@salemcoog: Agree. For about 30-40% in college today, college is a debt-amassing scam that will do little to benefit them economically in the future. 10 years from now thousands of millennials and younger will complain that going to college was the worst decision they ever made. And they'll be right.
Great I know you are but what am I response as always
So in your feeble brain if someone points out that a lot of workers in this country would benefit from middle class jobs that have been lost to legal and illegal immigration that means that person is struggling and needs help?
Sounds like you're a fucking moron
Trade agreements and off shoring have gutted the middle class. Not illegals.
Abundance and more. There are multiple destructions of the middle class
It's not competing against an illegal for a job, you can get hired all day long in construction. You just have to work at the going wage that is set by illegals.
What was a middle class wage in the 70's isn't today. Yes, those who can adapt or start their own business can still thrive, but the thread is how do we help the vast middle. If we don't want to send all sorts of kids to college for no apparent reason we need to get trade schools back and make those good jobs again.
I installed carpet in the late 70's. When I left the business in 2007 installers were still getting paid the same.
Unions back the politicians who cut their throats.
Bingo bango bongo baby on the bolded section. Why anyone nowadays would send their kids to college to become hundreds of thousands of debt outta of the gate without a distinct highly marketable, n demand career path is beyond me. Better to be a steamfitter, electrician,developer or doctor and lawyer or such.
Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
FO,G and Hondo will go full fag for each other sooner or later. And hand jobs in the white center parking lot have little to do with taxes, or professional services.
FO,G and Hondo will go full fag for each other sooner or later. And hand jobs in the white center parking lot have little to do with taxes, or professional services.