Doesn't matter. Biden will make a late entry and Sanders will be plungered in the polls.
Seriously doubt that. Biden doesn't want the job of campaigning.
Oh, and to your prior claim that Bernie is a wimp, google the news reports that a few of his former employees have complained that he is an ass hole that worked them too hard.
Doesn't matter. Biden will make a late entry and Sanders will be plungered in the polls.
Seriously doubt that. Biden doesn't want the job of campaigning.
Oh, and to your prior claim that Bernie is a wimp, google the news reports that a few of his former employees have complained that he is an ass hole that worked them too hard.
Biden might not even have to run. Recent polls show Hillary actually growing her lead on Sanders. How that's possible I have no idea. But if Bernie can't pass Hillary now, he never will. Frankly, I think all three would be a disaster, so I really don't have a dog in the fight. Sanders is way too far left to be considered, kind of the same problem Cruz (too far right) has in the republican race. I think Bernie is more qualified than Hillary. But his positions just don't connect with middle america. The dems know this, which is way they are throwing everything at Biden to run.
I don't think I ever called Bernie a wimp. I don't know enough about him yet to make that assumption, so I'm wrong if I did. I know I called Obama a wimp many times, which he is.
Doesn't matter. Biden will make a late entry and Sanders will be plungered in the polls.
Seriously doubt that. Biden doesn't want the job of campaigning.
Oh, and to your prior claim that Bernie is a wimp, google the news reports that a few of his former employees have complained that he is an ass hole that worked them too hard.
But his positions just don't connect with middle america. The dems know this, which is way they are throwing everything at Biden to run.
I think his positions do indeed resonate with middle american and the middle class. Thought they may not resonate with the top 5%.
As to some dems encouraging Biden, I think that has more to do with Cronyism than it does with a fear that Sanders can't get elected. Those particular dems want jobs in the new administration, and they believe they are more likely to get those jobs if Biden is in office -- Sanders is more likely to bring in a lot of outsiders instead of dem insiders.
Doesn't matter. Biden will make a late entry and Sanders will be plungered in the polls.
Seriously doubt that. Biden doesn't want the job of campaigning.
Oh, and to your prior claim that Bernie is a wimp, google the news reports that a few of his former employees have complained that he is an ass hole that worked them too hard.
Biden might not even have to run. Recent polls show Hillary actually growing her lead on Sanders. How that's possible I have no idea. But if Bernie can't pass Hillary now, he never will. Frankly, I think all three would be a disaster, so I really don't have a dog in the fight. Sanders is way too far left to be considered, kind of the same problem Cruz (too far right) has in the republican race. I think Bernie is more qualified than Hillary. But his positions just don't connect with middle america. The dems know this, which is way they are throwing everything at Biden to run.
I don't think I ever called Bernie a wimp. I don't know enough about him yet to make that assumption, so I'm wrong if I did. I know I called Obama a wimp many times, which he is.
Doesn't matter. Biden will make a late entry and Sanders will be plungered in the polls.
Seriously doubt that. Biden doesn't want the job of campaigning.
Oh, and to your prior claim that Bernie is a wimp, google the news reports that a few of his former employees have complained that he is an ass hole that worked them too hard.
Biden might not even have to run. Recent polls show Hillary actually growing her lead on Sanders. How that's possible I have no idea. But if Bernie can't pass Hillary now, he never will. Frankly, I think all three would be a disaster, so I really don't have a dog in the fight. Sanders is way too far left to be considered, kind of the same problem Cruz (too far right) has in the republican race. I think Bernie is more qualified than Hillary. But his positions just don't connect with middle america. The dems know this, which is way they are throwing everything at Biden to run.
I don't think I ever called Bernie a wimp. I don't know enough about him yet to make that assumption, so I'm wrong if I did. I know I called Obama a wimp many times, which he is.
Many of his positions do. The media likes to paint him as fringe because their bosses will pay higher taxes if he's elected. Like Ozone said he doesn't really represent the top 1-2% who are interested in only tax dodging, offshore accounts, and low tax rates. That still leaves 98%.
At the moment he is explaining where Obama went wrong.
Bernie is certainly goofy, reminds me of a college prof. But I still think he is the best one running.
The VFW rates him highly.
Oh, and to your prior claim that Bernie is a wimp, google the news reports that a few of his former employees have complained that he is an ass hole that worked them too hard.
I don't think I ever called Bernie a wimp. I don't know enough about him yet to make that assumption, so I'm wrong if I did. I know I called Obama a wimp many times, which he is.
As to some dems encouraging Biden, I think that has more to do with Cronyism than it does with a fear that Sanders can't get elected. Those particular dems want jobs in the new administration, and they believe they are more likely to get those jobs if Biden is in office -- Sanders is more likely to bring in a lot of outsiders instead of dem insiders.
Look at who pays for all this green bullshit. Raising the price of gas hurts the poor and middle
Fuck all ya all