I realize you only have the education of an 8th grader, but I'd hope you'd realize that 10 years isn't very far back when you consider the geologic age of the earth. So in other words.... you might want more data points before trying to refute anything...
As long as I'm reeling off Patton quotes, this one makes sense to me after spending some time in the Arab world:
"To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammed and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab. He is exactly as he was around the year 700, while we have kept on developing."
Both sides are extreme/retarded, but the violence and killing is ridiculous. Nobody tried to kill Seth McFarlane for his Jesus jokes.
People are outraged over wedding cakes but muslims acting like savages gets the victims blamed
Go figure
It's kind of like how environmentalists are so courageous in protesting the US Government but you would never see them trying to protest the Chinese government on the issue of pollution.
I'm ok with this bloodbath.
Where's my DAWGS at?
Go figure
"To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammed and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab. He is exactly as he was around the year 700, while we have kept on developing."
First Amendment: Freedom of Speech.
Second Amendment: Right to bear arms.
Right of Self Defense: Recognized in all 50 states and by the Federal Government.
What part don't you understand?
FYI, I love flags and WTF's. It let's me know I'm getting to you.