The way it has worked on HHB for years is that somebody comes over the the HHB site, claims doogman is rotten, then gets a few days worth of hazing. If you haven't been kicked off doogman altogether you are encouraged to leave the HHB site (which moves around twice annually or so; it's now here) immediately. But, some of the guys here haven't had a date since Clinton was in office, and make a lot of trips to Costco for hand cream to support their masturbation habits in their mom's basement.
The way it has worked on HHB for years is that somebody comes over the the HHB site, claims doogman is rotten, then gets a few days worth of hazing. If you haven't been kicked off doogman altogether you are encouraged to leave the HHB site (which moves around twice annually or so; it's now here) immediately. But, some of the guys here haven't had a date since Clinton was in office, and make a lot of trips to Costco for hand cream to support their masturbation habits in their mom's basement.
They don't sell my brand at COSTCO.
Try Sam's Club
That's why I keep paying here, premium content like this. :-h
There should be some kind of way to apply for refugee status and apply for asylum. The problem is that a poster coming over from doogman has to undo years of programming under the stalinist inspired system there. He has to be able to learn new terms like "pole" instead of poll, "poast" instead of post, and locations of hand lotions (coupons etc). It is no longer a question of "I hate Oregon," "we are young, give the team another year," etc. All of this programming must be altered. The problem is that some poasters cannot adapt to the freewheeling style of no-moderation, and return to doogman.
There should be some kind of way to apply for refugee status and apply for asylum. The problem is that a poster coming over from doogman has to undo years of programming under the stalinist inspired system there. He has to be able to learn new terms like "pole" instead of poll, "poast" instead of post, and locations of hand lotions (coupons etc). It is no longer a question of "I hate Oregon," "we are young, give the team another year," etc. All of this programming must be altered. The problem is that some poasters cannot adapt to the freewheeling style of no-moderation, and return to doogman.
There should be some kind of way to apply for refugee status and apply for asylum. The problem is that a poster coming over from doogman has to undo years of programming under the stalinist inspired system there. He has to be able to learn new terms like "pole" instead of poll, "poast" instead of post, and locations of hand lotions (coupons etc). It is no longer a question of "I hate Oregon," "we are young, give the team another year," etc. All of this programming must be altered. The problem is that some poasters cannot adapt to the freewheeling style of no-moderation, and return to doogman.
Like Russia after the fall of the Berlin Wall
Exactly. Some people could not adopt and still want the return of the old system, which was awful, but they only way they knew how to cope.
There should be some kind of way to apply for refugee status and apply for asylum. The problem is that a poster coming over from doogman has to undo years of programming under the stalinist inspired system there. He has to be able to learn new terms like "pole" instead of poll, "poast" instead of post, and locations of hand lotions (coupons etc). It is no longer a question of "I hate Oregon," "we are young, give the team another year," etc. All of this programming must be altered. The problem is that some poasters cannot adapt to the freewheeling style of no-moderation, and return to doogman.
Like Russia after the fall of the Berlin Wall
Exactly. Some people could not adopt and still want the return of the old system, which was awful, but they only way they knew how to cope.
When did having sex become awful? Why the big push for adoption? Do you have an agenda?
There should be some kind of way to apply for refugee status and apply for asylum. The problem is that a poster coming over from doogman has to undo years of programming under the stalinist inspired system there. He has to be able to learn new terms like "pole" instead of poll, "poast" instead of post, and locations of hand lotions (coupons etc). It is no longer a question of "I hate Oregon," "we are young, give the team another year," etc. All of this programming must be altered. The problem is that some poasters cannot adapt to the freewheeling style of no-moderation, and return to doogman.
Like Russia after the fall of the Berlin Wall
Exactly. Some people could not adopt and still want the return of the old system, which was awful, but they only way they knew how to cope.
When did having sex become awful? Why the big push for adoption? Do you have an agenda?
I've bounced around scout, rivals, and 247. Shame Bob's blog is gone because that was everything we needed. There isn't a real core place to fanatically follow Husky football anymore. Also, Sark's regime is kind of stagnant. It feels like more people are excited about the stadium than the actual team. From lurking, I can tell that people here share a similar opinion with me about the Dawgman moderators. I wouldn't be so, uh, vulgar in my descriptions but yes -- they are a total joke. There are some very, very good posters there that I think highly of. Yaledawg and Tailgater among them.
I really want Sark to do well and have pulled hard for him, I mean christ my four years at UW were the Willingham years so I was just begging for someone to give me hop, but admittedly it is hard to keep the faith these days. No offensive identity. Never committing to the run. Holt. His handling of Price. Most unforgiving: offensive line play + recruiting. The Dawgman moderators say that people have been clamoring for Sark to fail since the beginning. I don't think that's true at all, I think if he went 13-0 next year everyone would be losing their minds in how awesome it is.
Choose stuff newbie, welcome, but Yaledawg is a fucking fraud. His film analysis cracks me up. Dude has no fucking clue how to analyze film
well I was the first Guy to say Sarks '09 team was his best and his best coaching. That got me banned by that little buttsniffer Kim. Still stand by it. At least here I can say it. Stick around, aside from a few turdburglers, this site is cool
well I was the first Guy to say Sarks '09 team was his best and his best coaching. That got me banned by that little buttsniffer Kim. Still stand by it. At least here I can say it. Stick around, aside from a few turdburglers, this site is cool
I'm glad you enjoy it here puppysteele. You're welcome.
I've bounced around scout, rivals, and 247. Shame Bob's blog is gone because that was everything we needed. There isn't a real core place to fanatically follow Husky football anymore. Also, Sark's regime is kind of stagnant. It feels like more people are excited about the stadium than the actual team. From lurking, I can tell that people here share a similar opinion with me about the Dawgman moderators. I wouldn't be so, uh, vulgar in my descriptions but yes -- they are a total joke. There are some very, very good posters there that I think highly of. Yaledawg and Tailgater among them.
I really want Sark to do well and have pulled hard for him, I mean christ my four years at UW were the Willingham years so I was just begging for someone to give me hop, but admittedly it is hard to keep the faith these days. No offensive identity. Never committing to the run. Holt. His handling of Price. Most unforgiving: offensive line play + recruiting. The Dawgman moderators say that people have been clamoring for Sark to fail since the beginning. I don't think that's true at all, I think if he went 13-0 next year everyone would be losing their minds in how awesome it is.
Screw you a-hole! Sorry...just warming up.
Listen, you can't really be accepted here until you call kim a d-bag and eklund a waste of sperm - both of which are true.
I'm another Dawgman transfer here as well. Got an invite to come check it out over PM. Glad there is a place to go where you can actually criticize the program when it is deserved and not be told by the staff that you must be a miserable person and need to step away from the keyboard and go for a walk lol
I'm another Dawgman transfer here as well. Got an invite to come check it out over PM. Glad there is a place to go where you can actually criticize the program when it is deserved and not be told by the staff that you must be a miserable person and need to step away from the keyboard and go for a walk lol
When a North Korean defects, the South Korean government has to put them in a school for something like a year so they can make the cultural jump. Something to think about...
When a North Korean defects, the South Korean government has to put them in a school for something like a year so they can make the cultural jump. Something to think about...
Are you suggesting some sort of Hardcore Husky quarantine board?
When a North Korean defects, the South Korean government has to put them in a school for something like a year so they can make the cultural jump. Something to think about...
Are you suggesting some sort of Hardcore Husky quarantine board?
Don't know about him, but it's what I am suggesting.
How are the traffic numbers looking here DJ?
Major spike in posting members recently. I am scared. Change scares me. It's why I hate Obama.
When a North Korean defects, the South Korean government has to put them in a school for something like a year so they can make the cultural jump. Something to think about...
Are you suggesting some sort of Hardcore Husky quarantine board?
Don't know about him, but it's what I am suggesting.
How are the traffic numbers looking here DJ?
Major spike in posting members recently. I am scared. Change scares me. It's why I hate Obama.
Listen, you can't really be accepted here until you call kim a d-bag and eklund a waste of sperm - both of which are true.
How are the traffic numbers looking here DJ?
Major spike in posting members recently. I am scared. Change scares me. It's why I hate Obama.