No matter what the outcome of the game, I'll have a laugh at someone's expense. Coogs get prison ass raped and I snicker at their delusional undefeated fans. Ducks blow it and I snicker at Slingblade and their 12FS type fanbase. Either way, interesting... amusing & entertaining.
Announcers said a few min ago that during the pre game press conference Halliday was whining that he never gets mentioned in QB discussions and doesn't know why
Announcers said a few min ago that during the pre game press conference Halliday was whining that he never gets mentioned in QB discussions and doesn't know why
Maybe he should stand on a table in the middle of the CUB and yell "FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY"!
<,︻╦╤─ -- - - -- - -- Allahu Akbar الله اكبر
he's entitled to talk some shit. not his fault his defense and others blow chunks
Fucking Boobs logic strikes again.
You can say he is overrated and a product of his system, but he doesn't suck you fucking chode.
He sucks.
you seem to have a tenuous grasp on the English language in general
his stupid fuck coog receiver shouldn't have dropped an easy 1st down completion the play before