I dont partake in you faggies' little "whooooooshes" and various other 4th grade shit . I just bring a fresh dose of reality to this sewing circle, when im not eating chocolate pie.
K'Tara Lopez, the mother of Texas freshman running back Chris Warren, told RealDawg.com that the family is "not timid about the transfer process," but will remain in the current "wait-and-see stage" with the head coaching situation in Austin. Strong is the right man for the Texas job, she believes, but the family is clearly preparing for the worst possible scenario already.
I dont partake in you faggies' little "whooooooshes" and various other 4th grade shit . I just bring a fresh dose of reality to this sewing circle, when im not eating chocolate pie.
Sark's mythical P12 championships from '13, '14, and '15 definitely agree
I dont partake in you faggies' little "whooooooshes" and various other 4th grade shit . I just bring a fresh dose of reality to this sewing circle, when im not eating chocolate pie.
I dont partake in you faggies' little "whooooooshes" and various other 4th grade shit . I just bring a fresh dose of reality to this sewing circle, when im not eating chocolate pie.
Sark's mythical P12 championships from '13, '14, and '15 definitely agree
#Kessler4Heisman #PuppyReality
Trojans firmly in place to win South. Guess puppy was wrong? 13'14'15? WTF you trying to say?
It's hard work being the only one in town next to Hugh who knows whats happening with this program. Steel2 and Yo Bates are in conversation, but Yo Bates wont come ou t of lurk mode. Paging Bates...step up
Don't need another one.
can't post a link when you saw it on KOMO 4 passing by
K'Tara Lopez, the mother of Texas freshman running back Chris Warren, told RealDawg.com that the family is "not timid about the transfer process," but will remain in the current "wait-and-see stage" with the head coaching situation in Austin. Strong is the right man for the Texas job, she believes, but the family is clearly preparing for the worst possible scenario already.