People forget that Hitler was a socialist who wanted to ban guns. Sounds a lot like Bernie. I'm not saying Bernie is going to exterminate the Jews, so stop twisting.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States
People forget that Hitler was a socialist who wanted to ban guns. Sounds a lot like Bernie. I'm not saying Bernie is going to exterminate the Jews, so stop twisting.
The war cry of the dumbfucks....and in your case, expected.
People forget that Hitler was a socialist who wanted to ban guns. Sounds a lot like Bernie. I'm not saying Bernie is going to exterminate the Jews, so stop twisting.
The war cry of the dumbfucks....and in your case, expected.
If a couple more posters use it, then it will be Yet Another Meme I Originated.
People forget that Hitler was a socialist who wanted to ban guns. Sounds a lot like Bernie. I'm not saying Bernie is going to exterminate the Jews, so stop twisting.
The war cry of the dumbfucks....and in your case, expected.
If a couple more posters use it, then it will be Yet Another Meme I Originated.
People forget that Hitler was a socialist who wanted to ban guns. Sounds a lot like Bernie. I'm not saying Bernie is going to exterminate the Jews, so stop twisting.
The middle class won't get any relief from Sanders and will likely get fucked worse. Those programs don't pay for themselves.
Look at who pays for all this green bullshit. Raising the price of gas hurts the poor and middle
Fuck all ya all
The president controls the price of gas?
Only Bush Only Republicans do this
California has a 60 cent a gallon tax for climate change. And wants more. Leave? Again, the president determines the Cali gas tax. Fuck you.
What does closing coal plants do to electric prices? IDGAF because hydro, solar, wind, bitch. Coal is for fags.
What does not drilling and building pipelines do to prices? Huh? Do you have a clue about domestic oil production? Are you in favor of the Keystone XL pipeline that will take Canadian tar sand oil to the gulf coast? Why would anyone but an oil company stooge want that?
Simple economics son. So simple you don't get it.
No one was insulting your boyfriend Pucker up cunt lips, I'm coming in dry.
There is more support for a standing army if needed for defense in the Constitution than there is for a right to privacy
Nice troll job though