statistics", I want to see evidence from an entity that doesn't have a billion dollar revenue stream to protect.
For fucks sake, look how "successful" the flu and hpv vaccines have been, and those aren't even being pumped into under developed/developing young people (infants/toddlers).
I haven't responded to your question because the underlying premise is fallacious in that it imputes if someone doesn't have a certain modicum of experience in a field they are not entitled to an opinion.
Since you need a clue on how far out in front of your question I was, @brents (rip) was famous for for saying "if you haven't coached/played college football, you have no right to an opinion on what you see out on the field".
Hope this helps.
And maybe it's just me, but I don't see the rationale for why it's just vaccines and not all pharmaceuticals or healthcare in general. I mean, take a look at this list: www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/side-effects.htm and compare it against numerous other classes of drugs. They're actually pretty safe compared to some of the other things we give people. Or hell, if it's drug safety in general, look at all the opioid overdoses going on around the US, which reached about 25,000 deaths this year.
You are preaching to the choir. Thats why I think nothing should be sacred when we are searching for answers to the rise in autism rates (among other things, ie opioid addiction, depression/anxiety/adhd, cancer treatments).
I think the over-perscription of medication is one of the major problems our society faces.
If people simply worked out for 20 minutes a day, meditated for 20 minutes a day and ate non-processed, vegetable based diets, we would lose the need pharmaceuticals and healthcare at a rate that would be staggering.
I honestly don't recall any of your other poasts outside of this thread.
I'm not wantonly saying "vaccines are bad" either. I'm saying there is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest the issue needs another thorough look. And given there are "lies, damn lies, and statistics", I want to see evidence from an entity that doesn't have a billion dollar revenue stream to protect.
For fucks sake, look how "successful" the flu and hpv vaccines have been, and those aren't even being pumped into under developed/developing young people (infants/toddlers).
I haven't responded to your question because the underlying premise is fallacious in that it imputes if someone doesn't have a certain modicum of experience in a field they are not entitled to an opinion.
Since you need a clue on how far out in front of your question I was, @brents (rip) was famous for for saying "if you haven't coached/played college football, you have no right to an opinion on what you see out on the field".
Hope this helps.
As for brent's logical fallacy, it wasn't so much whether you can have an opinion or not, but how you were interpreting the evidence. For example, the $2 billion in damages that you cited earlier was over a 21 year period paid by every vaccine manufacturer for every type of vaccine. Compare that to Takeda's and Lilly's $9 billion lawsuit over Actos http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/09/business/international/japanese-drug-maker-ordered-to-pay-6-billion-over-cancer-claims.html And that's just one drug from one manufacturer (Lilly was US distributor). I mean, yeah $2 billion seems like a lot, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to healthcare in general.
I hear your point that $2B is a relative drop in the bucket. But what is more damning and to my point, is that some sort of 'independent' intermediary is determining actual damage occurred and continues to occur for 20+ years. That implies a level of consistency that should be unacceptable without giving parents a full understanding of cost vs benefit.
And, IMO, it's surely not consistent enough to compel action by legal means and thus removing the parents inalienable right to choose for their child. (see: california)
If people simply worked out for 20 minutes a day, meditated for 20 minutes a day and ate non-processed, vegetable based diets, we would lose the need pharmaceuticals and healthcare at a rate that would be staggering.
What a coincidence, that's how smallpox and polio were eradicated.
If people simply worked out for 20 minutes a day, meditated for 20 minutes a day and ate non-processed, vegetable based diets, we would lose the need pharmaceuticals and healthcare at a rate that would be staggering.
What a coincidence, that's how smallpox and polio were eradicated.
2 different issues. Pawz is right on the lifestyle stuff for heart disease and the like. Maybe even RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME a real killer in American life.
But not for the stuff we vaccinate for. I lived when there were still a couple of polio kids in our grade school. Not pretty. We got all our shots and were thankful for it.
The live a healthier lifestyle stuff will be a part of Big Brother in a couple of decades when we all have free healthcare and death panels.
If people simply worked out for 20 minutes a day, meditated for 20 minutes a day and ate non-processed, vegetable based diets, we would lose the need pharmaceuticals and healthcare at a rate that would be staggering.
What a coincidence, that's how smallpox and polio were eradicated.
2 different issues. Pawz is right on the lifestyle stuff for heart disease and the like. Maybe even RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME a real killer in American life.
But not for the stuff we vaccinate for. I lived when there were still a couple of polio kids in our grade school. Not pretty. We got all our shots and were thankful for it.
The live a healthier lifestyle stuff will be a part of Big Brother in a couple of decades when we all have free healthcare and death panels.
Vaccines have been great for things like polio and the like that are all but eradicated. I don't even have a problem with MMR and others that have been around for a long time.
What I'd like to know more about is the compounding effects of all the neuvo vaccines in the schedule.
In 1983 children would receive 10 vaccines before the age of 6. As of 2013 it's 36 before age 6.
If people simply worked out for 20 minutes a day, meditated for 20 minutes a day and ate non-processed, vegetable based diets, we would lose the need pharmaceuticals and healthcare at a rate that would be staggering.
What a coincidence, that's how smallpox and polio were eradicated.
2 different issues. Pawz is right on the lifestyle stuff for heart disease and the like. Maybe even RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME a real killer in American life.
But not for the stuff we vaccinate for. I lived when there were still a couple of polio kids in our grade school. Not pretty. We got all our shots and were thankful for it.
The live a healthier lifestyle stuff will be a part of Big Brother in a couple of decades when we all have free healthcare and death panels.
Vaccines have been great for things like polio and the like that are all but eradicated. I don't even have a problem with MMR and others that have been around for a long time.
What I'd like to know more about is the compounding effects of all the neuvo vaccines in the schedule.
In 1983 children would receive 10 vaccines before the age of 6. As of 2013 it's 36 before age 6.
Anyway, the point of all this is that there are benefits and risks inherent in every healthcare decision. Yes, vaccines have risks. Yes, vaccines have benefits. And for 99.99% of people, the benefits outweigh the risks.
To address your specific points: yes, you'll read stories on the internet or in the news about parents concerns with vaccines. It happens. I read a report about a 20-year old male who developed 46DD breasts on one drug. Things happen. The thing you need to consider in these situations is power and bias. How many people were involved? Who is doing the reporting? What objective evidence did they present? Did they present everything about the patient or the incident?
Yes, medications are over-prescribed but it goes back to the risks versus benefit thing earlier.
Yes, vaccines have had adverse events for 20+ years. So does everything. There are cancer drugs that cause cancer. Just because one thing has some serious events doesn't mean it needs to be avoided, especially if it isn't killing them.
If people simply worked out for 20 minutes a day, meditated for 20 minutes a day and ate non-processed, vegetable based diets, we would lose the need pharmaceuticals and healthcare at a rate that would be staggering.
What a coincidence, that's how smallpox and polio were eradicated.
2 different issues. Pawz is right on the lifestyle stuff for heart disease and the like. Maybe even RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME a real killer in American life.
But not for the stuff we vaccinate for. I lived when there were still a couple of polio kids in our grade school. Not pretty. We got all our shots and were thankful for it.
The live a healthier lifestyle stuff will be a part of Big Brother in a couple of decades when we all have free healthcare and death panels.
Vaccines have been great for things like polio and the like that are all but eradicated. I don't even have a problem with MMR and others that have been around for a long time.
What I'd like to know more about is the compounding effects of all the neuvo vaccines in the schedule.
In 1983 children would receive 10 vaccines before the age of 6. As of 2013 it's 36 before age 6.
You must have received 156 to be this FS.
PM to @DerekJohnson, can we get a badge for the bored predicated on how many times HondaFS calls someone FS? I wanna wear that shit with pride. (not suchfagJ pride)
Anyway, the point of all this is that there are benefits and risks inherent in every healthcare decision. Yes, vaccines have risks. Yes, vaccines have benefits. And for 99.99% of people, the benefits outweigh the risks.
To address your specific points: yes, you'll read stories on the internet or in the news about parents concerns with vaccines. It happens. I read a report about a 20-year old male who developed 46DD breasts on one drug. Things happen. The thing you need to consider in these situations is power and bias. How many people were involved? Who is doing the reporting? What objective evidence did they present? Did they present everything about the patient or the incident?
Yes, medications are over-prescribed but it goes back to the risks versus benefit thing earlier.
Yes, vaccines have had adverse events for 20+ years. So does everything. There are cancer drugs that cause cancer. Just because one thing has some serious events doesn't mean it needs to be avoided, especially if it isn't killing them.
This is coming across as extremely disingenuous. The whole point of the debate is if the pendulum has swing too far. Your tone suggests that isn't possible and so what if it does.
So what if autism rates are off the charts and growing.
So what if people are chasing opioid addiction untill they have Pennsylvania railroad track marks from their taint to their navel.
So what if there is another movie theater shootout each week due to the deleterious effects of the over prescribed effects of psychotropic meds.
Could you move this to a board on Vashon? They got all kinds of rabid anti-vax fanatics over there. And when the Pox gets 'em, hey, cheap waterfront land. Sorry Swaye. Nothing personal. And they're all snow white anyway.
I'm pretty sure I got all those vaccines now that you mention that. I probably just don't remember the ones before age 3-4.
I'm cool with it though because the more drugs the better IMO. Drugs are fuckin sweet.
If "they" (fuck "they" by the way) wanna pump my kids full of vaccines, that's cool. I'm fine with that. I'm sure my kids would take the minuscule chance of getting cancer or autism over the alternative which is a chance of getting an equally fucked up preventable disease and dying young.
Go fuck yourself - I don't give a fuck what you were referencing.
I'M referencing you being a stupid asshole, and that IS on topic.
As always, another pleasant discourse. It's too bad you can't stay on track, this is clearly a hot-button topic for you that may require closure.
My only regret is that I couldn't get you to drop the 'fucking goat' bomb. That would have been a success.
Have another jack-and-coke. Hold the coke.
Holy shit you got destroyed and you don't even realize it. Here's another example. The lady that spilled McDonald's coffee on her and win millions.
The point he's making that's clearly lost on you, is that using settlements to show someone was right is fucktarded.
Okay, some dumbass had to bring it up, so here you go:
McD's Hot Coffee Facts: 79 y.o. Liebeck was hospitalized for eight days while she underwent skin grafting, followed by two years of medical treatment. Liebeck suffered permanent disfigurement after the incident and was partially disabled for two years. (Scorched pussy takes awhile to heal.)
Other documents obtained from McDonald's showed that from 1982 to 1992 the company had received more than 700 reports of people burned by McDonald's coffee to varying degrees of severity, and had settled claims arising from scalding injuries for more than $500,000. McDonald's quality control manager, Christopher Appleton, testified that this number of injuries was insufficient to cause the company to evaluate its practices. He argued that all foods hotter than 130 °F (54 °C) constituted a burn hazard, and that restaurants had more pressing dangers to warn about.
Lieback offered to settle the case for $20,000 to cover her medical expenses and lost income. But McDonald’s never offered more than $800, so the case went to trial. Jury awarded 2.86 million. Judge reduced it to 640k. McDonald's appealed & settled case during appeal.
No matter how you feel about the outcome, that's one dumbass corporation begging to have the fuck sued out of it.
Still doesn't excuse the fact that people should know coffee is hot and not be surprised when it burns them.
And you are illustrating the point. The science on hot things burning you is settled. But people won money in settlements even tho we know that for a fact.
of course there is a burn hazard when dealing with coffee. However there should not be a risk of 3rd degree burns. McDonalds was negligent and deserved to get the fuck sued out of them in that case. Doesn't surprise me that you are one of the many ill-informed on this issue though
Go fuck yourself - I don't give a fuck what you were referencing.
I'M referencing you being a stupid asshole, and that IS on topic.
As always, another pleasant discourse. It's too bad you can't stay on track, this is clearly a hot-button topic for you that may require closure.
My only regret is that I couldn't get you to drop the 'fucking goat' bomb. That would have been a success.
Have another jack-and-coke. Hold the coke.
Holy shit you got destroyed and you don't even realize it. Here's another example. The lady that spilled McDonald's coffee on her and win millions.
The point he's making that's clearly lost on you, is that using settlements to show someone was right is fucktarded.
Okay, some dumbass had to bring it up, so here you go:
McD's Hot Coffee Facts: 79 y.o. Liebeck was hospitalized for eight days while she underwent skin grafting, followed by two years of medical treatment. Liebeck suffered permanent disfigurement after the incident and was partially disabled for two years. (Scorched pussy takes awhile to heal.)
Other documents obtained from McDonald's showed that from 1982 to 1992 the company had received more than 700 reports of people burned by McDonald's coffee to varying degrees of severity, and had settled claims arising from scalding injuries for more than $500,000. McDonald's quality control manager, Christopher Appleton, testified that this number of injuries was insufficient to cause the company to evaluate its practices. He argued that all foods hotter than 130 °F (54 °C) constituted a burn hazard, and that restaurants had more pressing dangers to warn about.
Lieback offered to settle the case for $20,000 to cover her medical expenses and lost income. But McDonald’s never offered more than $800, so the case went to trial. Jury awarded 2.86 million. Judge reduced it to 640k. McDonald's appealed & settled case during appeal.
No matter how you feel about the outcome, that's one dumbass corporation begging to have the fuck sued out of it.
Still doesn't excuse the fact that people should know coffee is hot and not be surprised when it burns them.
And you are illustrating the point. The science on hot things burning you is settled. But people won money in settlements even tho we know that for a fact.
of course there is a burn hazard when dealing with coffee. However there should not be a risk of 3rd degree burns. McDonalds was negligent and deserved to get the fuck sued out of them in that case. Doesn't surprise me that you are one of the many ill-informed on this issue though
Step back from you McDonald's soapbox for a second. And realize the point that's being illustrated.
I hope your next big Mac gives you diarrhea for a week.
And you are illustrating the point. The science on hot things burning you is settled. But people won money in settlements even tho we know that for a fact.
Holy Mother of Hell
What makes this whole thing exceedingly more difficult, is when you read about stories when the parents are sure negative changes happened as a result of inoculation, it not just MMR but a series of inoculations (4-6) in the same day.
You are preaching to the choir. Thats why I think nothing should be sacred when we are searching for answers to the rise in autism rates (among other things, ie opioid addiction, depression/anxiety/adhd, cancer treatments).
I think the over-perscription of medication is one of the major problems our society faces.
If people simply worked out for 20 minutes a day, meditated for 20 minutes a day and ate non-processed, vegetable based diets, we would lose the need pharmaceuticals and healthcare at a rate that would be staggering.
I hear your point that $2B is a relative drop in the bucket. But what is more damning and to my point, is that some sort of 'independent' intermediary is determining actual damage occurred and continues to occur for 20+ years. That implies a level of consistency that should be unacceptable without giving parents a full understanding of cost vs benefit.
And, IMO, it's surely not consistent enough to compel action by legal means and thus removing the parents inalienable right to choose for their child. (see: california)
But not for the stuff we vaccinate for. I lived when there were still a couple of polio kids in our grade school. Not pretty. We got all our shots and were thankful for it.
The live a healthier lifestyle stuff will be a part of Big Brother in a couple of decades when we all have free healthcare and death panels.
What I'd like to know more about is the compounding effects of all the neuvo vaccines in the schedule.
In 1983 children would receive 10 vaccines before the age of 6. As of 2013 it's 36 before age 6.
To address your specific points: yes, you'll read stories on the internet or in the news about parents concerns with vaccines. It happens. I read a report about a 20-year old male who developed 46DD breasts on one drug. Things happen. The thing you need to consider in these situations is power and bias. How many people were involved? Who is doing the reporting? What objective evidence did they present? Did they present everything about the patient or the incident?
Here is a quick and easy guide to understanding medical literature: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/gim/training/Osler/osler_JAMA_Steps.html Make sure you read everything.
Yes, medications are over-prescribed but it goes back to the risks versus benefit thing earlier.
Yes, vaccines have had adverse events for 20+ years. So does everything. There are cancer drugs that cause cancer. Just because one thing has some serious events doesn't mean it needs to be avoided, especially if it isn't killing them.
So what if autism rates are off the charts and growing.
So what if people are chasing opioid addiction untill they have Pennsylvania railroad track marks from their taint to their navel.
So what if there is another movie theater shootout each week due to the deleterious effects of the over prescribed effects of psychotropic meds.
So fucking what.
Ironically, '88 is the year Congress passed tort indemnity for vaccine makers.
I'm pretty sure I got all those vaccines now that you mention that. I probably just don't remember the ones before age 3-4.
I'm cool with it though because the more drugs the better IMO. Drugs are fuckin sweet.
If "they" (fuck "they" by the way) wanna pump my kids full of vaccines, that's cool. I'm fine with that. I'm sure my kids would take the minuscule chance of getting cancer or autism over the alternative which is a chance of getting an equally fucked up preventable disease and dying young.
I hope your next big Mac gives you diarrhea for a week.