I don’t think Hugh is a racist but we’ve pointed out how odd it is that he’s favored white qb’s and been unduly harsh on black qb’s.
Hugh is a racist.
Look. @HeretoBeatmyChest never claimed that Hugh was racist. Show me a link where he said. He's just pointing out how Hugh prefers whites over blacks. Nothing to do with racism. At. All.
I don’t think Hugh is a racist but we’ve pointed out how odd it is that he’s favored white qb’s and been unduly harsh on black qb’s.
Hugh is a racist.
Look. @HeretoBeatmyChest never claimed that Hugh was racist. Show me a link where he said. He's just pointing out how Hugh prefers whites over blacks. Nothing to do with racism. At. All.
I don’t think Hugh is a racist but we’ve pointed out how odd it is that he’s favored white qb’s and been unduly harsh on black qb’s.
Hugh is a racist.
Look. @HeretoBeatmyChest never claimed that Hugh was racist. Show me a link where he said. He's just pointing out how Hugh prefers whites over blacks. Nothing to do with racism. At. All.
Puppy likes to fantasize about whipping blacks and getting fucked in the ass by them at the same time. That's some serious mental gymnastics. No wonder he needs his meds.
Puppy likes to fantasize about whipping blacks and getting fucked in the ass by them at the same time. That's some serious mental gymnastics. No wonder he needs his meds.
New Stadium Only lost to Oregon by 6 last season Highest Team GPA ever Apple Cup win Bowl win
Looks like Husky Football is as healthy as ever. What are you complaining about. Go root for oregon if you want to win by cheating. Real Huskie fans will be content with doing it the right way
You called the RA? What a pussy. Why not deal with the problem? Help him out? Put your ears betwixt your buddy's ass cheeks to muffle the sound? Anything but be a sissy little dorm-dork who calls the gestspo. No wonder you werent in a sorority snake12fie
Knows nothing of the history of the program and could less. Also, hates the fans.
Terrible. If she fills the position, final nail in the coffin that has already been nailed in will be nailed in again three times over.
Very few people in that department have passion for this program. Couldn't believe it when I was close to it.
How about another pumpy reminder for good measure.. Glad Woodward is gone huh? You ignant, short-term thinking blind bitches. Warned you of the danger and nobody here seemed to care. Reality is setting in now. Once TAMU hired woody, mens' sports at Washington took a poison arrow. How long until the venom completes its merciless mission is anyones guess. I say 6-8 years when Pete retires (his heart isnt into coaching long term, he's said as much). Then UW football is on the hind teat again. Hoops will already be long gone but Romar will still be collecting his Jesse Jackson endorsed paycheck and baseball will be scavenging on the leftover scraps from the softball team. You fucks need to wake up.
we need an image of St. Jen now team...something as magnificent as the St. Pat Haden image. She's earned it.
She has been, rightly so, treated with skepticism by us and we haven't believed a word of rhetoric that she's expounded, but she has walked the walk and delivered results.
If she changes the uniforms back to something that looks like Washington I will take a course in one of those Adobe software programs and do the image myself.
Stop twisting his words.
She has been, rightly so, treated with skepticism by us and we haven't believed a word of rhetoric that she's expounded, but she has walked the walk and delivered results.
If she changes the uniforms back to something that looks like Washington I will take a course in one of those Adobe software programs and do the image myself.